Sunday, December 6, 2009

Can You Duet.....?

Let me start this post off by saying how completely random it is going to sound (and how in all actuality it is JUST as random in my own head as it is in yours while youre reading it) (like anyone reads it at all but just saying...) Anyway....I have a MILLION things I want to talk about, post about, get feedback about...things like Divine Plan vs. FreeWill (not the whale...oh wow...thats ironic isnt it??????) things like The Power of Positive Energy (firm believer on days where people dont piss me off) and things like The Random Thoughts of Meg (trust me, it gets MUCH more random then what I am about to write about)....So all of these things will be the next upcoming 3 or so blogs. However, I just got off of a mini vacation in Branson (or BransVegas as it SHOULD be called) and do not feel like thinking too deep below the surface because I am fairly worn out. SO, this blog is about a BRILLIANT idea I have for a duet and if ANY of you "followers" or just regular old readers out there in cyberland steal this idea I will go Nature Boy Rick Flare on your asses. ((WHOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOoooooo))

Here's my idea....
I should call up Eddie Vedder *lead singer of Pearl Jam duh* and say to him "Ed, I think it is about time you did a kick butt duet with an up and coming singer." Hopefully by then I will have at least upped and comed (heehee) to doing karaoke bars or SOMETHING.
The song....
The song will be Nothingman, in my opinion it is absolutely their most beautiful song (to which I will copy/paste the

Once divided...nothing left to subtract...Some words when spoken...can't be taken back...Walks on his own...with thoughts he can't help thinking...Future's above...but in the past he's slow and sinking...Caught a bolt 'a lightnin'...cursed the day he let it go...Nothingman... Nothingman... Isn't it something? Nothingman...
She once every story he had to tell...One day she stiffened...took the other side...Empty stares...from each corner of a shared prison cell...One just's left inside the well...And he who forgets...will be destined to remember...Nothingman... Nothingman... Isn't it something?Nothingman...
Oh, she don't want him...Oh, she won't feed him...after he's flown away...Oh, into the sun...ah, into the sun...Burn...burn...Nothingman... Nothingman... Isn't it something?Nothingman...Nothingman...Coulda' been something...Nothingman

It clearly doesnt LOOK as beautiful as it sounds, but if youve never heard the song before you should youtube or download it. The harmony in it is great already but while you are listening to it imagine a guy singing the first vers and chorus (because it's an octave lower than the other verse) then a female doing the second verse (male doing second chorus again though while female harmonizes) and then during the bridge they have simultaneously different singing of the "Oh, Burn Burn Ah Burn...." and on that "Nothingman...." after the bridge is kick ass harmony til the end when the male sings the last line alone.

I know, random and confusing. But driving all day today coming home from Bransvegas I listened to the song a hundred times and got chills everytime I pictured myself singing it (not just with Eddie Vedder although that would be amazing) but anywhere....If anyone is interested then hit me up :)

More random thoughts to come
