Thursday, February 24, 2011

No One Says You Have to be Perfect.....

Maybe it is just me, but I do not take well to being yelled at, being called names, having my character attacked, hurtful sarcasm, and most of all, people being hateful just because they have no harness on their thoughts, and no remorse to the things they say and do that crush other people. People like this, most of the time, crush others because they are so insecure and angry with who they already are that they see joy when they make others feel as miserable as they feel.

It's an age old lesson that we are taught from the time we are in grade school. Someone is picking on you on the playground and you go home upset about it, what do your parents say? I don't know about yours but my dad spoke to me like an adult, and told me these people were trying to bring me down to pick themselves back up. (Later on he told me I was allowed to punch anyone I wanted to who was physically harming me, and that if I got in trouble he would ALWAYS back me up! haha Maybe not the best parenting advice, but I never doubted that my daddy was on my side when I was doing what was RIGHT.)

We continue to learn this lesson in Jr High and Sr Highschool, when a mean girl spreads hateful and harmful rumors about you. You go home and cry on your bed for hours, and let the pain fester for weeks before telling your parents how awful it is and that you never want to go to school again. I don't know about you guys, but my dad always told me "to kill them with kindness" and it never actually made THEM hurt as bad as they had hurt me, but it always made me feel better about who I was.

Not that my school days were particularly drama-filled by any means, this is stuff I bet 9 out of 10 girls have dealt with too. It's just how girls are. But what happens when you are no longer a girl, but instead a young woman. A young woman who gets to choose her close circle of friends. A young woman who tries her best to love on everyone she encounters. A young woman who is devout in her faith, and striving every second to show others how much God loves them. Does this young woman have to worry about being crushed by "mean girls" on the playground?

I would like to say no, but I would be lying. Because I find myself struggling with this recently. Why do people we know are hurtful angry people, and whom we know do NOT give us our identity, why do we LET them get the better of us?

Once upon a time, there was a child who was left by her mother and abused by a man. There fighting and violence in her once stable household. There was fear, and emptiness, and heartache. When the young girl's stepmother entered the picture, things only worsened. The stepmother abused the young girl in every way that she knew how. She mentally traumatized the girl and everything the young child once held safe and true. There was nowhere to turn, no way to escape. Until one day....she did. Out on her own things were only slightly better, as people will go to any means necessary to make someone else miserable. The young girl was forever trapped inside of a nightmare.

You never know when this story is the past and present that someone has to deal with. You never know the pain and the torture that people have endured, people you walk alongside every single day. This is why the golden rule is doing unto others what you would have done unto you. I would call the above story a "fairytale" but it's not. It's a tragedy. And it's only a small part of my own tragedy.

Having endured a life like this, and healing from this type of living for so long, I would say that my heart is not only as strong as a thousand giants, but also as frail as a dying flower. I have survived alot (and not just me, so many people have this or worse backgrounds to them) so wonder daily, "Since I am old enough to get myself away from people who treat me like this, to own my own emotions, and to fight for the healing of my heart-do I still have to deal with this horror?"

And the answer is. Yes. Sadly, yes I do. Because there are always going to be mean girls on the playground. And there are always going to be wicked stepmother's. And no matter how good the deeds look on the outside that someone might be doing, people are not stupid and they know the truth. They know through your actions if you are hateful. They know through the ugly words that you use that you are angry. They know through your drama that you have gone through drama yourself. They know through the harsh texts, the useless fights, the knee-jerk reactions, the defensive conversations, the swearing, the dissatisfaction in things that are good, and just your everyday behavior-they KNOW if you are a "MEAN GIRL ON THE PLAYGROUND".

And it is ok. To those of us who are still that broken and upset child on the playground, who try and see and try and do GOOD in this world, we have a Heavenly Father on our side who has sent his angels in the Heavenlies to fight for justice, to fight for our souls, and to fight our battles. And to those of you who can't just be NICE to others, and let God enter your heart FULLY so that you will be transformed to a new person-to those of you, God LOVES you so much...and guess what? He is still fighting for YOU TOO! Just because you feel forgotten doesn't mean you are. But that does not mean too that you can stomp around treating other people so badly. Because then you are not dealing with the Heavenly Father who is fighting for you, you are dealing with the Wrathful God who will JUDGE you for the things you do and say on this earth.

