Monday, May 28, 2012


Here you are. It's dark, slightly cold. Surrounded by nothingness. Feelings of anticipation, wonder. Your nerves tingle inside, waiting in joy for what is to come.

It's quiet. Faintly you hear the low rumble of music. It gets louder and louder, changing melody ever so often. Never stopping.

At the right time, all is revealed. The curtain opens. And what lie behind it, is nothing short of a masterpiece. Moving, singing, breathing--art. All emotions are targeted. All feelings are felt.

Suspension, hope, love, fear--build in you as the masterpiece unfolds. During spare moments you ponder the actors on stage. Question their story. Appreciate their believability. Praise their portrayal.

You think about the sculptor of the art that you witness. You witness her vision come to life. So much detail. So much depth. So much heart and all her soul.

It comes to an end, and the crowd goes wild in praise for the job well done. In thanks for the chance to witness such beauty come to life. In gratitude for the lessons learned and the thought behind every smile, every step, every song, every motion.

There is a creator. And there is a creation. And in the middle of the amazingness.

I have been involved in theater and performance almost my entire life--and what I find funny is that I never thought about Creation. Like the creation story. In the beginning there was God. And that's it. There was nothingness---until He created everything. All things created led up to the very moment He breathed life into His very own children. And they were lovely because He loved them.

When I think about the musical I am in this summer, Titanic, I am overjoyed at how the Lord continuously is showing us all He is in control and using this experience for His glory. Our director has the Lord's cell phone number, and every moment is evidence to His vision pouring out into her, which pours out into the creative and technical teams, which pours out into our musical team, and then to us-the actor's. And when it is all said and done, we will be empty vessels used by the Lord in front of hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people. For 4 days. We get to be artwork-created by the Creator himself. What a blessing to be. What a blessing to SEE.

When I think about Creation like I think about theater, my heart melts. The Lord sent to me a way I would understand the importance and magnitude and amazingness that is the creation story. The beginning of God's love story with us, his children.

Wow--our God is so cool :)

In Him,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Remembering My Dad....

I just finished watching the movie, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close-a story about a very unique kid who loses his father in the 911 attacks. If you have ever lost a father, I don't recommend watching this movie. Not exactly the feel good movie of the year. However, a beautiful story with some amazing things to say.

During the movie at one point the mother and son are recollecting things about their husband/dad that they remember or miss so much. And I couldn't help thinking that I don't do this enough. For so long I tried to block out everything about my dad because it was too painful to remember. Where it is still incredibly painful, with time comes healing. And with healing comes strength, and through every ounce of gained strength I long to remember my dad once more.

My dad had funny phrases and sayings that were famous among his groups of friends, as well as my friends. Whenever someone says one of these familiar things--I instantly think of my dad. He was a musician to his core, and one of my favorite memories of him is every car ride together somewhere listening to him drumming on the steering wheel (he was also obsessed at looking in the rearview mirror and grooming himself! lol). After my mom left, he would take my sister and I to school every morning-and these are some of my favorite memories ever of us, the three musketeers. I remember his sense of humor-he was so witty and funny and I would pray at night to be like him in that way so that I could carry on funny and clever conversations with him. He told the world's FUNNIEST (yet cheesiest) jokes--like "two men walk into a bar, you think one of them would've seen it!" haha-he told me this one from the time I was 7 years old and by the time I was 11 I think I finally got it. He made every bad or sad situation funny--and I am a lot like him in this way. If there is tension or sadness somewhere I will do everything in my power to use humor to make things a little easier. This was my dad. During doctor's visits with me he would sit in the chair the doctor is very clearly supposed to be the only one sitting in, and like a child would spit his gum into the air and try to catch it. I found this hysterical, and by the time the doctor came in we would be laughing so hard and in tears! He shared the humor in odd things like me too. During funerals he would be cracking jokes and we would be laughing so hard we'd consider stepping out because we couldn't stop laughing! Once during communion at church, we were laughing so hard we shook our entire pew!! One day we were driving into town from home, and for absolutely no apparent reason at all we started 'invisibly killing' each other--it started out like typical things, gun or bow/arrow, but ended up by the end of the drive we were guessing what the other one was doing and it'd be something as outrageous as death by choking on a gummy worm or deadly bird pecking. (yes, repeating this all now seems a little morbid but hey it was funny at the time!). My dad was a servant, and would do anything for anybody if he had the means (and if he didn't, he would find the means). I remember from a very early age stopping to help strangers on the side of the road who were broken down or having a hard time. He spent his last weeks of life giving toys, clothes, and necessary living items to children in need at his school. Children he knew wouldn't be getting a visit from Santa Clause--I LOVE that the sorts of things that broke my daddy's heart are the same things that break mine too. He was teaching me to play guitar, and I loved it so much when we got to sit in his office and play and sing together. The blood of his instrument and his passion for music run deep in my soul and I love connecting to him in that way. My dad seemed fearless--he would do crazy things all of the time, and I am NOT like this in any way shape or form. But there is a small part in us all that wishes we were fearless and so I appreciate my dad always being this way. I love how my dad loved to show off my older sister and I-he would tell every person we were ever around "Man, don't I have some good lookin' kids?" My dad loved to coach-he would coach anything that walked and if he knew nothing about the sport he would learn and excel at coaching it and then start umpiring/refereeing it! He was competitive which is a trait I can appreciate although athletic wise I am definitely no competitor. Before I went out onto the ball field, each inning, I would get a pound on the forehead--which was softball talk for "I love You". I remember key lessons in life that he taught me....."Stay out of slippery places and you won't fall"--or before I would leave the house upon turning 16 he would always say "remember who you are"--well, at 16 who actually knows who they are. I didn't. But I knew who he wanted me to be, and to make him proud I stayed out of trouble. I hear him saying it to me these days except it sounds a lot less like my dad and more like my Father telling me. His philosophy on teaching or coaching was he would rather have a kid with no talent then a kid with a bad attitude-because you can teach/coach a kid to be talented but you can rarely fix a bad attitude. I love the memories of playing horse on our carport, or softball in our backyard. Especially in the summer time! My dad was sociable too, like me, and some of my favorite summer memories with him are the parties we would have in our backyard. We would literally be outside from the time we woke up to midnight or after--playing ball, swimming, doing a slip-n-slide, singing, doing karaoke--and every holiday or random summer night holds these sweet memories for me. Every now and then I can smell it in the air and it's like I am there once more. Every 4th of July my dad would tell us he was not going to spend tons of money on fireworks, but by the end of the night he would come home with hundreds of dollars worth--because he loved shooting and watching them as much as we did! I love how on Christmas, dad would wake us up with a video camera so that each second of the special day was captured--and when we got a little older, old enough to wake ourselves up, we would sit at the edge of the hall and yell across the house to see if it was ok for us to come out. And of course we would have to wait for dad to set the camera up, but it was worth it!  I love that my dad could find a way to quote Mash, Andy Griffith, Office Space, or Airplane at any given moment of any (and every) given day, and somehow it always made sense in context--when you grow up with such a clever parent, you become quite the clever kid. And when none of my friends understood me I know my dad and my older sister did, because we were one in the same.I love the special life-long friends my dad had---they remind me so much of him, it helps to know they are around, even though I don't get to see them as often as I would like. I LOVE when my dad would come into my room, and wake me up by putting on a jacket of mine and singing "Fat guy in a little coat!" HAHA--I can still see it today!! He did special and funny things like that all the time--once, he woke me up early so that I could listen to the new baby birds that had hatched (inside our attack) but nonetheless it was sweet because he wanted me to experience that. It made me sad when I would find out that my dad went to movies makes me sad imagining anyone I love doing things alone, but he always assured me that he needed the break or enjoyed the quiet. The first movie I remember finding out that he saw alone was Cheaper by the Dozen--so when I watch that movie I think of him. My dad introduced me to wrestling (or wrastlin' as I say) and never hesitated to pile drive me or put me in a figure four leglock-I LOVED when he would wrestle with us! I loved having things in common with him. My dad also introduced me to Van Halen, and every amazing guitar rif I ever hear makes me think of dad. Once in elementary school, he walked down my hallway and one of my friends told him he was the 'cool dad'--and he NEVER forgot about that. In fact, he LOVED being the 'cool dad'--and he was a pretty stinkin' cool dad. I have a picture hanging on my bathroom wall, and when I look into my mirror I see my dad--when I tilt my face like his in the picture, I look just like him. That may be the only time we resemble, I don't know....but every day I love seeing his face in mine.

