Saturday, February 5, 2011

Guys and Dolls

The past week or so, I have been hit hard with the realization that I am single. And not just that I am single (because I have been that way for a long time now) but that unlike other times in my life, there are not even any prospects in the wings. My life consists of online classes, teaching small children, church, and meetings with girlfriends. So far, no men have popped up in my online classes dying to take out the girl who submits papers on child abuse and jevenile delinquency. The children I teach at church seem to have married parents and no older male siblings. At the theater I teach at I only see the children's mothers. And would think this would be a wonderful place to find an amazing, God loving, Christian (SINGLE) man. Not the case in my congregation. So I am left wondering, what are some things to do in this town where I can meet new people. The answer I have been given (by friends and my own logic) are bars downtown. This serves as a problem for me, because unless that guy is in the bar to minster it seems unlikely that he will be the type of guy I am looking for.

So, what kind of guy am I looking for? (First of all, I would not necessarily say I am looking. Actually, I am quite content with him falling into my lap via help from the Lord or someone reading this very blog who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who will be PERFECT for me) This has inspired me to write down what I need in a man. If you see this list, and know this man, all means.... :)

1. First and foremost he must LOVE THE LORD with every fiber of his being. Being a "christian" is simply not going to cut it, because it takes more than warming a pew with your butt on Sunday mornings to really be the kind of guy who will be able to handle and support me in my calling.
2. If he is religiously legalistic then....NEXT. I am a radical Jesus loving follower and require that someone I am with has that same wreckless abandonment for my God that I have.
3. Called to ministry. Which, honestly, I feel like we are all called to ministry-just in different avenues. I need someone who recognizes that calling and regardless of if you are a lawyer or cop or whatever, are living out that calling in your profession.
4. I need someone who longs to travel with me. I refuse to be stuck in Jonesboro Arkansas for the rest of my life, and quite frankly am hesitant on even dating guys here because most of the people here are already stuck!
5. It is absolutely required that I end up with someone more intellectual than myself. I like it when my guy can teach me new things. I need to be challenged because I get bored very easily.
6. His sense of humor must be witty in order to keep up with my bantor and pop culture references. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. So being with someone I can do that for and does that for me is a plus.
7. One of the most important things for me is being able to be myself. I am the kind of girl who takes her shoes off and dances in the middle of WalMart and I need a guy who stands back and smiles and thinks to himself "Man I love her" OR better yet, a guy who joins in and dances with me because when we are together nothing else in the world matters. If you make me feel weird or try to restrict my free spirit in anyway then you will never make it in the world of Meg so there is no sense in trying.
8. I need someone who is compassionate. I have the world's most tender heart and if I am seeking compassion or empathy from a guy and he tries to "toughen me up" oh heck to the no, see ya :) My heart breaks for the things of this world that breaks God's heart. I am called to the frontlines of working with the broken hearted, the abandoned, the children of the world who feel unloved and unwanted, and at the end of every day I am sure that all I could really use is a hug and the option to cry it all out on your shoulder if I need to.
9. I want to matter to someone. I want to be so important to somebody that my opinions matter, what I am doing throughout my day matters, and seeing me matters. If a guy does not attempt to see me as much as he can, or communicate with me on a constant basis then it will not work. See, because I know that I am a princess and I know that I deserve the best. My God has told me that and I will not settle for a guy who makes me feel anyless than what I deserve. And maybe I wont find that guy, but I will be single forever before I settle.
10. I am at the point in my life where I am done casually dating. I am "looking" for my husband. So I need a guy who is also at that same point in his life, because I will not wait 5 years to marry you when I am ready now. That's just the way it is. I want marriage and kids and I need a guy who also wants those things.

So see, for the most part it would seem pretty simple. But no, it has not been. So what is my plan of action? Continuing doing the Lord's work, knowing that in His perfect timing He will work all of it out for me. Also, travelling more and meeting men outside of this large small town. And lastly, leaving it up to the amazing Christian men and women in my life to recommend guys to me!

My friends and family think I am picky. But I refuse to get married for the sake of getting married. 30-40year olds today who struggle in their marriage realize that their reasons for getting married in the first place were wrong and they are paying the price for it. Marriage is tough no doubt about it, but it is also beautiful. And it was created to bring GLORY to our LORD and I want that for my life. So yes, I will continue to be picky so that my marriage will do everything the God created marriage to do.

In Him,