Sunday, March 25, 2012

The One Sent

Before church this morning, I prayed that God use my preacher to deliver a message that my heart needed to hear. And boy is the Lord faithful! Today's message was delivered as part of a series called "What is the Gospel?" but what I received in today's sermon was even so much more than what I bargained for. There are several points that hit hard in my heart, and maybe not on the cohesive level of this particular series, but nevertheless driven to a place deep within that was longing for encouragement.

One of the messages God was driving home to me today is this notion that we are representatives or ambassadors for Christ. Of course I have heard this phrase hundreds of times, but for whatever reason, it truly clicked today. I GOT IT! I think sitting in the pew I even might have given an audible 'aha!' We traveled to a section in scripture that even uses the word co-workers for God. I got over a speedbump I guess you could say. For example, my car is very low to the ground. There are some speedbumps that mean nothing to me. Yet, there are some in town (Hastings parking lot for example) that are much too high/large for my little Mariah Camry to cross over, therefore I have to go around them. But there is always that pause of questioning what to do. It literally stops me in my tracks. So back to my point-there are speedbumps like this in life, that seem to slow us down. Obstacles that hinder us from getting where we need to go. I am not certain what my obstacles or speedbumps are in this particular situation, but for whatever reason, something was not allowing me to grasp this concept of representing Christ.

I began then, racking my brains for times I have been an appropriate or accurate ambassador for Christ in some of my daily situations. And when you look at our mission as Christians in this way, it really shows you where you are NOT living up to the mission or calling we've been given. There were so many situations I was thinking of. Oh I shouldn't have said that, I should have said this or done that. I should not have been there, or I should have gone there. There is nothing, obviously, I can do about the poor representation of Christ that I've been so far in my life-but there are definite changes I will be making from now on, now that I am more aware of this larger calling we have all been given.

Which leads me to my next point. Gods mission. This morning, it sunk in that "our mission becomes Gods mission." When put this way, again it takes the ME out of my life and replaces it with Gods will FOR me. And understanding that calling, in my opinion, means constantly being in communication with God. Becoming so in tune with the Holy Spirit and the direction it takes us that instead of our own selfish desires ruling our actions and decisions, it becomes Gods desires for us.

I wrote a blog recently about things that separate us from receiving God's love to the fullest, one of those things being sin. Mr. Jimmy, our preacher, said this morning that "His kingdom can not come where sin reigns." AHHHHH!!!!! ***LIGHTBULB*** (At this point I am saying out loud to myself, 'have I been asleep under a rock??"). All of these dots were connecting, making SO much sense to me, and encouraging my spirit to do SO much more than what I have been doing in my life. Sin does not only reign in this world and in the lives and hearts of others but it reigns in your life EVERY time you choose sin over God. So if His kingdom can not reign where sin reigns then what does that mean about our lives right now? We have GOT to literally be taking up our crosses, and constantly mindful of the sin that enters our lives-even in the smallest of ways.

Just like an infant can not be an adult in a few hours, I believe that sin can not blossom overnight either. I don't have a feeling that I will wake up tomorrow and murder anyone because POOF I decided I wanted to. I would imagine, that just like with seed of light and hope and good things from Christ, there can also be seeds of doom and darkness and negativity planted into our lives as well. And a small act of jealous feelings could lead to jealous rage which could lead to violence which could lead to murder. A small negative thought when looking into a mirror on a "bad hair day" could lead to insecurity, self destruction, eating disorder, and ultimately death. See how it can grow? So we as believers not only need to be mindful and hate our sin, but we need to start recognizing sin early before it plants more and more seeds of darkness in our souls.

And one last point I want to touch on before I wrap this up is this idea that the whole world's eyes are watching us. Not just believers but non-believers too. As Mr. Jimmy said, "we mediate God's grace to the watching world." If they are not receiving love, comfort, grace, and forgiveness from us, the "ambassadors" of Christ, then what are they going to think about Christ and how he might change their lives too? I have a younger cousin who is basically a sister to me, we are very close. And when I was a teenager (which she is now, 16), my aunt would tell me, "be careful what you do because small eyes are always upon you." It was true then, and it is true now since I am a teacher of small children. Back then, it was a matter of being careful of what I did or said-in the sense of, I could do whatever I wanted as long as she-this one small human-didn't see me. But now, that phrase means much more to me. If you have something pure and honest and good and loving inside of you, there should be no need to "be careful" of not getting caught. More so, you should be living out loud so that people everywhere can constantly see how you live and the God that you represent.

The message this morning was so kingdom focused, and so inspirational on many levels. I have been praying about, raising a little money for, and really researching doing missions. But I don't take for granted knowing that my everyday life is a "mission". My preacher said, "God's kingdom can't go where God's kingdom people don't go." It is SO true! I can't expect ole Bob down the street to wake up and be a christian if I have never taken the time to invest in his life. I can't pray for family of mine to accept Christ and live like Him when I am not making myself available for them to see an example of my own life.

Basically I am walking away from today a proactive, contagious Christian. Praying for guidance along the way. Specifically this morning, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to transition with me in this next season as my COACH. I need encouraged and to felt rooted for. As well as I need urging in my direction and my decisions and the confidence to take that step out of my box and DO what needs to be done. I need to be PUSHED, not because I am failing or not doing what is expected of me, but because God knows I can do and be more because I am designed to do and be more. So I need a coach's push.

I have so much excitement and faith in these next steps of my life as I apply for missionary schools, dive into some purpose driven missions in my business and day to day life. I accept all prayers and encouragement from anyone who has advice or would love to donate to the cause! I am so blessed to be given this forum to spread God's word and all that He is doing to radically change my life! Thank you for taking this journey with me :)

In Him,