I know there are a million more things I have forgotten to say, or maybe have forgotten altogether. But one day, I am sure I will remember. Then maybe one day, there will be another blog about those things too.

I don't know how many people actually read my blog...but if you do, and you were friends with or knew my dad--I would love to hear about things you remember about him too.

In Him,

Friday, May 25, 2012

We Are Family

Some of the most beautiful times I have seen the presence and likeness of the Lord in people and situations, is when the idea of individual agendas fly out the window, and instead the overall experience of the collective takes over. It is all too easy as Christians, as humans in general really, to simply be concerned with ourselves. Our own faith, our own life, our own family, our own congregation, our own plans,--me, me, me, I, I, I. But that is not what we were designed for, and when we live that way it is not bringing glory to the name of the Lord but instead, offers up a picture of how we were not created to live.

It's hard-I will be the first to admit-to not be so concerned with yourself, even when you attempt to look at it with a godly perspective and Christ-like eyes. What mission trip should I go on? What form of ministry do I study? What new Christian Living book should I buy at Lifeway today? What can I plan and do and be and accomplish....and do all to declare victory for the kingdom in the name of the Lord? Well, before too long, this mentality will have us all looking around at those whom we left far behind on our 'path' to knowing the Lord's heart. Planning mission trips, reading Christian Living books, contemplating a branch of ministry, and things of this nature are not bad and wrong. Don't hear me saying this. What I am saying is, while doing these things with the intent being personal growth and development, we can get dangerously lost in selfishness.

I had a mentor of mine tell me recently that he used to be a man who was scared to make a move because he feared messing up the Lord's plan for his life (a HUGE obstacle that has left me myself paralyzed in making a move one way or another the past year). He told me that God hit him over the head with this notion that who are we to think that we, silly old Meagan Cremeens, could mess up the Almighty Creator's plans for my life? We are pawns being used in a MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger picture then we might EVER realize. The focus--the KINGDOM. Loving others and spreading the Gospel to everyone we encounter. This idea leaves no room for an individualistic mentality but offers no other way of response than to focus on the collective. (Now, don't hear me saying you should abandon all efforts of personal growth, time with the Lord, or anything like that!)

What makes the most sense to me are a few instances the past few months where I have seen the body of Christ as believers who are walking alongside one another in order to spread love and bring glory to the name of the Lord. During Easter I witnessed this during an Easter production I was a part of. My friend who wrote, directed, and starred in the show will be the first to recall the moment of the "ugly cry"--a time at the end of the show, during Chris Tomlin's "I Will Rise" where the Lord overwhelmed him with this idea of surrender and complete abandonment to God. The ugly cry happened once in rehearsal and the collective response was-"If that happens again, we will sing for you." Well, it did happen again. And one of the most beautiful moments of that show to me was hearing the voices of the body of Christ joining together in song to support and symbolize a walking alongside another brother during a weaker, more vulnerable moment in his life. That, is beauty. That is collective concern.

I have been experiencing this lately during the newest show I am a part of, Titanic the Musical (which I have written many a blog about describing the difficulty of the music for me and the re-learning my voice, and finding some confidence on stage once more). Last night we had our first rehearsal on stage, going through the first half of act one which is coincidentally, my solo number in the show. I have been working very hard the past few weeks with a vocal coach, as well as alone in my car and with anyone who will listen to me sing and tell me what I am doing wrong :) so this was an anxious rehearsal for me. That moment where I am told if it is showing at all that my hard work will pay off. After the song, I was happily surprised at the feedback from people--really, people in the cast I didn't even know knew that I was struggling with this issue at all--as well as friends of mine who did know and positively encouraged me as well. But the compliments were not the best was the shift of my mentality. Sure, not feeling like I did an awful job was refreshing. Not leaving rehearsal in tears and shattered confidence, was JOYOUS for me. Yet, my mind shifting to another place altogether last night was the beauty behind the pain I have been experiencing lately. Being the first time on stage you start to see more of the bigger picture, instead of getting lost in the individuality of it all. The ship was there, the full cast, we started blocking scenes, and then after we all had s'mores outside in the park. It was a BEAUTIFUL time with people I love and hold so dearly in my heart.

And when I drove home, all I could think about was the love and encouragement I have received from them all the past month. I have had people go out of their way to help strengthen my voice, to warm me up properly, to teach me things about the voice I never even knew, to help me with my Irish accent, to collect costumes with me, to help me brainstorm set ideas, and SO SO SO much more. And when you see all of that hard work--not solely from me, but from EVERYONE--you, as artists, start to shift and grow and realize HOW critically about the BIGGER picture this whole thing is.

Being in a show is the perfect metaphor for being a Christian in this aspect. Because when we stop worrying about me, me, me--how I look, or sound, or what I do and where I go--we start listening more to God. And when we listen to God He is faithfully showing us exactly what He has in store for us. He tells us what others need of us. He teaches us to love the world and see the world as He sees and loves them. And all of these things combined, affect the bigger picture. And when it's all said and done, we will look back at our lives and realize how very very little this has anything to do with US.

