Monday, December 14, 2009

Death Comes In Threes

There is an old saying, that death comes in threes. I don't know if that is true or not because people, animals, plants (any "living" thing counts I guess) are dying everyday, all over the world. Maybe the person who came up with that phrase died right in the middle of the sentence and meant to say "death comes in three...thousands" ??? There's no telling. Anyway, I say that to say this. In my area there have been 3 deaths in a 2 day period. Not old people, walking toward the light after all of their years. But tragic deaths. 2 suicides and 1 car accident. 2 men killed themselves, and 1 mother of 3 was killed in a car accident.

I lost my dad in a car accident 11 months thursday. He died instantly. The accident you ask? Yea...thats the weird part. Caused by a freak DUST storm. A dust storm mind you that probably didnt last an hour. However, that hour was enough to conveniently be the same hour my dad was passing by. Before he died I had 2 dogs die. Now I know what you're thinking, dogs? Really? But yes. One of which I had had for 2 years and she was absolute my very best friend. The other I got a few weeks after the first one died. How did THEY die you ask? Also freak accidents. The first one, a black and white papillion named Lillie, was jumping off of the couch when I wasnt there and slipped a disc in her back. She was paralyzed in her bed by the time I got off of work that day. We had to put her down. The second one, a rescue puppy with no known origin (looked to be a teeny tiny little rat of some sort) named Elphaba (Elphie for short), contracted some illness that made her abdomen disappear in her stomach. Vet said he'd never seen anything like it in his life. Then in January of this year, dad and the freak dust storm.

Maybe death does come in threes, but it is clearly a different 3 for every person. That is alot of death. And it absolutely breaks my heart. The family of one of the men who committed suicide, I have known my whole life. If rumors (and facebook walls) are true, she (his wife) had just found out she was expecting their first child. What a selfish act. The car accident with the mother killed, hurts my heart. No one should have to be at home reading a book, or coloring, or doing homework to get a knock on the door with the bad news that you have lost a loved one. At that moment...the whole entire world suddenly.....stops....

What was the last thing you said to them? The last memory you had of them? Did you tell them you love them? That your world was a better place for having them be a part of it?

Life is TOO short not to tell the people you love exactly what they mean to you. It is TOO short to live mediocre happiness because you feel like youre doing the right thing, when you could be loving someone who is everything to you. Life is too short to take forever to make important decisions. Life is too short to put off til tomorrow what you can do today. Dream as if you'll live forever, but live as if you'll die today.

What do YOU want to do before you die?