No One says you have to be perfect. I am nowhere near perfection, and I know that. I see my flaws, I see my wounds, and I see my imperfections. But I also see and talk to a God who daily is correcting my flaws, healing my wounds, and making me perfect for Him through His Son.

The moral of this story. JUST BE NICE!
In Him,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

YOU are beautiful beyond description....

My morning, was rough to say the least. I woke up in a foul mood when all resources of waking me up failed. Needless to say, I missed church. Since I have been having such a hard time at my church the past few months, I tried to tell myself it might have been a blessing in disguise. Feeling anxiety ridden and upset at people and mad at myself for sleeping through my alarm, and shaking off several bad and weird dreams the previous night had granted me, I decided to fall back asleep. I chanted "surround me Lord, surround me Lord, surround me Lord" over and over again, until I drifted into a beautiful slumber.

I re-awoke around 11, extremely rested and ready to start the day. God was tugging on my heart, needing and wanting time alone with me. I opened up to Proverbs and spent some time in the Word and then some time in prayer afterward. That did not seem to do it, for He was so actively at the forefront of my mind this morning (which is a great thing, don't get me wrong!) So I got ready, and had limited time to travel into Jonesboro, grab a bite to eat, and meet my friend for a play we were seeing. I decided to call my grandfather, who is my best buddy. It had been a while since we last saw each other and I missed his company. He treated me to lunch and great company before I headed off to the play.

The day was absolutely beautiful to say the LEAST, so all day I felt God kissing me on the cheek and giggling at my surprise weather :) The play we saw "The Secret Garden" only intensified the gratitude I felt toward Papa for making today my weather-perfect day. **What started out as rough, was turning around so quickly, and bringing such glory to my Father!

After the play, I decided I needed to take that road trip-to enjoy the weather, to listen to and sing songs of praise to my God, and to visit some family who had been on my heart. I drove a couple of hours away to a town called Cord-Charlotte, and Batesville. First I went to Cord where my father's grave is. I set out a blanket, grabbed my Bible and my camera, and sat and worhipped for over an hour. The weather was so beautiful and the wind was captivating my heart so much, there was no way I could sit there and NOT worship such a wonderful Creator!

After worshipping and praying and really just taking in God's splendor, I decided to go see my step greatgrandmother in Batesville. She has always loved me so much, and I had never before came to visit just her. So, I decided it was time. And on the way from Cord to her house in Batesville (about a 30 minute drive in the middle of nothing but farm land) I passed the most amazing sights! Pastures full of the most beautiful animals I had ever seen! They were unlike any cow or any horse or any goat I had ever seen in my life, they were....God! I know that sounds weird, but every where I looked, I saw His face! The clouds, the weeds, the cracks in the pavement, the tree branches, the bugs-EVERYTHING reflected His love, and I was so happy I was hysterically laughing. It was as if God took off his God-glasses and said "Here my Beloved, see the world as I see it" and placed them on me. All of a sudden everything was better, cleaner, crisper, more detailed, and just shone of God's awesomeness!

It was such an intense, and much-needed encounter with Papa I couldn't help cry and laugh and everything all at once! When I prayed that morning after reading Proverbs, and again at the gravesite after reading more of it, I asked for wisdom. I felt compelled to ask for wisdom. And for Papa to show me His glory, to lend me His eyes so I can see things the way He sees them. See, I have been feeling so negative lately what with things at church, and lacking motivation in school, and unreliable friends who hurt my feelings all weekend. I was down, and I cried out to my God to just bring me some joy through granting me wisdom and His eyes. And He did. BOY DID HE!!!!

I would give anything to see the world the way I saw it today, every single day for the rest of my life. People were beautiful, wind was beautiful, trash was beautiful, and even in its own weird way roadkill was beautiful. There was just something so amazing in SEEING things. Not overlooking, but SEEING them for what they are. There was beauty in the emotion that seeing these things brought to my soul. Whether it was the kiss of the wind which brought happiness, or the death of the animal lying on the side of the road which brought sadness, it was all still CAPTIVATING!!

My God is so good. My GOD is SO FAITHFUL! Gosh He really stinking loves us! And I hope you, whoever you are reading this, realize how much the Creator of the entire universe, absolutely ADORES you :)

In Him,

Does Anybody Hear Her?

