Thursday, May 10, 2012

Photographable Moments

If you do not know me well, let me introduce this blog by introducing me a little bit. I am a 24 year old woman who has the soul of a 50 year old, yet the youthful innocence of a 4 year old. Everything in this world enchants me. Sunsets, daffodils, rainbows, rainy days, sunflowers, Christmas lights, skyscrapers, butterflies, snowflakes, ocean waves, the smell of fall, campfires, acoustic guitars--and the list seriously could go on forever. These things excite my heart, make me SMILE to the depths of my soul. They...romance me if you will. If you have ever read some of my other blogs you have probably figured out that I am a teacher. But the part I don't talk about often is the part of me that is a photographer as well. I am part of a partnership called Vintage Daydreams Photography. My friend Anna and I have a mantra, of taking ordinary things in the world that most people would pass right by, and showing how they can be turned into something beautiful. I LOVE doing this part of my job, because isn't this what God does with us every single day? I am blessed to know many inspirational Jesus followers in my life and so many of them are blessed with this gift of truly and genuinely seeing everyone they encounter as God sees them. What a wonderful gift! It's so easy to see the outside, or the negative, or the ways they might be failing--but to see them as our Creator sees THAT is beautiful!

God is in the business of turning our messes into things of pure beauty that glorify His name to the ends of the earth. Shouldn't we aim to do this in our lives as well?

What sparked the idea for this subject matter is photography. Being a photographer we often creep other photographers-for inspiration, and tips, great ideas, props, etc. What I LOVE when photogs do, is take a normal moment with their family and show the world how 'special' it indeed is. Birthday parties, outdoor movie nights, picnics in the park, rainy days inside, lunch with grandparents, painting a picture, cleaning up the yard, having a tea party in a garden---these moments may be ordinary and happen everyday, or may be moments that others might simply let pass by without acknowledging much. But photographers see every moment as photographable. And we get to turn these ordinary, passable moments into BEAUTY!!

But it shouldn't just be the ones behind the camera doing this. Every moment, every occasion, every person in your life has beauty. I encourage you today to find it! Not the staged kind where the outfits are perfect, the lighting is just right, the props are appropriate, and the camera is loaded....what I am talking about is a shift in the way you see things now. Don't you want to see things as your Lord sees them? That is definitely a prayer of mine these days.

So don't fall in your same routine today. Open your eyes, see the beauty in all that is around you, and praise God for it! :)

In Him,