Thursday, May 10, 2012

Was Jesus Political?

I am not a political person. I barely have time to remember to buy toothpaste, feed myself, get gas in my car, etc. I do not have time to keep up with the warped agendas of the people who unfortunately run our country. Maybe one day if they kick me out of it I will start caring a little more. But right now, I am spreading God's word one soul at a time and it's keeping me plenty busy.

It bothers me though, to see fellow "Christians" SOOOOOOO wrapped up in raging politics that it consumes their life. I feel like a true follower should be so devoutly in love with and following our Lord that it becomes first hand nature against ALL other things. I am not saying that following politics or taking a stand on issues that are important to you are bad or wrong. Don't hear me saying that. But we are here for a mission, church. And that mission is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. To advance the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. To fight in the spiritual realm. And most importantly to LOVE. Of ALLLL the things Jesus taught, His biggie was to love your neighbor as yourself and to love your God with all your heart and soul.

Are we loving one another when we are so consumed with the righteousness or morality of an issue that we forget the humans behind which our flaming arrows are thrown? Yes, our country is NUTS right now....but it never stood a chance of not being nuts after the Fall. This is what God knew would always happen-and not just to the US but to the whole WORLD! That is why He sent us a Rescuer!! So we, church, are not charged with correcting the legal system (although we should stand and fight for justice). We are not told to judge an individuals lifestyle choices (although we should help people through their dark seasons). We do not have the weight of the world and all it's BIG issues on our shoulders--because that is what our Heavenly Father's shoulders are there for. We are simply told to LOVE. That's what Jesus did and that's what we are told to do as well.

Sure, maybe I am just a big hippie-but really believers, I don't feel like this idea is so far fetched. Forget about Obama. Stop condemning people and they way they live. Instead, take every single solitary opportunity with every single human life you encounter to spread the Love of Christ.

In Him,