She is running, a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction.
She is trying, but the canyon's ever widening in the depths of her cold heart.
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find,
She's another two years older and she's three more steps behind.

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple,
with all the lost and lonely people,
searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me.
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

She is yearning for shelter and affection, that she never found at home.
She is searching for a hero to ride in , to ride in and save the day.
And in walks her prince charming, and he knows just what to say.
Momentary lapse of reason, and she gives her heart away.

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does she even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple,
with all the lost and lonely people,
searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me.
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


My best girlfriends and I used to have a favorite catch phrase "YOYO!" which means, You're Only Young Once. When one of us didn't feel like going out one night, we were sure to get a "yoyo" texted our direction. When there was an adventure awaiting us we shouted "yoyo" and would conquer the world, just a bunch of silly girls, our huge dreams, and our strong friendship that protected us from everything.

Now we are all getting older, some of us married, some of us with children, some of us engaged...and the adventures seem to be ceasing. My heart, however, is not settled down and is still longing for adventure.

I moved out of my house when I was 16 years old and have been uprooted from place to place ever since. My home life wasn't stable by any means, so it wasn't like I was leaving a home. I was just leaving, a place. To go to another place, to shortly leave that place and go to another, etc etc. Now, almost 8 years later, I am still living that way. I think my heart has multiple personalities, or well, maybe 2 distinct ones.

The first: Domestication. I want so badly to be a wife, and to be a mother, and to raise a family, and to glorify God through all of that. I want support and a partnership that makes my calling and my ministry stronger. I want someone to come home to, to talk about my day to, to pray with, to cry with, etc. I don't want to face the trials of this world alone anymore, I am sick of being a survivor! I finally want to relax in my own skin and be comfortable finally having stability.

The second: Gypsy. I have been born to handle not only a lifestyle of moving around, but also am most comfortable in my own self when my spirit is able to be completely free. This lifestyle speaks to the part of my soul that wants to hop in an RV and travel the world, playing music, getting random jobs to support myself, and spreading God's love through every life I encounter. This road is lonely because if dating were even an option he would have to want to live that sort of life with me, and those type of guys are hard to find too.

These two parts of my heart are in a CONSTANT state of battle, and it wears down on me a little each day. Because when I am in a season where I want so much to give someone all the love I have, I find my dating life desolate and lonely. That is where I am at right now, I feel pushed more toward the gypsy part of my life just by association of having no one in my life right now to keep me grounded. Which I guess, is ok.

I am also struggling with feeling like I am special. I have dated some (well, jerks but who hasn't haha but also) AMAZING men who truly feel I am such a prize, and so unique, and so special! I even have just guy friends who tell me this, everyday! So, I find it hard when dating or attempting to date, people who just don't see it. I not only know that I am a princess because the Lord tells me that, but I too feel like I am a kick-butt girlfriend, and would make a guy freaking happy by being a kick-butt wife too! So when I date, mediocre guys, who don't have the passion for love that i have, or the will to put any effort into a relationship I am instantly defeated. I am awesome enough to WANT to text and to WANT to call and to WANT to communicate with, I shouldn't have to chase you down!!! And....I won't do it anymore, not for anyone. Because I am worth the fight, I am worth the chase!

This blog is sort of word-vomit of a bunch of crap I have had to deal with this week, and no I know, it is not as cheerful and Jesus-loving as it usually is, but it is the truth. You, readers, or...reader-whoever you are haha, are bearing witness to my heart of hearts right now. I am facing the facts that I am a survivor through life, and my heart will remain open for whoever wants to test it out...because I can't hide who I am. I have SO much love to give! Whether it be to kiddos I teach or my friends or a dog or the future love of my life!!!! But I will NOT settle for having my heart broken by people who are not even worth it! So, if you get booted out of this gypsy's life then you clearly weren't worth the pain it would've caused me in the long-run!

Tomorrow, I am hopping into my car with one of my besties and we are driving until we run out of road-because that is what gypsy's do! If you pass me along the journey, then be cautious...I may bite ;)

In Him,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Church Didn't Save Me....GOD DID!

