Thursday, April 8, 2010

FEARLESS (And no not Taylor Swift)

Last night during my nightly blog writing time, I was struck with a new challenge (which throughout reading Crazy Love seems to be happening alot). I challenged myself to be FEARLESS today. What does that mean? Well...I dont know that I knew that either when I issued the challenge (when I called myself out). I just knew that God gives us a spirit of POWER and not one of FEAR so I wanted to be sure that I lived out of that, in order for things I want to do for Him not getting LOST. So the challenge was issued at the end of last night's blog...

I woke up today, normal day. Went to Anthropology class at 11 and afterwards had some errands to run. Steadily I talked to God today, just in normal conversation. I was really "too busy" or "too preoccupied" to think DEEPLY about what was going on in the day. My 2 o clock class was cancelled and thinking I may run into people I went to the Edge coffeehouse which subsiquently is located on the edge of campus. I never usually like to go to places on my own but I wanted some alone time with God, and throughout the busy day I hadnt had time to read much. I go in , order my French Vanilla cappuccino (or however you really spell that thing), and took my coffee and book (Crazy Love of course) outside to read in the absolute BEAUTIFUL day.

As I am sitting there I hear a badly out of tune guitar. Knowing there are usually people playing instruments frequently at the Edge I thought nothing of it (maybe they were...tuning? yikes). So I burry my face in my book, trying to read when I then hear badly out of key singing. Something felt weird. This was no random musician hanging out at a coffeehouse. I peer over the porch and sitting at a table located in the side yard of the coffeehouse was what looked like a man with no shirt on strumming a guitar, pack of cigarettes beside him, and wailing out song lyrics to about 4 different songs mixed together. Initially I was somewhat frightened. I was the only other person outside and being a young, small female Ive been raised to be cautious of situations like that. So, trying to ignore the ruckus I attempted to go back to my reading. Except that I couldnt. Not because his rendition of People Are Crazy blew my mind and distracted me :)....but because my Spirit would NOT let me rest. I heard my insides screaming at me THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!! BE FEARLESS!!!

Now, I am not usually considered a shy person. But I am also not the kind of person that in an intimidating situation faces fear or "newness" head on. But I could not concentrate on the page, the words became foreign, and had my spirit been a person it would have had its chin resting on my shoulder shouting into my ear to go talk to this man. So I swallowed the lump in my throat...and I did it. I closed up Crazy Love, closed up my Bible, swiped my keys and coffee in tow and walked over to the man.

His name was Bradley. He is 24 and seemed to have some kind of mental defect. He was not a drunk, or homeless. Dirty yes, and loud, sure but he was mentally challenged. None the less he was doing something he loved to do. His guitar was broken, holes all in it, with maybe 3 strings which were all rusted. He was so surprised that I came to talk to him. To the best of his ability we held down a quick conversation about school and who he was. But when it came to music, that was a language he liked. We sang together a couple of songs. Eventually I had to go to class. He was sad to see me go, asked when I would be back and I told him soon.

I left somewhat proud of myself but mostly SO thankful that God put that oppertunity into my life. To face my fear and look intimidation into the face. Overcoming situations like that are building blocks for being able to do something significant with your future I believe. The few minutes before class I wiped out chapter 2 in Crazy Love, which inevitably wiped out my pride of overcoming this new, scary situation. You are humbled really fast when you know that even at your best, with the best you can offer God it is still nothing. BUT it is SO important to KEEP ON OFFERING. In chapter 2 it talked some about giving your stress and worry to God, because by not doing that you are showing little faith in Him being big enough to take it from you. It also talked about life being so short, and can be taken away in an instant. With that said, every single solitary breath we take each day should Honor our Lord and Savior.

My challenge out of this chapter is to WITNESS-Everywhere, to everyone, and through every way. Sometimes just loving Jesus and then loving people shows your light to the world. Sometimes you have to preach the gospel and share the news verbally. Sometimes people will see Christ in you through your music and clothes and art or anything! With every breath I breathe, every hand I shake, every song I sing, every act I commit I challenge myself to USE IT TO GLORIFY GOD and bring HONOR to His NAME!!!

I am exicted to be on this ride. God is SO good.
In Him,