Thursday, September 29, 2011

This Little Light of Mine....Day 2/40 Days of Prayer

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine all the time, OH YEA!! Today's devotional in my congregation's 40 Days of Prayer booklet was about this all too familiar tune, and the meaning behind it. At Southwest, we have a separate offering for children and during this time we sing a song specifically for them as they go up to the treasure chests and give their dollar and change to God. It is quite humorous at times as you see them running up with gusto and practically tackling each other to get to the small wooden box. Every now and then, one of the songs we sing is "This Little Light of Mine"-a tune that often gets sung out of habit, memory, and after-thought. But really, this simplistic melody holds a KEY for Christian living.

Inside of us all is dwelling the Spirit of God. We live our lives so that when others look at us they see the light of our Father. When we do good deeds we point all glory to our wonderful Papa. We carry this light, and shine this light, everywhere we go, in all situations, and when encountering any type of life. Or so...we SHOULD.

My favorite part of that song is towards the end. "Won't let satan (blow) it out, I'm gonna let it shine! Won't let satan (blow) it out, I'm gonna let it shine! Won't let satan (blow) it out, I'm gonna let it shine! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine OH YEA!"

The enemy and other forces of darkness and evil are constantly trying to blow our Lights out. Sometimes we don't think about the many ways in one single day that darkness, negativity, anger, frustration, impatience, jealousy, depression, lust, temptation, gluttony, etc will creep into our minds--none of these products of the Spirit--and when they creep into our minds they eventually start controlling our actions. Think about your day today, and the many ways you could have been a Light in a dark place....did you take that opportunity? Did you get frustrated with the person in the fast food line for taking too long? Or for the girl at the window for getting your order wrong? Did you see someone broken down on the side of the road and refuse to stop because "I'm just a girl, it isn't safe for me to stop" or maybe you're a guy and your excuse was "I am running late or I would!" Did you look up into eyes of your cashier at target, to notice at all that she was having a horrible day and one smile from you could have changed that? Did you love on the kid behind you in that same line who was bugging you for your attention, or did you just ignore him because he's not your responsibility? Did you thank your mom or dad for all they do for you everyday, or did you ask to go out this weekend and complain that the dinner was too cold? Did you pick up your brother or sister or friend from school and turn on Christian music in hopes they would feel uplifted and grow closer to God or did you leave in on Lady Gaga and sing along with them to the vulgar lyrics?

In this world, every single minute of everyday, we have the chance to be the Light of Jesus to people around us who really need to see Him. Chances we might not even recognize are in actuality there ALL the time! It's a matter of, if our hearts are so completely devoted to Him are we living out the Gospel or are we saying we are a Christian yet looking from the outside like the rest of the secular world. When people look at you, brother and sister, they should WANT what you have. They might not be able to put their finger on it, but it's there. And it is our jobs to show them, hey, this is the difference you see! Let me tell you about the amazing God I serve and how much He loves YOU!

Father God,
I pray for myself, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray for my family and my friends, and my church God. I ask for your continued guidance in our lives. I ask for your strength God, that we may be more like you and become empowered in situations outside of our comfort zone to shine in the darkness. Thank you for ALWAYS being with us, leading us, and giving us your Spirit which we know is a Spirit of power and not of fear and timidity. Gently remind us each day how we can share your Word and love on those around us, Lord. We seek Your face everyday and want those who surround us to see Your love by the way we live our lives.

In Him,