Tonight, I was hit with the very hard and very painful realization that there are people in my family who do not know Jesus, the way I know Jesus. I am not talking about my blood family, I Christian one. People I go to church with, people I eat lunch with on Sundays, people who open their home to me, people I am around several times a week. My heart shattered. Not only because they do not know the Savior as I know Him, but because I DIDN'T KNOW that they didn't.

I feel the question that lingers in the untouched air of today's Christian society is "Where is the disconnect?" When does it happen that people no longer are hungry for the Word, no longer want to know Jesus, no longer aim to live Biblically accurate lives? Christians have created a way that it is easy to be a "Christian" without ever having to know Jesus at all. Who doesn't want to be a Christian when it is that easy? Guess what? IT IS NOT THAT EASY! Nor, was it ever promised to us that it would be. When you are SAVED, your life should look radically, totally, and DRASTICALLY different then the rest of the world-because you are not living in the world or of the world's standards, but you are called by God to rise above and live your life set apart from that way of life.

I was 22 years old before I met Jesus. Before that, I would have called myself a Christian. My parents took me to church when I was a child. My uncle is a minister and all my family had a great reputation as God-loving, God-fearing people. I went to youth group, sang the songs, did the camp thing, played on inflatable jumping toys. And most importantly, I believed that God existed. Well do you know what? Come to find out that devil worshipers believe in God too! So, what is that saying about our faith when the one thing we fall back on in regards to defending our personal action of faith is nothing different than people who worship satan?

GOD SAVED ME. GOD SAVED ME. GOD SAVED ME. I was in a dark hole of a nightmarish life and GOD SAVED ME. He appeared to me and I heard the story of Jesus out of God's mouth himself. GOD SAVED ME. He thrust His Holy Spirit upon and broke my hard yet bleeding heart. GOD SAVED ME! In one instant, my entire life was DRAMATICALLY changed. Upon accepting Jesus it was if someone snapped their fingers and I was a completely different person. I thought differently, I spoke differently, I acted differently. EVERYTHING was changed, because I was no longer old Meg. I became transformed through God's love for me. Why isn't that everybody's experience with meeting Jesus for the first time?

Maybe you are thinking "Well, I have never gone through trials of anykind where God had to pull me out of something dark?" Ok, but nobody is perfect and God is trying to meet you in the trials you face today, even small things, and asking you to rely on Him and let Him change you but you are not even aware of that much because you are not even aware that you are desperately hungry for Him to begin with. Maybe you are thinking "I grew up in church, my parents are Christians, I don't ever remember not loving the Lord" Well that is AMAZING!! But are you acting like you love the Lord in all that you say? All that you do? Does every breath you breathe Glorify the One who gave you that breath?

There is a disconnect in the church and relationship to God. On any given day God is something different to me. On days where I miss my earthly dad who passed away, He is not only my strength and my comfort but He is my Father! On days I feel adventurous and need to get away, God is my playmate. On days where I feel sad and need to vent, God is my best girlfriend. On days where I am lonely, God romances me and becomes my Lover. He is the only one who knows what we need, and He always gives that to me. And if I don't feel it, I ask to. It is really as simple as that. We take for granted how powerful He is and also the power of Prayer. We take for granted the WORD of God, which is direct communication with how He wants us to live our lives. So many people use the excuse of "well I don't understand what I am reading!" I had the same trouble, but you know what I did that worked? I PRAYED. I prayed for God to lend me His spiritual eyes so that I could understand what I am reading. Instantly, I got it. He wants us to get it, He wants us to know these things so when we don't get it or don't understand then ASK Him to help you. That is what He is there for. Don't discredit the power of the Holy Spirit and how it transforms your life. WE are not powerful! We hold NO power. BUT GOD DOES! And He is going to use us whether we think we are worthy or not. We should not fear going out into the world and spreading His message because it is not us that is spreading it, it is the power of the Almighty God living inside of us.

Church did not save me. Church gave me a family whom I adore. Church gave me a support system that I need. Church gave me an avenue for all of the passions and talent God has given me in order to use them in ministry. But church did not Save me. God saved me.

