Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Father God,
Holy is Your name. Lord, I want to thank You for Your constant protection. For Your love. For Your faithfulness. And so much more.

Blessed be the name of the Lord--in good times, and bad. You are always there.

Lord. I want to ask you to surround those who have lost their earthly fathers on this Father's holiday tomorrow. You are the ultimate Father and wow, how blessed we are that You have chosen us and that we are able to hear Your voice. There is still sadness, though, in missing those who are no longer with us.

There are many in my life right now, who are celebrating this day without a dad, too. And where it is not a fun club to be a part of, it is nice to not be alone.

Father, please be a powerful presence in the lives of my friends tomorrow--and those I don't even know, who have lost a father or maybe never even had one. Show them how much YOU love them. I pray they have a big encounter with the Holy Spirit tomorrow, Lord. 

I ask all of these things in Your Son's Holy name.

Thank You for loving me. Thank You for Jesus.

Happy Father's Day :)


A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. PSALM 68:5