Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Todays challenge (Extended by myself) and visions of Heaven

If you read last night's blog then you are aware that i have started reading the Francis Chan book "Crazy Love". Wow...the winds of change they are a blowin'! Last night I issued a challenge to myself (how thoughtful I am) to take today to stop and notice God's creation and to just praise Him and thank Him and NOTICE HIM in ALL I see!! Leaving my subdivision this morning I noticed a large patch of wildflowers I have never seen before! I noticed landscaping in people's yards with full bloomed flowers Ive never seen before. Driving to town I noticed beautiful Dogwood trees on the sides of the road, the most brilliant shade of purple and never even knew there were trees in this particular spot at all. I praised God for each color I was seeing, each pattern I was seeing, each new and glorious intricate design that is all for Him and His glory, I THANKED Him! I basically had a never ending conversation with God that lasted all day. I gave thanks to the clouds rolling in, to the different shades in sky, for the gentle rain we got before we got the torrential downpour. I threw my hands up in worship to the CREATOR of this earth when the storms came in and it was thundering and lightening. I could hear God crying out NOTICE ME!! And boy was I. It was such a thrilling day, seeing with new eyes, and learning so much about my KING by shutting up and SEEING what God has done!

To end my amazing day I had the oppertunity to worship at an awesome place in town. I had never been there before so initially I was nervous and kind of shaky. I have never felt like I really "fit in" somewhere, but my Spirit is screaming at me to be plugged in somewhere-to find fellow believers to interact with and share life with. I feel that is one of the next steps in my spiritual progression. After the initial nerves I felt SO at home there. The songs sung were glorifying God and His creation and fit in SOOOOO well with what I had been doing ALL DAY! The minister there touched my heart with his words, and his passion, and his relatability (new word of the day? webster? eh)...all in all it was an incredible experience. You know how when you first meet someone you meet their first impression self, and usually it takes you a few or several encounters to truly get to KNOW them? Well the few girls I had the privilage of shaking hands with tonight did not give me a "first impression self" I met the spirit inside of them. When Christ dwells inside of you then that is what people see, and getting to meet them that way I felt immediately like that place is somewhere I could fit in....even if I stand out (which I tend to) I could still find a home there.

If you read last night's blog (again) you know I had not finished chapter 1. Well I have now. The rest of the chapter shows you WHO God is (to the best of man's ability) and what Heaven is like as described by Isaiah the profit and John's as in Revelation. The description of what it would be like (again as best put into man-made language) is nothing short of HUMBLING. FREAKING HUMBLING I should say. I was blown away at my arrogance, my stupidity, my SMALLNESS. We are all UNWORTHY but because God is SO Good He STILL Loves us!! Isnt that amazing!?

The past couple of days it has been layed upon my heart the issue of "fear" (for lack of a better word). The desire to fit in because of the fear of sticking out. I have the oppertunity to meet some new girls tomorrow and just visit with them and fellowship with them and to be THROWN in FULL FLEDGED with strangers. I feel like getting past this one stepping stone could rocket launch my spiritual growth and further deepen my relationship with Christ. So all fear aside, my challange tomorrow for myself is to be FEARLESS. (and to start chapter 2 which Im sure by the end of the day will give me new challenges).

I look at it like, if we are not going to challenge ourselves to do better for God and to BE better in Christ then who IS going to challenge us? We can choose great company to walk with but inevitably the choices and decisions lie within ourselves. Will you choose fear? Or will you choose LIFE?

In Him,