Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time, in a not so far away land, lived a young girl. This girl was more beautiful than she would ever know, for the evils of the world had done everything to ensure that she would never find out her true identity. You see, this was no ordinary girl. No. She was the daughter of a king. A PRINCESS.

However, her journey in life resembled nothing of royalty. This "princess" was born to ordinary parents whom both, she lost. She was an orphan drowning in a sea of abandonment, and accustomed to fighting her way through life in order to survive. She went to any means necessary to show her strength, because she knew if she were weak the world would swallow her alive.

Walking through life scared, alone, angry, and broken-the most amazing thing happened. She met a Prince. This Prince took one look at the raggedy orphan and wept, for he knew of the pain she had gone through. With his hand to her chin he lifted her sight to meet his awaiting eyes.

"You, My Beloved" he whispered "have CAPTIVATED me."

The Prince and the young girl spent everyday together. They walked hand in hand through their mornings. They shared meals together. She shared with him the inner most desires of her quickly healing heart. She cried on his shoulder. She laughed until her heart ached. For the first time in her whole life, she felt safe. She was home.

The prince loved the young girl so much that he could not wait to introduce her to his Father. When the girl caught a glimpse of the glory of the King she fell to the ground, unable to move. Paralyzed by shame and the guilt of her former life, she dared not face such a powerful king.

"My Daughter" he said, lifting her off of the ground. "I love you more than you will ever know. And not because of what you have done, but because of who you are. My son thinks highly of you. You are my Daughter whom I adore."

Looking back at her Prince, the new Princess wept in joy! Shedding the rags of her old clothing, the King wrapped around the Princess the most beautiful cloak one had ever seen. He placed a ring on her finger that sparkled greater than any star in the sky. He placed a crown on her head that reflected every color in the rainbow plus colors she had never even seen before. The King kissed the Princess on her cheek and placed her hand back into the hands of her Prince.

The little princess walked with her Prince into a beautiful garden. He sat her down and said to her:
"There are people in the world, like you once were, unaware how much my Father loves them. In His name, will you tell them how much they are wanted? Will you share your life with them so that my Father can do His work through you?"

"Of course, my Prince. I will do anything you ask."

He placed his hand on her heart.
"I will live in here forever my Beloved. You will never know another lonely night. You will never feel like you are unwanted or unloved, ever again. If you start to doubt it, cry out to me my princess. I will immediately surround you with peace and comfort. I will kiss you every morning when you awake and wrap my arms around you every night as you fall asleep. I am sending a counselor to help you, for I know how indecisive you are my precious girl. I know you will need help figuring out what to do, and I want nothing more than to help you. I long to hear you cry out to me. Never forget that the power of my father is how you will accomplish your mission. Love Him, because he loves you so. And love others, so that they may know Him too. Do you think you can do this little princess?"

The princess thought about it for a moment. Though it would be hard, leaving her safe home with her Prince and re-entering the world that was so cruel to innocent heart, she knew what she had to do. The other princesses of the world must know about their Prince and how much their Father, the King, adores them. So she would tell them.

"Yes, my Prince. I will be a vessel to bring light to dark places. When I am sad, when I am scared, when I feel like I am the only one fighting for justice, when I don't feel I have a voice, when I am tempted, when I am persecuted, or when I am in danger, I will remember that you are in my heart, and the power of the King lies in my faith that He can do the impossible."

The Prince kissed the little princess goodbye.
"Until we meet again, my Beloved."
"Yes" she smiled. "Until we meet again, my Prince."

In Him,