Sunday, February 20, 2011

YOU are beautiful beyond description....

My morning, was rough to say the least. I woke up in a foul mood when all resources of waking me up failed. Needless to say, I missed church. Since I have been having such a hard time at my church the past few months, I tried to tell myself it might have been a blessing in disguise. Feeling anxiety ridden and upset at people and mad at myself for sleeping through my alarm, and shaking off several bad and weird dreams the previous night had granted me, I decided to fall back asleep. I chanted "surround me Lord, surround me Lord, surround me Lord" over and over again, until I drifted into a beautiful slumber.

I re-awoke around 11, extremely rested and ready to start the day. God was tugging on my heart, needing and wanting time alone with me. I opened up to Proverbs and spent some time in the Word and then some time in prayer afterward. That did not seem to do it, for He was so actively at the forefront of my mind this morning (which is a great thing, don't get me wrong!) So I got ready, and had limited time to travel into Jonesboro, grab a bite to eat, and meet my friend for a play we were seeing. I decided to call my grandfather, who is my best buddy. It had been a while since we last saw each other and I missed his company. He treated me to lunch and great company before I headed off to the play.

The day was absolutely beautiful to say the LEAST, so all day I felt God kissing me on the cheek and giggling at my surprise weather :) The play we saw "The Secret Garden" only intensified the gratitude I felt toward Papa for making today my weather-perfect day. **What started out as rough, was turning around so quickly, and bringing such glory to my Father!

After the play, I decided I needed to take that road trip-to enjoy the weather, to listen to and sing songs of praise to my God, and to visit some family who had been on my heart. I drove a couple of hours away to a town called Cord-Charlotte, and Batesville. First I went to Cord where my father's grave is. I set out a blanket, grabbed my Bible and my camera, and sat and worhipped for over an hour. The weather was so beautiful and the wind was captivating my heart so much, there was no way I could sit there and NOT worship such a wonderful Creator!

After worshipping and praying and really just taking in God's splendor, I decided to go see my step greatgrandmother in Batesville. She has always loved me so much, and I had never before came to visit just her. So, I decided it was time. And on the way from Cord to her house in Batesville (about a 30 minute drive in the middle of nothing but farm land) I passed the most amazing sights! Pastures full of the most beautiful animals I had ever seen! They were unlike any cow or any horse or any goat I had ever seen in my life, they were....God! I know that sounds weird, but every where I looked, I saw His face! The clouds, the weeds, the cracks in the pavement, the tree branches, the bugs-EVERYTHING reflected His love, and I was so happy I was hysterically laughing. It was as if God took off his God-glasses and said "Here my Beloved, see the world as I see it" and placed them on me. All of a sudden everything was better, cleaner, crisper, more detailed, and just shone of God's awesomeness!

It was such an intense, and much-needed encounter with Papa I couldn't help cry and laugh and everything all at once! When I prayed that morning after reading Proverbs, and again at the gravesite after reading more of it, I asked for wisdom. I felt compelled to ask for wisdom. And for Papa to show me His glory, to lend me His eyes so I can see things the way He sees them. See, I have been feeling so negative lately what with things at church, and lacking motivation in school, and unreliable friends who hurt my feelings all weekend. I was down, and I cried out to my God to just bring me some joy through granting me wisdom and His eyes. And He did. BOY DID HE!!!!

I would give anything to see the world the way I saw it today, every single day for the rest of my life. People were beautiful, wind was beautiful, trash was beautiful, and even in its own weird way roadkill was beautiful. There was just something so amazing in SEEING things. Not overlooking, but SEEING them for what they are. There was beauty in the emotion that seeing these things brought to my soul. Whether it was the kiss of the wind which brought happiness, or the death of the animal lying on the side of the road which brought sadness, it was all still CAPTIVATING!!

My God is so good. My GOD is SO FAITHFUL! Gosh He really stinking loves us! And I hope you, whoever you are reading this, realize how much the Creator of the entire universe, absolutely ADORES you :)

In Him,