Sunday, June 24, 2012


Well, tonight was the night. I FINALLY got to see the movie I have been waiting for! BRAVE!! This movie touched my heart in unexpected ways. The previews do not lead you to believe anything more than a young girl fighting to find her place in this world. And yes, it is about that....but also presented so many more messages. **If you have not seen the movie there are things in this blog that pertain to the movie, but no spoilers as to what happens! Feel free to read on.

On the way home, I was going over in my mind how much I loved the movie. My friend Clay told me (and Pip) afterward, "Hey, she reminded me of the two of you!" And she did! She is free spirited and a dreamer and life-loving! However, on the way home, I thought about the ways that I am not like this new Disney heroine. I am not Brave.

In the movie, there are these things called Wisps (not to be confused with the portable toothbrush/toothpick combo). These Wisps are magical entities that direct those who see them to their fate. On the way home, the Lord showed me how Wisps are like the Holy Spirit--guiding us and directing us to our fate, to the things we were designed to do in this world. Just like Merida! So why could Merida see them? Because she believed in them. And when she believed, they showed up and guided her to where she needed to go. And when those around her who did not believe before but started to later, they also showed up for them as well.

Isn't this like the Holy Spirit? When we are in tune with the Spirit and seeking God's face, really listening to what He is trying to communicate with us-we find at ease our next move and the things He might be doing behind the scenes in our lives. It is when we stop looking for Him, listening to Him, and waiting for Him that we stop seeing our Wisps. And without them, how will we ever be directed to our destiny? To our calling?

When I think about destiny, and fate, and calling-as it pertains not only to Merida in Brave but also to Meagan in real life, I can't help but relate them both to my character in Titanic the Musical, Katherine McGowan. She is a third class passenger who boarded with hopes and dreams of finding a better life in America.

As a dreamer, I am much like my character in this way, but unlike Katherine McGowan (and Merida) I have not done many brave or courageous things to follow my destiny where it may lead. And in my case, maybe lack of bravery simply presents itself in the form of not seeking the Lord constantly so that I might know what He is doing in my life and the things He is trying to tell me and show me, and my fate that He is trying to lead me to.

There is a song we sing in the musical called Lady's Maid. It is Katherine McGowan leading the third class in dreaming up their new lives in America and all of the things they never thought could be true for themselves. This song is so powerful! We are playing REAL characters, who really were on the Titanic, who REALLY were travelling to America to follow their dreams. For some of them, it was their very last hope for their lives! And for many, that dream killed them. But they were BRAVE--and they were following their dream, their destiny. Now, because of documentaries, and books, and musicals, and so much more---their stories will forever be remembered.

I have found a new sense of pride in my character and the words that she sings....'where my dreamin' and my hopin' and my schemin' and my prayin' and my wishin' to be happy will come true'. I also have a new found sense of stirring within the depths of my heart that is LONGING for adventure (something I feel very strongly that we were created for). I long for risk and a journey of potential danger--because wow, what a way to rely only on the Lord when put in a situation where He is your only hope! I long for love, and a mission, and a chance to be......BRAVE!!!!

In Him,