Just like with my show. After the weekend of June 23rd, we will all look back at this beautiful work of art and the way that it affected and changed people's lives, and realize how very little any of it had anything to do with us individually.

I am so full of joy at the blessings of being a part of the Titanic cast, being surrounded by talented and kind and loving people who go out their way to help and encourage and support one another. The Lord is at work in ALL that we do....

Sometimes, we simply have to go through a season or a time of heartache or pain to notice.

In Him,

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A New Beginning

Adding to the list of interactive readings and scripts I have been doing. Feel free to use and hope you enjoy!!

A New Beginning
God (preferably an adult to help carry some action)
Noah’s family
Animals (kids can pick different animals they want to be—maybe even have audience guess what is entering the boat by guessing the animals the kids act out.)
                God and Noah repeat narrator. Neighbors point and laugh. Family enters in the ark. Animals make their sounds and motions, too!

There was a time on earth where people forgot about God and were doing bad things all of the time. God’s heart was filled with pain when He saw what had happened to the world he loved. (Sad God)
There was a man named Noah and he was God’s friend (which was odd in those days because nobody else was). Noah listened to God (Hands on cupping ears). He talked to God (God and Noah chatting). He just loved being with God, like you do your best friend (arms around each other like buds).
“Noah” God said. “Things have gone wrong. People have filled my world with hate instead of love. I must stop them. First we will build an ark!” (Have ‘God’ repeat what He says throughout script.)
Do you know what an ark is? It’s like a large boat. Do you know how to build one? Neither did Noah! Luckily, God knew and he would show him.
God told his friend Noah that a storm was coming but He would rescue his friend, and all who were in the ark. God then said he would send the animals to Noah and the ark. He said...
“I’ll send the ones that creep and slither, the ones that slime and gallop, the ones that hop and bound and climb and fly!” (God repeat)
The storm was going to wash away all the hate and sadness and everything that had gone wrong, and make the world clean again. God thought up a way to keep Noah safe in the ark, but Noah would have to trust God and do exactly what his friend told him.
So Noah built an ark. His neighbors came to laugh and point and make fun of Noah (pause for neighbors to make fun of Noah), because they didn’t believe Noah about the boat and they thought he looked rather silly building a boat in the middle of the desert without a sea nearby or a cloud in the sky. Why would anyone need an umbrella, let alone a boat?
But Noah didn’t mind so much what other people thought; he just minded what God thought. When the ark was ready, God said…
“All aboard!”
Noah climbed aboard (step in boat). His family came aboard (family steps in). And all of the animals came inside-two by two (get kids to act out different animals as they come in the ‘boat’).
Then it started raining, and raining, and raining—until the whole world was covered in water. Their once very large boat seemed very small now. But even in the crashing waves, scary rain, and crashing thunder-God was with them. He kept them safe for 40 days and 40 nights.
Finally the rain stopped and the sun came out! The people on the boat threw open the windows and shouted, “HOORAY!”
After the water went down, the ark landed quite suddenly on top of a large mountain. As soon as it was safe, God said “COME OUT!” And so they did—everyone singing, and skipping, and dancing onto dry land—even the animals!
Noah thanked God for rescuing him as He had promised (THANK YOU GOD). Then God made another promise-to never destroy the world again. And just like a warrior hangs up his bow and arrow at the end of a great battle, God hung up his bow in the clouds. (Do you know what God’s bow is?  A rainbow!)
And there in the clouds where the storm meets the sun, was a beautiful bow made of light. It was a new beginning in God’s world.
It wasn’t long before things went wrong again but God was not surprised, he knew this would happen. That’s why, before the beginning of time, he had another plan—a better plan. A plan not to destroy the world but to rescue it—a plan to one day send his own Son, the Rescuer. (Do you know who that Rescuer is? JESUS!)
The End.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Keeping Our Commitments

Remaining faithful to people and obligations is a wonderful character building tool. When I was a teenager, I had many jobs-but I worked those jobs for 1-2 years at a time (which is a long time for a kid). At times I even had up to 3 jobs at once (not much has changed--however, I actually LOVE my jobs now haha). Before I was a teenager I would work at my dad's car audio store, answering phone calls and greeting customers which then turned into QuickBooks, Excel, invoices, bills, shipments, filing, and other types of clerical work. My dad created a work ethic in my sister and I. Our bills did not pay themselves, and work was the way of life to earn a living. I was a kid who had chores and duties around the house as well.

Past the chores and part time jobs, this lesson of responsibility carried over into one of maintaining loyalty to commitments and obligations. My grandfather is a big fan of doing others right who have done right by you. And that presents itself in many ways in his life--taking care of friends in time of need, paying bills on time, loyalty to specific doctors or business providers, and the list goes on and on. I am not as traditional in this way of thinking, however I do not argue with his mentality at all. He is one of the most beloved human beings in all of Bono, Jonesboro, and Paragould, and that is due to his character!

Even in the midst of trials, I encourage you guys to uphold the commitments you've made to others. If you hate your job, quit...but at least give a 2 week notice. Or talk to your manager about what's going on to make you so unhappy-because saying things can't change is putting an awfully large God in a pretty small box. If you are asked to babysit and something better comes up like a party or something, then suck it up and do your job. And if you really can't do it (maybe an emergency comes up), then attempt to find someone else to fill in for you. Your employers will appreciate that extra step so much, and probably ask you to come back! If you audition for a show and are cast in a specific role, then take it! It's what you wanted when you auditioned and people are counting on you. The show expects you to follow through.

Tons of things can come up in life that ask us to make the choice of which commitments we are going to choose to keep. The ones you choose, chisel at your heart and define your character. The way you handle obligations, also tell the world what type of person you are. When you let people down because of 'you', you are simply being selfish and clearly only thinking about yourself. This individualistic mentality is what is ruining the American Church. It is CRITICAL for the kingdom to get this notion through our heads: IT IS NOT ABOUT US! Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, in your life has the potential to advance the kingdom and point glory back to God. But what is it saying to others about the LORD when we, who are made in His image, selfishly break our promises and commitments to others? It tells the world that that is probably what God will do too, so why believe Him in the first place?

See? It isn't individualistic. As a believer, you are part of a FAMILY. The body of Christ. And your outlook should be the kingdom-the BIGGER picture. It's time we reach past selfishness, and start letting the Lord chisel away some character into our lives.

Are you up for the challenge?
In Him,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I am not bipolar....