There is a problem when church expects the unsaved to come to them, instead of going to the unsaved. There is a problem when people in the pews of a congregation question who Jesus is after 30 years of being a Christian. There is a problem when leadership in aims for bigger numbers to fill a multimillion dollar facility full of pews. There is a problem when the sermon becomes a motivational speech and not about Jesus Christ. There is a problem when the Bible is watered down. There is a PROBLEM when the message of Christ is twisted and contorted to make the people in the pews feel comfortable with living a Biblically inaccurate lifestyle. THERE IS A PROBLEM WHEN THERE ARE PEOPLE IN YOUR PEWS WHO ARE CONTINUOUSLY STARVING FOR THE WORD AND DESPERATE TO BE FED!!!


In Him,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Guys and Dolls

The past week or so, I have been hit hard with the realization that I am single. And not just that I am single (because I have been that way for a long time now) but that unlike other times in my life, there are not even any prospects in the wings. My life consists of online classes, teaching small children, church, and meetings with girlfriends. So far, no men have popped up in my online classes dying to take out the girl who submits papers on child abuse and jevenile delinquency. The children I teach at church seem to have married parents and no older male siblings. At the theater I teach at I only see the children's mothers. And would think this would be a wonderful place to find an amazing, God loving, Christian (SINGLE) man. Not the case in my congregation. So I am left wondering, what are some things to do in this town where I can meet new people. The answer I have been given (by friends and my own logic) are bars downtown. This serves as a problem for me, because unless that guy is in the bar to minster it seems unlikely that he will be the type of guy I am looking for.

So, what kind of guy am I looking for? (First of all, I would not necessarily say I am looking. Actually, I am quite content with him falling into my lap via help from the Lord or someone reading this very blog who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who will be PERFECT for me) This has inspired me to write down what I need in a man. If you see this list, and know this man, all means.... :)

1. First and foremost he must LOVE THE LORD with every fiber of his being. Being a "christian" is simply not going to cut it, because it takes more than warming a pew with your butt on Sunday mornings to really be the kind of guy who will be able to handle and support me in my calling.
2. If he is religiously legalistic then....NEXT. I am a radical Jesus loving follower and require that someone I am with has that same wreckless abandonment for my God that I have.
3. Called to ministry. Which, honestly, I feel like we are all called to ministry-just in different avenues. I need someone who recognizes that calling and regardless of if you are a lawyer or cop or whatever, are living out that calling in your profession.
4. I need someone who longs to travel with me. I refuse to be stuck in Jonesboro Arkansas for the rest of my life, and quite frankly am hesitant on even dating guys here because most of the people here are already stuck!
5. It is absolutely required that I end up with someone more intellectual than myself. I like it when my guy can teach me new things. I need to be challenged because I get bored very easily.
6. His sense of humor must be witty in order to keep up with my bantor and pop culture references. I love to laugh, and I love to make people laugh. So being with someone I can do that for and does that for me is a plus.
7. One of the most important things for me is being able to be myself. I am the kind of girl who takes her shoes off and dances in the middle of WalMart and I need a guy who stands back and smiles and thinks to himself "Man I love her" OR better yet, a guy who joins in and dances with me because when we are together nothing else in the world matters. If you make me feel weird or try to restrict my free spirit in anyway then you will never make it in the world of Meg so there is no sense in trying.
8. I need someone who is compassionate. I have the world's most tender heart and if I am seeking compassion or empathy from a guy and he tries to "toughen me up" oh heck to the no, see ya :) My heart breaks for the things of this world that breaks God's heart. I am called to the frontlines of working with the broken hearted, the abandoned, the children of the world who feel unloved and unwanted, and at the end of every day I am sure that all I could really use is a hug and the option to cry it all out on your shoulder if I need to.
9. I want to matter to someone. I want to be so important to somebody that my opinions matter, what I am doing throughout my day matters, and seeing me matters. If a guy does not attempt to see me as much as he can, or communicate with me on a constant basis then it will not work. See, because I know that I am a princess and I know that I deserve the best. My God has told me that and I will not settle for a guy who makes me feel anyless than what I deserve. And maybe I wont find that guy, but I will be single forever before I settle.
10. I am at the point in my life where I am done casually dating. I am "looking" for my husband. So I need a guy who is also at that same point in his life, because I will not wait 5 years to marry you when I am ready now. That's just the way it is. I want marriage and kids and I need a guy who also wants those things.

