Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Princess Diaries

Funny how GOOD God is huh?

Tonight I was watching The Princess Diaries while having a "spa night" with my BF Anna. As we lay there, soaking our feet in minty mush (that makes them feel as soft as a baby's butt) and wrapping our necks in heated goodness, I was relaxing-taking in the pleasure of not having to BE, not having to DO, not having to THINK....just....relaxing. If you have never watched The Princess Diaries, it stars Anne Hathaway who plays Mia, a teenage girl who's royal grandmother (Julie Andrews) comes to town, telling Mia that she is in fact a princess, and heir to her own thrown in a far away country. As the story unfolds, we see a once nerdy and invisible teenager blossom into a young woman who is learning she has a voice. With every step she takes to decide whether or not she will in fact accept the responsibility of being a Princess, we watch as viewers knowing she was born to do so, and how it would be so disappointing if she turned down the job because it is not only a job, but her true identity.

I never thought a relaxing, and think-free spa night would turn into something so huge in my brain. However, getting past the cheesy lines, the teen drama, the mushy Dawsons-Creek-like tunes, I found myself getting teary eyed...following this young girls journey into discovering her TRUE self-a journey, I myself have been on this year.

With being a new Christian, the past year has held numerous stepping stones, coming of age rites, discoveries, seasons, feats, etc. The most important thing though that I have learned this year is HOW MUCH GOD LOVES ME! And knowing that little fact, has given me my identity. I am not Meagan Cremeens who won the hopping contest in Pre-School 1990. I am not Meagan Cremeens whose parents divorced in 3rd grade and whose mother left. I am not Meagan Cremeens who played Snow White in community theatre or who wrecked her car her senior year in highschool or who dyes her hair a new color every few months or whose father was killed in a car accident and the list goes on and on. Sure, those things all happened in my life, but they do not define who I am.

God tells me that I am a PRINCESS. Adopted into His family and heir to His kingdom. He tells me I am LOVED. He tells me He sent His own Son down to die a criminals death on a cross just so He could have a RELATIONSHIP with ME, because He loves me THAT much! He tells me He loves me not because of WHAT IVE DONE or WHAT I DO, but because of WHO I AM! He tells me that my sins are FORGIVEN because of what His son has done-to SAVE ME!

WOW? Really? All of that for me? I have always been told that people never understand God's unconditional love for us until they have children of their own, and maybe that is true. But I know that I am understanding it more and more with each passing day, because with every second that passes He is SHOWING me that! In times where you dont feel God as near, or you are impatiently waiting for some direction, PLEASE know that HE IS ALWAYS THERE! And He is cooking up something GREAT for you! Just be PATIENT, and live your life! Loving Him and Loving others-and before you know it, doors will open and you will have the most AMAZING oppertunities staring you in the face-shining with His Glory and His Goodness and His FAITHFULNESS!

At the end of the movie, Mia has a decision to make. Will she accept her role as Princess? Or will she continue to live as a normal teenager? So often, we as Christians understand the role that we were created to play, who we were CHOSEN to BE, our Identity through Christ, but we turn it down. Turn down the oppertunity, the job, all of it. I could not imagine, at this point in my life, turning away from my Lord and the life He has called me to live. If a year ago, when He entered my life and SAVED ME, I turned it down instead, I would forever know in my heart that something was missing. That I was not living up to what I was meant to do or who I was meant to be. I would forever feel the weight of turning away from my TRUE IDENTITY.

I, Meagan Cremeens, am a PRINCESS. As a woman, I am the Crown of Creation. The devil is after me, but my God SAVES. Life is hard, but my God is FAITHFUL.

So you have a choice. Will you accept your role as royalty, given to you by the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all the universes and all the stars and every flower and everything in between? Or will you turn away?

In Him,