Let me start this off by saying, I am not I don't think. If you've been following my journey this past week, you are probably thinking I am a little nutty, and that's ok. All I am really trying to do is be honest with you guys about what is going on in my heart, and sharing what God is doing to refine me right now. Within the past few days, I feel like I have gone through MONTHS of a tough season. God is bringing so much to surface right now, and of course with every step He is doing what He's doing, satan is in the other corner trying to unravel all of the Lord's work.

If you haven't been keeping up, my struggle lately is CONFIDENCE. Particularly in this show I am in, Titanic the Musical, the issue rears its' ugly head but this is just the avenue where God brought the subject to surface...because down in the depths of my heart, in many other situations over the past 6 months, this has been a very relevant problem. Those of you who know of me or know me well, are probably thinking I am REALLY nutty at this point. I thrive on being on stage. I love to perform. I love to use the talents God has given me to bring Glory to HIS name and I LOVE my job, which is teaching kiddos and other performers and artists how to do that too! I am most comfortable on stage in front of hundreds or in a room full of people entertaining. But lately, lately I can't even make sound come out of my mouth in front of other people...because something inside of me is telling me I am not good enough.

After every encouraging chat or meeting I've had this week I have blogged about a changed heart...but really, nothing has changed. It wasn't that I was was that, I logically believed everything God told me (that I then turned around to tell you). However, I believed it more for YOU than for me, I guess. Someone told me once that....If a 12 year old little girl came up to you after church one Sunday and asked you the same problem/questions you're talking to me about--what would you tell HER to do? (and then whatever that is, YOU go do it!)

The problem for me in that scenario was, what am I really telling/asking you myself? So I had to narrow that down. And I am going to say that if the 12 year old little girl were speaking for me she would say....

"Meagan. lately I feel like I am not good enough. I have felt it for a long time, but I got rid of that feeling by taking myself out of the spotlight, by hiding in the background, by trying to convince myself that it was ok not to be good so that there was no pressure to learn or grow or be a better singer. I feel like a failure when I don't get something right and I leave rehearsal every night crying. I don't want to feel this way, but I don't know how not to."

Narrowed down, that is a pretty good idea of what I guess has been going on with me. So, now what? What do I tell her? If she were not me, and just another young girl whose life I get the blessing to encounter and hopefully encourage I would tell her this.....

"Honey, do you know why you are beautiful? Because you were made in God's image-and He doesn't make mistakes. He gave you the fingers you have, the color eyes you have, the talents you have, the voice you have, ALL of it....for a reason. And that reason is to glorify Him. Which means, to tell the world how Great and Wonderful your Creator is. When we look in a mirror, or listen to ourselves sing, or see ourselves in pictures (like girls so often do), and we criticize ourselves and what we see or hear....we are telling God that He did something WRONG. I don't know about you, but I do not want to be on the other end of THAT conversation. You have the choice, not only every day but every minute within every single situation you encounter, you have the choice of whose voice you are going to listen to. Are you going to listen to the enemy? (He tells us that we are not good enough, that we've got a long way to go, that we are not as talented as so and so, that the director made a mistake, that we are only getting worse....etc) OR are you going to listen to the voice of the Lord? (Who every second is trying to find ways to tell us how amazing we are, how much he LOVES us-not because of what we do or how we sing but because of WHO WE ARE!)  In the GRANDE scheme of things, hear me say, that it DOES NOT MATTER. If you can't hit a note, WHO CARES? If your voice cracks, WHO CARES? If you mess up, WHO CARES? We were put here to worship our Lord, to spread the Good News of Christ, and to make disciples of all the nations. We are not called to BE PERFECT! If we were perfect, we would have never needed Christ to come and rescue us from the bondage of sin. And that's what this is BONDAGE. You are getting lost in the little things that don't matter, the lies of the enemy, and the things that you can not control, and are forgetting that the Lord's eyes are all that matter. And what you are doing to be a woman of God will always and forever, eternally, far outweigh ANY thing else you do on this planet. So it should take some pressure off. HAVE FUN!! Praise God for the victories AND in times of defeat. Because when you give into defeat, then Satan has you exactly where he wants you!"

WOW---those are wonderful words of encouragement huh? do I CONVINCE myself, not 12 year old pretend girl, to actually live this way.

A few years ago I learned the motto...."fake it til ya make it"....but what happens when you get to the end of that road, and you can't fake it any longer. Then what do you do?

Open to any and all advice and encouragement....and especially PRAYER!
In Him,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Humble yourself. Exalt the Lord.

If you have been following my previous two blogs you will see that I have had a rough weekend. God is really bringing some issues to the surface of my heart, in order to heal me of some things as well as preparing me for the future endeavors He will call me to do. This process is never fun. Do you remember learning to ride a bike for the first time? Or multiplication tables? Do you remember your first big test you ever took in school? There are people that invested their life into yours, teaching and preparing you to do certain things, so that they could send you off to do those things on your own. Now, we all know that God will never leave us, but He is our Teacher...Father....Counselor. He is teaching us and preparing us now so that there will be a strong foundation on which to build on for other things He has planned for our lives. I am living in one of those seasons right now.

The issue can be interpreted so many ways too. Sure, I may never be a worship leader or a recording artist, or what have you. And maybe this current issue of learning proper vocal technique will not directly apply to what God has in store for me. But there is always more layers to what is going on then what appears to be going on. Behind this vocal strengthening and training layer is a layer of self-confidence. Behind that layer is identity and self-worth. Behind that is freedom to walk in those truths. Behind even that is the desire to know God's truths. And it really could go on and on. It's like when you finally learn those multiplication tables, and if you're anything like me you say "I will never have to use this in my life!"--and sure, it's not often that I do. But it is helpful in your life to have that groundwork laid! Had I never learned math I wouldn't know how to budget money, I wouldn't know how to travel to new cities, I wouldn't know how to equally cut a pizza so that everybody gets a slice-I mean, these are VERY important things to know.

So God is working on me, multi-levally. (I totally think I just made that word up! heehee). And he is using some amazing warriors of the kingdom to do so. Today I met with my worship minister at church, to gain some insight on this issue of worship vs performance, and asking the question when is the technical stuff supposed to fade away and the joy and freedom come back into play? (I actually had a whole ton more of questions and ideas and such for him but this was the basis of where the other stuff came from.)

It was so helpful talking to him because as a worship minister he is called to lead people to the throne room of the Lord every time we are in His presence as a body of believers. As a child of God I am sure that there are times he wants to just relax and to bask in the glory of the Lord himself. And as a fellow performer in the arts, he has to battle that genuine vs non-genuine question that pops up from time to time. So during my chat with the Lord yesterday, He was very clear I needed some advice from someone who has walked this similar road before.

