Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can you paint with all the colors of the Wind??

The title of this blog reflects the love I have in my heart for Disney's Pocahontas. (and that's all I have to say about that)

I quickly wanted to reflect on some things on my heart. (Quickly because it is 1am and the later it gets the sleepier I become, the sleepier I become the blurrier these thoughts are)

In chapter 4 of Crazy Love (still rocking my world). It is talking about Lukewarm Christians, and it is so true and so challenging to read because with each line I find myself wanting to stop reading and go out and immediately change. But I know alof of that change and transformation will come with equipping myself spiritually to handle it (arming myself with scripture for example). So I am going to finish chapter 4 before I offically blog about it, just letting you (you being the 2 people who may or may not be reading this) that I am still in the book, just trying to take it through each challenge.

I have had the amazing honor of introducing several new Christian women into my life whom I love so much already. They are rockin' girls, with an immense love for Christ, and really do live what they believe and are an example and light to me as I am new in my faith, and new in this journey. God ROCKS for bringing them into my life at this perfect moment Ive needed a group like that to plug into.

I went to a couple of worship and fellowship oppertunities this week and theyve also rocked my world. Last night we talked sort of about giving up everything to and for God, truly sacrificing what you know you should sacrifice in order to seek a truthful relationship with Him. Which is such a great lesson to learn because everyone has weight in their life and when that weight is let go you can totally fall into the arms of Christ and there truly is no safer place to land then in the arms of our Creator, right?!
Todays lesson on campus was about finding out how to choose your partner (the M word!! BOM BOM BOMMMMMMMMM) :) It was an AMAZING lesson (one i looked forward to all week mind you) because I feel it is something very practical we all need to know, and not just biblically but functionally as well.
Following worship there I had the oppertunity of meeting a great friend for coffee who has also been spirtually mentoring me the past couple of weeks and we TOO talked about relationships and marriage and functionally combined with biblically what are good traits of a husband in general and then specifically for me. Not that I am looking for a husband by any means, I am not even looking right now for someone to date. But having that sort of in the back of my mind will always be a good card to pull out when temptation arises I will have what I want this future person in my life to look like, if the guy isnt it then he wont make the cut.
I listened to an awesome lesson (sort of) by Bethany Dillon last night who is a Christian singer/songwriter and it just so happened to be about married life and how married life truly makes you divided in your time and energy to God. She wrote a song about it called "Say Your Name" if youre interested, BEAUTIFUL song. (see? God TRULY ties things in for us to get the bigger picture sometimes)
I say all of that to say this...This blog was not strictly about a challenge, or about the next chapter in crazy was about gathering my thoughts about the week. The time with my new group of girlfriends, and my trusty old friend, and time at worship wednesday and thursday, time in class even (watching a movie 21 grams), and just time alone in my car singing worship music, or talking to God at my grandmothers grave site...this week has been FULL of oppertunity to Love God and to SERVE Him and to Tell about the AMAZINGNESS His grace, love and mercy bring to my life...and what I have come to realize is that I can STILL do more...I am thirsty for an intimate relationship with God, and my life has GOT to make some drastic changes or in 5 years when the time has simply slipped away from me, Ill look back and be only a lukewarm christian.....