So see, for the most part it would seem pretty simple. But no, it has not been. So what is my plan of action? Continuing doing the Lord's work, knowing that in His perfect timing He will work all of it out for me. Also, travelling more and meeting men outside of this large small town. And lastly, leaving it up to the amazing Christian men and women in my life to recommend guys to me!

My friends and family think I am picky. But I refuse to get married for the sake of getting married. 30-40year olds today who struggle in their marriage realize that their reasons for getting married in the first place were wrong and they are paying the price for it. Marriage is tough no doubt about it, but it is also beautiful. And it was created to bring GLORY to our LORD and I want that for my life. So yes, I will continue to be picky so that my marriage will do everything the God created marriage to do.

In Him,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time, in a not so far away land, lived a young girl. This girl was more beautiful than she would ever know, for the evils of the world had done everything to ensure that she would never find out her true identity. You see, this was no ordinary girl. No. She was the daughter of a king. A PRINCESS.

However, her journey in life resembled nothing of royalty. This "princess" was born to ordinary parents whom both, she lost. She was an orphan drowning in a sea of abandonment, and accustomed to fighting her way through life in order to survive. She went to any means necessary to show her strength, because she knew if she were weak the world would swallow her alive.

Walking through life scared, alone, angry, and broken-the most amazing thing happened. She met a Prince. This Prince took one look at the raggedy orphan and wept, for he knew of the pain she had gone through. With his hand to her chin he lifted her sight to meet his awaiting eyes.

"You, My Beloved" he whispered "have CAPTIVATED me."

The Prince and the young girl spent everyday together. They walked hand in hand through their mornings. They shared meals together. She shared with him the inner most desires of her quickly healing heart. She cried on his shoulder. She laughed until her heart ached. For the first time in her whole life, she felt safe. She was home.

The prince loved the young girl so much that he could not wait to introduce her to his Father. When the girl caught a glimpse of the glory of the King she fell to the ground, unable to move. Paralyzed by shame and the guilt of her former life, she dared not face such a powerful king.

"My Daughter" he said, lifting her off of the ground. "I love you more than you will ever know. And not because of what you have done, but because of who you are. My son thinks highly of you. You are my Daughter whom I adore."

Looking back at her Prince, the new Princess wept in joy! Shedding the rags of her old clothing, the King wrapped around the Princess the most beautiful cloak one had ever seen. He placed a ring on her finger that sparkled greater than any star in the sky. He placed a crown on her head that reflected every color in the rainbow plus colors she had never even seen before. The King kissed the Princess on her cheek and placed her hand back into the hands of her Prince.

The little princess walked with her Prince into a beautiful garden. He sat her down and said to her:
"There are people in the world, like you once were, unaware how much my Father loves them. In His name, will you tell them how much they are wanted? Will you share your life with them so that my Father can do His work through you?"

"Of course, my Prince. I will do anything you ask."

He placed his hand on her heart.
"I will live in here forever my Beloved. You will never know another lonely night. You will never feel like you are unwanted or unloved, ever again. If you start to doubt it, cry out to me my princess. I will immediately surround you with peace and comfort. I will kiss you every morning when you awake and wrap my arms around you every night as you fall asleep. I am sending a counselor to help you, for I know how indecisive you are my precious girl. I know you will need help figuring out what to do, and I want nothing more than to help you. I long to hear you cry out to me. Never forget that the power of my father is how you will accomplish your mission. Love Him, because he loves you so. And love others, so that they may know Him too. Do you think you can do this little princess?"

The princess thought about it for a moment. Though it would be hard, leaving her safe home with her Prince and re-entering the world that was so cruel to innocent heart, she knew what she had to do. The other princesses of the world must know about their Prince and how much their Father, the King, adores them. So she would tell them.

"Yes, my Prince. I will be a vessel to bring light to dark places. When I am sad, when I am scared, when I feel like I am the only one fighting for justice, when I don't feel I have a voice, when I am tempted, when I am persecuted, or when I am in danger, I will remember that you are in my heart, and the power of the King lies in my faith that He can do the impossible."

The Prince kissed the little princess goodbye.
"Until we meet again, my Beloved."
"Yes" she smiled. "Until we meet again, my Prince."

In Him,