My worship leader gave me a great analogy about finger painting to start our conversation today. He said it's like you're a kindergarten teacher, and you tell the class, ok it's time to fingerpaint! You direct them to paints and the canvas, then zero in on your own fingerpainting masterpiece. Maybe you close your eyes or you intently study your own work. And when you look up, the kids have fingerpainted, that's for sure---but all over the walls, and their faces, and your desk, and it's a huge mess. Not that the Lord doesn't love a good mess, He is in the business of taking messes and creating something beautiful. But what if that chaos and that mess and that lack of guidance didn't teach the kids anything at all? Or they never could connect with the art project because they didn't know what to do or how to do it, or even what finger painting looked like?

So leading worship is like this. And even though I am no worship leader, I am on a sound enhancing team of people expected to help fellow believers press in to what the Lord is offering during corporate worship. And sometimes that means making sure ducks are in a row first-sound check, blending, evening the tone of your voice, not pulling sharp or flat, making sure the bass section isn't to loud or the sopranos too airy or the tenors too soft, making sure music is in order, words are correct, taglines are put in place, scripture matches up with the song, the song matches the correct mood, there aren't too many clappy songs, there aren't too many draggy songs....and the list goes on, and on, and on, and on. And it's overwhelming. It's a lot of pressure. It's a lot of expectation. And sometimes, it isn't fun.

I half expected to walk into his office today to tell him that I needed to not sing on the team for a while, until I could figure this all out. But I know my heart, and singing is something God has given me for a reason, and I know I would miss being able to do that and being able to do it with the specific people I sing with now. But what I got out of the meeting was a ton of encouragement, that these feelings are so normal and it's a struggle for most performers. That aspect of comparing ourselves to others. Pushing our limits to get a part or to be better than so and so. Wanting to nail something perfect so that other's see us as valuable or talented or good enough.

But God tells us that we are good enough.  I just too often, don't hear Him, because I am so busy judging myself. My minister today put it a very good way, in that when we judge-even ourselves-we are putting ourselves in a place we were never created to be. God is the ultimate Judge-and when we judge, no matter what the context, we are ultimately sitting in His judges seat....and then get to awkwardly move when He comes to confront us on this issue. Uh...sorry Lord...I'll just be...leaving (backs out of room sheepishly). But it's SO easy to judge isn't it? The world has created this atmosphere where we can be judges any time we want to be. Look at shows like American Idol, America's Got Talent, The X Factor, Duets, The Voice, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With the Stars, Skating with the Stars, and the list seriously could go on forever. These, what seem to be good-natured, harmless television shows tell us that we can be the judge of someone! I watch those shows and never hesitate on saying things like "oh well she was super flat on that ending" "he makes weird faces when he sings" "her tone is not as good as so and so"....these are PEOPLE. Real life human people. Children of God. They have feelings too, and are a product of the SAME Creator as I am. What gives me the right to judge them? I certainly wouldn't want them coming into my shower or car or other random places where I sing and vocally expressing their opinions about it.

After my meeting today with my worship minister I met with the vocal coach for our musical. She loves the Lord, which already was super encouraging because I needed someone who could understand this battle for me in the spiritual realm as well as here in the physical. She gave me some great tips and really encouraged the hope in my learning and enjoyment of my voice. (It never hurts to hear someone tell you that you have a beautiful voice, that's for sure!) And I left there feeling confident. She reminded me, like my worship leader, that it isn't easy. Singing well is not easy work and neither is being refined. But God would not have given me this talent, or be putting me in this season, if He didn't believe in me. And He doesn't believe in me because of ME, which is the amazing part. He knows I can do it because He is doing it through me. This is what I was created to do.

Maybe not singing professionally. Being some big actress on Broadway. Starring in a hit movie. Nothing like that. But He designed me to sing, and to give Him the glory while I do it. He created me to have a passion for the arts because sometime in my life He will reveal to me a much bigger plan for myself then I could have ever dreamt.

I was listening to KLOVE today and the Casting Crowns, "Voice of Truth" song came on. It is the epitome of what I am going through right now. And what I know I will face my whole life. I encourage you to listen to this song, and understand that the voice of Truth tells you that you are worth it, that you were made for such a time as this. If you are hearing different, then you are choosing to listen to the voice of the enemy.

In Him,

Sunday, May 13, 2012


For those of you who read my last blog,"You Are For Me", this is sort of a part two (and I am assuming there will be many more as God is doing some intense refining in my life).

God uses my voice to send a message. When I let myself get out of the way these blogs turn completely into something from the Lord to be shared with others. Most often, He uses things He is bringing me through as the subject of the message. Sometimes though, I write with a sense of recovery that maybe I have not experienced yet. This is the case for my last blog. It was logically what I was supposed to say, because God wrote it through me. However, there was little belief behind it that it could apply to me I guess? That sounds bad, but that's basically what it was. Doubt. Sure, God can heal you...and you...and even you. He is a Healer....For YOU.....but do we believe that about our own selves? Not all of the time.

I went to a new church this morning. A church completely unlike my own- that would be considered more...charismatic I guess you could say. There were instruments. People clapping, dancing, and shouting to the Lord. Every human in the room had hands lifted high to Jesus and responded appropriately to the work He was doing in their hearts as we worshiped. There was....FREEDOM. Now, I have been to other churches like this before. I have been to contemporary Christian concerts, like that of Chris Tomlin, and have experienced this type of atmosphere before. In my opinion, we serve such an amazing God how could we NOT jump and shout and praise and cry out and laugh and clap and dance in His presence EVERY time we worship!??

However, today...something held me back. I did not put two and two together at first (after my not so fun and defeated sort of day Saturday). I sang the songs, and lifted my hands like I always do. But there was no feeling. There was caution about blowing my voice out before a rehearsal tomorrow. There was fear, that people were looking at me. There was sadness in not feeling connected to the God I was worshiping. Things were just...a little off.

That feeling followed me the rest of the day. I was low energy and very solemn. I was there (in Little Rock) visiting my best friend Emily. She is one of the most phenomenal musicians and singers I know. Talk about anointed. This girl is. We always chat about longing to get together and sing and play and worship. Finally, we got our chance today. But again, this strange feeling popped up. With my very best friend, who loves me so so much, who I have sang in front of a MILLION times--i could not open my mouth. I couldn't sing. Something held me back. I was so upset and frustrated. And that same feeling of defeat crept up.

We had a long chat about it but nothing would clear my mind of this notion that I am not good enough. This fear of being the best I can be, singing the notes well, hitting everything--you know, all of the technical stuff we let get in the way. It was then that I flashed back to the service this morning at her church, where I was reminded oh so painfully that I am not walking in the freedom that a life in Christ has for me. I couldn't LET GO!

