Thursday, December 3, 2009

I Deserve Better....

I deserve better than a love that has limits, than love where I have to beg you to be in it.
Love that revolves around things people do, schedules, appointments, classes, no you.
Love where I look in the mirror each morning, and ask myself why Im still here every night.
Apart we're in love but together we fight.
A love that's so deep that it runs to the core, is the same love thats drowning me because I need more.
Uncommited because of obligation you share, unconditional love even though you're not there
I deserve better then love tossed to the side, pick it up later when you find the time.
Love where I dont need permission to touch, a love where loving me is never too much.
Love where my hand can reach across the bed, and hold onto yours as we sleep through night.
You're the first thing I see with the morning sun's light.
A future, a family, a home to call mine. With every second your waiting is just wasted time.
What are you scared of, why do you run? When you offered me forever were you just having some fun?
I counted on you to be the rock I could lean on, the heart I call home when the going got tough.
But the sum of my pain in my heart everyday, is the emptyness you left me when for you things got rough.
I understand scared, I comprehend fear. But when lives are at stake you have got to be clear.
Where do we go now, what do we do? You've led us this far, well leader, tell me the truth?
Do we have reason to hope or reason to fight? Reason to think we can love one more night?
I deserve better you know, than a love where Im empty. A love I can hold onto for all of my days.
I deserve better than the love you can give me, because all that you're giving me, really, is pain.