Friday, January 21, 2011

Fasting from Facebook

Yesterday, a really good friend of mine hurt my feelings very much. This morning, when I opened my eyes, I instantly remembered the hurt and began tossing his hateful words around in my head. I was obsessed. I wondered how someone could be so kind and loving one second, and the next, act like you are the devil himself. I did not understand it and the more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

After reeling from the situation with this friend (pre-eyes-even-opening-to-greet-the-day), I had a few text messages from another friend asking about homework. Normally, this wouldn't bother me at all but I was already in a bad mood from examining the situation with this other friend. I was not upset at all that she asked about homework, but that I was still in bed carelessly giving little (well, no) thought to it at all. The messages stressed me out because they caused me to think about something I was actively trying not to think about at all.

So, before my feet even hit the floor I was 1.upset, and 2.stressed out. Half-awake, half-zombie I got out of bed, made my way to the computer, and when my eyes opened I miraculously found that my sleep-self had made it on to facebook. It was at that moment that I truly thought to myself "I'm barely awake, haven't talked to God, and somehow I am already glued to the facebook world"-checking on statuses I missed while sleeping, checking my inbox, and wondering what next clever thing I could post on my own profile. This. Is. Sad.

So, I got off of facebook and went downstairs, where I preceded to get onto a different computer and attempt the online homework the friend had warned me about that morning. It was hard. And everything she said about it was right (dang) so I was even more frustrated because I also couldn't figure out which assignment was due.

During those moments, I got a text from a dear friend of mine who I am getting to worship with tomorrow night. It was just small chit-chat, but she mentioned something huge that made my heart smile. She was fasting from facebook. She confessed to having so many distractions in and of the world that get in the way sometimes of her relationship with God and full commitment to Him. Immediately I said "I'm in!" I recognized that part of my problem throughout that whole upset, stressful, and confusing morning was that I was letting things of the world distract me from centering on my God.

You see, God has opened some pretty huge and pretty amazing doors for me over the past few weeks. And with that responsibility, usually comes some pretty intense spiritual warfare. As Beth Moore states (paraphrasing)
Anything God does, satan is going to try and counter. We are assigned specific holy angels from the Lord as well as specific un-holy angels from satan to attempt to counter what God and His angels are doing in and for us. We are constantly surrounded by spiritual warfare.

I knew satan would have it out for me hard, to try and get my "human nature" to mess up and undo all of the works God is doing in my life. I just, never knew how the attacks would come. After talking with my friend about the facebook fast, deciding to do it, and meditating on distractions of this world I knew instantly that satan so often 'gets us' with the LITTLE things. Things we would not normally think about, like spending too much time on facebook.

If you are reading this right now, I encourage you to take a minute and think about some little things that really, when added up, become big distractions from your relationship with God. We forget that we need not worry about anything. And we easily forget that we are not in control. And, that if we truly focused on nothing but a relationship with God, then HE will take care of the rest!

God loves us. He wants to dance with us everyday. Kiss our cheeks and hold our hands. He wants to romance us with sunsets and roses and butterflies. He wants to whisper into our ears how much He adores us. He is in love with us, and wants nothing more in return than for us to fall head over heels in love with Him too. And out of that love, he takes care of us!

What are some things you worry about or attempt to have control over that God wants to take off of your hands? finances? worry about children? job? What are some little things you need to delete from your life (or like me, at least take a break from)? facebook? dating? shopping? video games? When we relinquish control to God, He will not let us down. He is creating something beautiful IN us and FOR us, and all He asks of us is to trust Him.

Even if this guy does not know how badly he hurt my feelings, I want to forgive him anyway, and give that situation up to God. I will pray for this man's heart, that he truly changes from his tempermental ways. I will pray that the Lord show him how acting that way, and letting satan win, will destroy the plans the Lord has for him (ministry wise or other). To the friend who stressed me out, I deeply apologize. She had no idea that her texts were walking in on my already bad morning. Nor did she know I was choosing to procrastinate the homework. Her willingness to knock it out inspired me to do it so I thank her very much for that. And to my fellow facebook faster-I love you so much. You are a BEAUTIFUL woman of God and inspire me so much, even when you have no idea you are doing it. This is the start of a beautiful, non-judgemental, honest and loving, AWESOME friendship!

In Him.

P.S. If you are reading this ON facebook, I am not on it haha. There is a share application!