This may seem like a small revelation to you but it was huge for me. Because this has been getting in my way for a LONG time now--and upon this new season where I have felt so disconnected from God, I was so desperately needing to understand what was happening on a spiritual level. I left Emily to make the 2.5 hour drive home to Jonesboro, and the minute I closed the door I lost all control. The tears came. I was spiritually flat on my face in front of the Lord, crying out to Him to make whatever was going on in my heart to just stop. While pouring out my heart and soul to Him, it occurred to me that I haven't intimately talked to Him in weeks. I haven't felt close enough to say anything. I had no energy left for Him. I have been living in a cloud of sadness from what I was missing, but had no idea what that something was.

It's freedom. The root of this problem is freedom. Because at the root of not taking hold of my identity and confidently walking in the gifting the Lord has blessed me with, I am allowing Satan to steal my JOY. I prayed against all attacks of Satan, begging God to take over and to show me how to live a free life. In the midst of realizing that I haven't been living that way, God also revealed to me that I don't even know what that looks like. And things in my life have to change, big time. It could be anything from my friends, my church, the way I worship, taking activities out of my life or adding others in. It could be anything.

I am confident that He will reveal this all to me, and guide me every step of the way until I am living life under His will for me. After praying I instantly felt a HUGE burden release from my shoulders. My God was there, waiting for me to crawl into His lap the whole time. He took my worry and is refining my heart. Things are not magically better, I don't want you to believe that. Because believing that they are instantly healed might have you believing that your issues can magically dissolve too...and I don't think God works that way. He is bigger than my problem-he has been the whole time I have been struggling with it. But in His perfect timing He sent me to a city where I came face to face with this fear-this lack of freedom-this lack of confidence....He put prayer warriors in my life and people who speak encouragement into it as well....He allowed for these circumstances to line up the day after I feel I am at the end of my rope with this particular issue and situation....and as I am lying on the floor of the throne room I look up and there He is, waiting with His arms stretched out, asking me to crawl up in His lap. And as I do, He tells me (because now my eyes and ears are open-desperate for His love and guidance) what has been happening to my heart. He also tells me not to worry, because He is in the business of fixing damaged hearts.

When I shared this revelation with a friend of mine tonight she sent me this song to listen to....

It seriously inspired me to dance and sing and shout and worship DEEPER, because I am FREE! Isn't that the appropriate response to a God so amazing? So why don't you do it? Because people are looking? Because the other adults in church will laugh or whisper? Because you don't "get into" the music in that way? There are SOOOOO many excuses the enemy is whispering into your ear in order to keep you bound by your fear. That's not living in freedom, church. Don't you want more for your life? I know I do!

Praise God for His perfect timing. For His unconditional love. For His ever present guidance. For FREEDOM! Is there something holding you back??

In Him,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

You Are For Me...

I am a bit of a perfectionist. Not with everything, but with a lot of things. I know that I will never be perfect-that is not the issue at all. The issue, I truly believe, is just being the best version of myself so that when others look upon me they see me at my best. Clearly I know there is much toxicity in this way of thinking. A little lie that the enemy LOVES to whisper to me is that I am not good enough. That I am simply faking it until I make it. This lie pops up daily,

I am a teacher of drama and musical theater-a job I was never technically trained for or certified in. I was selected through reputation and experience, love of children and passion for the arts. All very good qualities, don't get me wrong. However, I am challenged daily with praying that I am doing the best at teaching something that I myself was never technically taught. Satan loves to come beside me and remind me of the million things I do not know and how my children would be better off with someone else as a teacher.

I am also a performer by nature. I sing and act in any capacity that I can. Currently, I am in a musical, Titanic, with a principle role in what I am learning to be is the most challenging musical I have ever done. I am not vocally trained other than high school choir (which was a good 6 years ago) and fiddling around on my praise team at church. Satan loves to come alongside of this area of my life too, whispering to me all sorts of horrible things-from my range to my tone to my ability to hear pitch to my lack of breath support-and about a million other things. Sure, these are all things singers need to know. Yet Satan is not so kind to tell me that I can be taught--instead I feel hopeless and un-teachable. Sometimes I leave rehearsal or a performance, even karaoke nights with friends, and am convinced I have reached my prime singing time and that not only will I not get any better, but in fact am getting worse! He gets me so locked in a corner sometimes that I lose all interest to perform at all. Because I am scared of failure, or simply because I become indifferent to how much I adore it and tell myself that it's ok to just hide in the shadows a while.

Wow. What an un-fun way to live huh? And like I said, it doesn't happen all of the time-particularly just when faced with the kinds of situations where I get to choose whether to believe what God says about me and what the enemy is telling me to believe. Clearly, I have been choosing to believe the enemy.

I bet that breaks God's heart. Don't you think?

What He tells me is that WOW, He LOVES when I sing to Him. He tells me that He is everything I will ever need and that in my weaknesses He is strong. He does what I can't. He goes on when I can't take another step, or hit another note, or conquer another song. He is more than enough-always. So why do I not lean on that and take advantage of His presence? I guess because in that way that you look at things from an outside perspective, it looks a little nutty to simply rely on a supernatural relationship to cover you in areas you might be failing. Is it that easy? To simply ask God to sing for me, because He knows I can't do it without Him?

Maybe so. Maybe if that reliance is so truthful and faithful and so.....desperate, He will show up in our lives in BIG ways where we need Him. Maybe if we are solely depending on Him in that way, we won't care what the heck we sound like because we are singing for the King of all Creation who ADORES when we allow ourselves to be used the way He designed us to be used!!

So what needs to happen in my life, is a battle. A battle between truth and lies.A battle between good and evil. A battle that, in fact, has already been won-yet I am living a postwar life as if my God did not win. I am listening to the whispers of the enemy instead of the things God is loudly telling me everyday is true!

I am worthy. I am made in the image of the King. As a woman I am the crown of all creation and it has captivated the heart of my Lord. He gave me the talents and the passions that He has so that I might use them to bring glory to His name....well, believing Satan when he tells me that I suck, is not bringing glory to the name of God.

I encourage you today to look at any area of your life you might be struggling to believe truth. Whether it be performance based, body image, eating disorders, anxiety, and the list goes on and on. I ask you to lay that issue at the Cross today, knowing the Lord will take that burden and wear it as His own so that we will no longer feel the weight of the world crashing down upon us. Our Father's shoulders are HUGE and made for exactly that-the issues of this world we try to carry on our own. Well guess what? We can't do it. But he can! He is sufficient. He will NEVER forsake us in our weaknesses. He is always there, always enough, and always waiting in the wings of our lives hoping we choose Him. To believe Him. To love Him.

Let's choose Him.

In Him,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Was Jesus Political?

I am not a political person. I barely have time to remember to buy toothpaste, feed myself, get gas in my car, etc. I do not have time to keep up with the warped agendas of the people who unfortunately run our country. Maybe one day if they kick me out of it I will start caring a little more. But right now, I am spreading God's word one soul at a time and it's keeping me plenty busy.

