Monday, May 28, 2012


Here you are. It's dark, slightly cold. Surrounded by nothingness. Feelings of anticipation, wonder. Your nerves tingle inside, waiting in joy for what is to come.

It's quiet. Faintly you hear the low rumble of music. It gets louder and louder, changing melody ever so often. Never stopping.

At the right time, all is revealed. The curtain opens. And what lie behind it, is nothing short of a masterpiece. Moving, singing, breathing--art. All emotions are targeted. All feelings are felt.

Suspension, hope, love, fear--build in you as the masterpiece unfolds. During spare moments you ponder the actors on stage. Question their story. Appreciate their believability. Praise their portrayal.

You think about the sculptor of the art that you witness. You witness her vision come to life. So much detail. So much depth. So much heart and all her soul.

It comes to an end, and the crowd goes wild in praise for the job well done. In thanks for the chance to witness such beauty come to life. In gratitude for the lessons learned and the thought behind every smile, every step, every song, every motion.

There is a creator. And there is a creation. And in the middle of the amazingness.

I have been involved in theater and performance almost my entire life--and what I find funny is that I never thought about Creation. Like the creation story. In the beginning there was God. And that's it. There was nothingness---until He created everything. All things created led up to the very moment He breathed life into His very own children. And they were lovely because He loved them.

When I think about the musical I am in this summer, Titanic, I am overjoyed at how the Lord continuously is showing us all He is in control and using this experience for His glory. Our director has the Lord's cell phone number, and every moment is evidence to His vision pouring out into her, which pours out into the creative and technical teams, which pours out into our musical team, and then to us-the actor's. And when it is all said and done, we will be empty vessels used by the Lord in front of hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people. For 4 days. We get to be artwork-created by the Creator himself. What a blessing to be. What a blessing to SEE.

When I think about Creation like I think about theater, my heart melts. The Lord sent to me a way I would understand the importance and magnitude and amazingness that is the creation story. The beginning of God's love story with us, his children.

Wow--our God is so cool :)

In Him,