Friday, March 30, 2012

Praying for Our Kids

Throughout the past several years, my life has revolved around being involved in the lives of young people. Whether I have been their nanny or babysitter, their teacher, their ride home from school, their mentor or friend, their sister or fill in the blank, I have encountered many lives. My goal with these kids, is to invest in their lives so that they always know they have someone in their lives they can go to for anything. I was deprived of that as a young girl, with the exception of my older sister, and therefore turned to boyfriends for comfort (a habit that carried into young adulthood and put me in situations where I was counting on these men to "save" me).

The things that these young girls talk about after school is enough to appall any human on the planet. The horror that is being a teenager and going to public school with other teenagers. They talk about how they are teased or bullied, how their friends tell dirty vulgar jokes, how this person cried or this person got in a fight, and the list goes on and on. Some parents chalk it up to, well they're just being teenagers. But isn't being a Christian teen the same thing as being a Christian adult? We are called to a MUCH higher standard of living, so much so that by behavior alone the world should look at us and know we are not of the world.

I had a young girl come to me yesterday, in tears and so upset, because of the things going on in her school. Her friends are talking about sex constantly and her guy friends are sexually teasing the girls, including her. She was so upset she went to her mother, who then in turn went to the school with the issue. Now, this young girl's friends are teasing her about overreacting. Even her very best girl friend came to her and said, "I am with (the young boy's name) on this one. You are making a huge deal about nothing!" and walked off.

It takes courage to stand up for what is right. Whether you are a 15 year old girl, or a 40 year old man. Doing what is right, and not following the crowd, is not easy. I am SO proud of this young girl for fighting for purity and being wholesome. However, my heart broke for her when she told me the story. Because Satan does not make it easy to be a Christian teen in school, surrounded by teens who maybe don't care right now whether they are following Christ or not.

I feel like as parents of pre-teens and teens, as well as teachers and friends and anyone who comes in contact with them really, we should be in constant supervision of how our kiddos are acting, what they are being taught, who they are hanging around with as well as what the family of their friends believe. Their influences need to be positive, and they need to know that it is OK doing what's right.

Children won't see persecution as a blessing. They see it as the end of life as they know it. Because it is hard walking into a place where you don't belong, where people are talking badly about you or teasing you, a place where you don't feel comfortable being yourself. I encourage all of the believing Family to be in constant prayer for our Christ-following kiddos. They need protection from the enemy, encouragement at home, and guidance from the Holy Spirit to continue being courageous on the battlefield. If we are not doing what we can to protect them in the spiritual realm then satan will have a much easier time of grabbing a hold of their hearts. Don't be afraid to cover your children in prayer before they walk out the door or step out of the car in the mornings before going into school. Don't be afraid to have conversations with them about the things other kids their age are probably doing-and certainly don't hold back when telling them what God wants for their young hearts.

Our kiddos are the next fighting chance we have of bringing the kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Don't let the plans of the enemy ruin the plans God has for your kid.

In Him,