It bothers me though, to see fellow "Christians" SOOOOOOO wrapped up in raging politics that it consumes their life. I feel like a true follower should be so devoutly in love with and following our Lord that it becomes first hand nature against ALL other things. I am not saying that following politics or taking a stand on issues that are important to you are bad or wrong. Don't hear me saying that. But we are here for a mission, church. And that mission is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. To advance the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. To fight in the spiritual realm. And most importantly to LOVE. Of ALLLL the things Jesus taught, His biggie was to love your neighbor as yourself and to love your God with all your heart and soul.

Are we loving one another when we are so consumed with the righteousness or morality of an issue that we forget the humans behind which our flaming arrows are thrown? Yes, our country is NUTS right now....but it never stood a chance of not being nuts after the Fall. This is what God knew would always happen-and not just to the US but to the whole WORLD! That is why He sent us a Rescuer!! So we, church, are not charged with correcting the legal system (although we should stand and fight for justice). We are not told to judge an individuals lifestyle choices (although we should help people through their dark seasons). We do not have the weight of the world and all it's BIG issues on our shoulders--because that is what our Heavenly Father's shoulders are there for. We are simply told to LOVE. That's what Jesus did and that's what we are told to do as well.

Sure, maybe I am just a big hippie-but really believers, I don't feel like this idea is so far fetched. Forget about Obama. Stop condemning people and they way they live. Instead, take every single solitary opportunity with every single human life you encounter to spread the Love of Christ.

In Him,

Photographable Moments

If you do not know me well, let me introduce this blog by introducing me a little bit. I am a 24 year old woman who has the soul of a 50 year old, yet the youthful innocence of a 4 year old. Everything in this world enchants me. Sunsets, daffodils, rainbows, rainy days, sunflowers, Christmas lights, skyscrapers, butterflies, snowflakes, ocean waves, the smell of fall, campfires, acoustic guitars--and the list seriously could go on forever. These things excite my heart, make me SMILE to the depths of my soul. They...romance me if you will. If you have ever read some of my other blogs you have probably figured out that I am a teacher. But the part I don't talk about often is the part of me that is a photographer as well. I am part of a partnership called Vintage Daydreams Photography. My friend Anna and I have a mantra, of taking ordinary things in the world that most people would pass right by, and showing how they can be turned into something beautiful. I LOVE doing this part of my job, because isn't this what God does with us every single day? I am blessed to know many inspirational Jesus followers in my life and so many of them are blessed with this gift of truly and genuinely seeing everyone they encounter as God sees them. What a wonderful gift! It's so easy to see the outside, or the negative, or the ways they might be failing--but to see them as our Creator sees THAT is beautiful!

God is in the business of turning our messes into things of pure beauty that glorify His name to the ends of the earth. Shouldn't we aim to do this in our lives as well?

What sparked the idea for this subject matter is photography. Being a photographer we often creep other photographers-for inspiration, and tips, great ideas, props, etc. What I LOVE when photogs do, is take a normal moment with their family and show the world how 'special' it indeed is. Birthday parties, outdoor movie nights, picnics in the park, rainy days inside, lunch with grandparents, painting a picture, cleaning up the yard, having a tea party in a garden---these moments may be ordinary and happen everyday, or may be moments that others might simply let pass by without acknowledging much. But photographers see every moment as photographable. And we get to turn these ordinary, passable moments into BEAUTY!!

But it shouldn't just be the ones behind the camera doing this. Every moment, every occasion, every person in your life has beauty. I encourage you today to find it! Not the staged kind where the outfits are perfect, the lighting is just right, the props are appropriate, and the camera is loaded....what I am talking about is a shift in the way you see things now. Don't you want to see things as your Lord sees them? That is definitely a prayer of mine these days.

So don't fall in your same routine today. Open your eyes, see the beauty in all that is around you, and praise God for it! :)

In Him,

Friday, May 4, 2012

In the Beginning

I was asked to turn the creation story into a dramatic piece as well. All material (obviously) comes from God's Holy Word but more specifically I use the Jesus Storybook Bible and the New Living Translation Bible. As it states in italics, a great craft for the Creation story would be having each child create his/her 'costume'. If they are the SUN they can cut a sun out of yellow construction paper. If they are a PLANET, they could color a planet on cardstock and dangle it from yarn. If they are ANIMALS, they could create a mask to wear as their appropriate animals. A wonderful song to sing after this skit would be the Creation Song, so kids more accurately understand when God did things. (See bottom of the skit.) Hope you enjoy.

The beginning: A Perfect Home
Characters Needed:
Narrator (preferably an adult)
Day and Night
Sea and Sky
Land (can be broken up into cliffs, mountains, and beaches)
Trees, Grass, and Flowers
Stars, Moon, Sun (and add planet if there are more kiddos)
Birds and Fish                                                               
Animals (be fun for kiddos to pick their own animal)
Adam and Eve (part 2)
**A fun craft for BEFORE the skit would be for each part to make their “costume” whether it be coloring a color sheet (for sun moon stars and planets) or making different animal masks for the animals they choose. Part one of the story is God saying Hello, the thing He’s creating is popping up into ‘existence’ and saying Hello back (or waving) then following the action it says they do.
Part 1.
In the beginning, there was nothing.
            Nothing to hear. Nothing to feel. Nothing to see. Only emptiness. Darkness. And…nothing. **Everyone close your eyes and imagine what that might be like.
But God was there. And God had a wonderful Plan.
He said, “I’ll take this emptiness and fill it up! Out of the darkness I’m going to make light. Out of the nothing, I’m going to make….EVERYTHING!”
God made life happen. He spoke. That’s all! And whatever he said, happened.
God said “Hello Light” and light shone into the darkness. God called the light, DAY and the darkness NIGHT.
“You are good,” God said. And they were.
Then God said, “Hello SEA! Hello SKY!” and a great space opened up, wide and deep and high.
“You’re good,” God said. And they were.
Then God said “Hello LAND!” and there splashing up through the oceans came CLIFFS, MOUNTAINS, and SANDY BEACHES.
“You’re good,” God said. And they were.
“Hello TREES! Hello GRASS! Hello FLOWERS!” God said. And everything everywhere burst into life and stretched toward the Heavens in worship of their Creator.
“You’re good,” God said. And they were.
“Hello STARS! Hello SUN! Hello MOON!” God said. And whizzing into the darkness came fiery globes, spinning around and around—whirling orange and purple and golden planets.
“You’re good” God said. And they were.
“Hello BIRDS!” God said. And with a fluttering and flapping and chirping and singing, birds filled the skies.
“Hello FISH!” God said. And with a darting and dashing and wriggling and splashing, fish filled the seas!
“You’re good” God said. And they were.
Then God said “Hello ANIMALS” And everyone came out to play. The earth was filled with noisy noises—growling and gobbling and snapping and snorting and happy skerfluffing. **Animals make their appropriate animal noises.
“You’re good” God said. And they were.
God saw all that he had made and he loved them. And they were LOVELY because HE loved them.
But God saved the best for last. From the beginning, God had a shining dream in his heart. He would make people to share is Forever Happiness. They would be his children, and the world would be their perfect home.
Part 2.
Adam and Eve
So God breathed life into Adam, and from Adam He formed Eve. And when they opened their eyes, the first thing they ever saw was God’s face. And when God saw them he was like a new dad!
“You look like me,” He said. “You’re the most beautiful thing I have ever made!” And God hugged His children.
God loved them with all of His heart. And they were lovely because He loved them.
And Adam and Eve joined in the song of the stars and the streams and the wind in the trees, the wonderful song of love to the one who made them. Their hearts were filled with happiness. And nothing ever made them sad or lonely or sick or afraid.
God looked at everything He had made. “PERFECT!” he said. And it was.
But all the stars and the mountains and the oceans and the animals and the galaxies were nothing compared to how much God loved His children. He would move Heaven and earth to be near them. Always. Whatever happened, whatever it cost him, he would always love them.
And so it was that the wonderful love story began…

Days of Creation
Day 1 Day 1 God made light when there was none
Day 1 Day 1 God made light when there was none.
Day 2 Day 2 God made heaven and skies so blue,
Day 2 Day 2 God made heaven and skies so blue.
Day 3 Day 3 God made flowers & grass & trees.
Day 3 Day 3 God made flowers & grass & trees.
Day 4 Day 4 God made sun, moon, stars galore. 
Day 4 Day 4 God made sun, moon, stars galore.
Day 5 Day 5 God made birds and fish alive,
Day 5 Day 5 God made birds and fish alive.
6th Day 6th Day God made animals & man that day.
6th Day 6th Day God made animals & man that day.
Day 7 Day 7 God is resting in his heaven 
Day 7 Day 7 God is resting in His Heaven!

Creation Song (in the tune of I'm a Little Tea Pot)
God made day and God made night,
He split the darkness from the light.
God made you and God made me,
And God made the animals A thru Z.
God made the seas and the dry land too,
He made the flowers and the sky so blue.
God made you and God made me,
And God made the animals A thru Z.
God made the stars shining way up high,
He made the birds and put them in the sky.
God made you and God made me,
And God made the animals A thru Z.
God made the sun and God made the moon,
He made the ants and the silly baboon.
God made you and God made me,
And God made the animals A thru Z

In Him,

My God Is Bigger

God has given me a very fun calling in combining the creative and performing arts with ministry opportunities with all Glory pointing back toward the ultimate Creator. I have posted some previous curriculum or lesson plan type things that I've done with young girls but I am going to start posting more of the drama things on here as well. After Overflow Sunday this past week, I got asked to send some of the material God has used me to create to different places around town. So I am going to post those things on here as well, feel free to use any and all of it! It's God's Word and needs to be shared! This one is the story of David and Goliath

My God Is Bigger

Intro to story-(background info leading up to this story)
Characters needed
David                             5 Stones
Goliath                          King
Philistine army             Crowd
Israelite army
**When the narrator says David, the crowd responds “DAVID!” When the narrator says Philistines, the crowd yells “BOO!” When the narrator says Israelites the crowd cheers “YAY!” The King, David, and Goliath repeat the lines fed by narrator. The 2 armies respond accordingly as action is stated. The 5 stones count, and the very smallest stone is the one to take down Goliath.
God’s people, the Israelites, (YAY!) had some scary enemies. But the Philistines (BOO!) were the scariest of them all, and they had come to fight the Israelite army. The Philistines (BOO!) even had a secret weapon, and his name was Goliath. Goliath was a terrifying soldier, and-worst of all-a GIANT! He stood over 9 feet tall! He was so strong, so tall, and so scary that no one had ever been able to fight him-and live to tell the tale.
So, there they were: the Philistines (BOO) standing on the top of one hill. And God’s people, standing on top of the other. For 40 days, Goliath came in front of the Israelites (YAY) and shouted, “Send your best soldier to fight me! If he wins, we will be your slaves. But if I win, you will be our slaves!” No one spoke. No one moved.
“Chickens!” Goliath yelled. “Your God can’t save you! I will eat you for breakfast.” His beady, greedy eyes glowered at them hungrily from under his helmet-as if any minute he really might just gobble them all up. And he laughed his terrible laugh. (HAHAHA!)
Well, Goliath might just as well have been a green slimy monster with three heads because God’s people froze with fear. They cried out-(Who will save us? Somebody do something.)
But God would do something. He would send someone to save them.
Some of the soldiers in God’s army were brothers, and they had a little brother named David. (David!) One day, David (David!), brought his brothers their lunches when he saw Goliath.
“Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I will fight the giant for you.”
When David (David!) told this to the king, the king responded “You’re only a little shepherd boy, and Goliath is so big! How will you fight him?”
“God saved me from the paws of lions, the paws of bears, and will save me from the hand of that Philistine (BOO)” said David. “My God is bigger than that giant!”
With the king’s blessing, our small shepherd was about to become a big hero! David (David!) picked out 5 smooth stones from the stream (1,2,3,4,5) and walked toward Goliath. Step. Step. Step.
Goliath walked towards David. THUD. THUD. THUD.
“YOU??” Goliath asked, peering at the small boy.
“I am little, but God is BIG!” said David.
Goliath laughed an even scarier laugh than usual (HAHAHAHA) for with just one swing of his sword, the giant could finish the boy off.
But David said, “it isn’t how strong you are or how many swords you have that will save you—it is God who saves. This is God’s battle. And God ALWAYS wins His battles!”
David put a stone in his sling, swung it around and around and around-and let it go. The little stone flew like a bullet through the air and struck Goliath right between the eyes.
The giant stumbled…staggered…then CRASH…fell dead. When the Philistines (BOO) saw Goliath was dead, they ran away! And when God’s people (YAY!) saw them running away, they cheered (Hooray!). God had saved His people. David (David!) was a hero!
Many years later, God would send his people another young Hero to fight for them. And to save them. But this Hero would fight the GREATEST battle the world has ever known. Do you know who that Hero is? (JESUS!)
The end!

During this particular day we also sang songs that talked about our strong and mighty God. "My God is Bigger" we also sang "There once was a boy named David" we did a fun version of Jesus Loves Me, too!

I hope you and your kiddos enjoy!
In Him,