Thursday, April 22, 2010


I have not gone anywhere one follower in cyberland so DONT YOU FRET!!! :) I have simply been taking some time diving deeper into the Word and deeper into Crazy Love, trying to really make the most out of it and rise to the challenges I feel it is bringing into my life and into my faith.

Last blog I talked about being in Chapter 4 which I have finished now. Chapter 4 talks about Lukewarm Christians. This chapter is probably scarily relatable to many Christians (i.e. American church-goers). Since I am new in my faith having just been Saved a few months ago, I feel like I could read this chapter with the right amount of subjectivity and objectivity and I really feel like I got alot out of it. Becase the chapter had SOO much weight and information I am literally holding the book now and am just going to go through to parts I took notes on or underlined and talk about those (because CLEARLY they were important enough for me to break out the trusty green pen and mark in this wonderful piece of literature).

The first thing I underlined was God's "outrageous love" for us (it always makes my heart smile). Next it talks about how here in the United States people/churches try to draw in the biggest crowds, gauge success of the ministry by how many people come forward or answer the invitation. But Jesus questions the authenticity of record keeping like that. In the Bible it says that when Jesus would start to draw large crowds He would speak in parables so that those who werent genuinely listening to Him wouldn't get it. So often we think we "get it" and more often then not we dont, we are faking, or we are living the life of getting it but our hearts dont truly understand. The note I took from this was to LISTEN to God. He is constantly talking to us, telling us what He wants us to do, etc...and so often we let day to day activities get in the way of listening to Him. Then we blame Him for leaving us! I saw a billboard the other day that said "If you do not feel as close to me, who do you think moved?" or something along those lines-basically that God is always there for His children, and if you feel He isnt then its YOU that has strayed, not Him. Chan goes on to write that "Jesus is not interested in those who FAKE it"

Another point Chan states later so many of us feel "godly" especially when we compare our faith to other people. You say well Im not as good as ole Betty but Im definitely not as bad as Tom so Im good to go. People try to fit the mold of the majority (and this is aimed at the majority of other fellow church-goers) and find it hard to truly live scripturely. The best option here is to DO WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. No matter what your church preaches, how the people in your church act, etc...The Bible, God's WORD to us is the ONLY Truth. And sometimes the "majority" can be misleading. Chan goes on to talk about "radicals" and this struck my as interesting because when I started blogging I stated how I wanted to be radical for Christ. The thing is, Jesus calls EVERYONE to be RADICAL-because the term RADICAL is simply His expectation of us already. Just SOOO many Christians arent living that way, that it is easy to divide the church-goers and the radicals. Church-goers (church every sunday, dont swear, dont drink, just darn good people) being viewed as just your "normal" Christians. Radicalists being viewed as those who go "overboard" or are "extreme" for God...but doesnt God WANT us to be "extreme" for Him?? ALL of us?

The book then gets into the characteristics of a Lukewarm Christian. Because there are so many I am going to just briefly state them and if you who are reading this disagree or have questions I strongly challenge you to do several things a.get the book and read it, b. strike up a discussion about this exact thing with a Bible group or a group of friends or anyone, c. open your Bible and read for yourself what God says about being Lukewarm (I promise you, it's in there ALOT). and d. PRAY...If you feel your faith or Christian life is Lukewarm or not as strong as you thought, or you had been lead to believe your whole life that this is how to do it then PRAY and ask God to break your heart and truly show you what it is like to be in LOVE with Him!!

Here it goes (Don't shoot the messenger)...
1. Lukewarm people attend church fairly regularly because they feel that is what is expected of them.
2.Lukewarm people give money to church and charity as long as it stretch their financial way of living.
3. Lukewarm people tend to choose what is popular over what is right when faced with conflict
4. Lukewarm people dont really want to be saved from their sin, only from the PENALTY of their sin.
5.Lukewarm people are moved by stories about "radical" Christians but never act on it themselves.
6.Lukewarm people rarely shair their faith with their neighbors, family, co-workers, etc.
7.Lukwarm people gauge their "goodness" by comparing themselves to the secular world.
8. Lukewarm people have Jesus as a PART of their lives...(ooh yea think on that one)
9. Lukewarm people Love God, but they dont love Him HEART, SOUL, and STRENGTH (fully devoted to Him)
10. Lukewarm people love others, but not as much as they love themselves.
11. Lukewarm people put limits on how much the love others by limiting time, energy, money, etc
12. Lukewarm people think about life on eath much more than about where they spend eternity (um guilty for sure...OUCH)
13. Lukewarm people escape guilt by doing the bare minimum of goodness to get by
14.Lukewarm people PLAY IT SAFE...pray to the god of control (ouch again...yeah, when you dont relinquish control you are basically saying you dont think God is really big enough to handle your measly little human problems)

Wow....hard to read huh? Even harder when you read in depth what Chan means by each Lukewarm Person statement...and then the SCRIPTURE that backs it up. So, needless to say my absence from blogging is due to a number of things, one of which was getting through the chapter. There is a chapter in Revelation about God spitting the Lukewarm out of his mouth. I dont want to be spit out of my Saviors mouth, not when He is my one chance of spending eternity with my God...ya know?

I actually started chapter 5 in Crazy Love, but before I could finish it has issued a challenge of re-reading (or reading for the first time) the Gospels. And not as how we know them, how we've heard them, but truly with new eyes as if you were reading them for the first time. Or if you were a child trying to understand what it is saying. So that is where I am at now...I started with John because I was already in John in my individual nightly Bible study.

I have had a rockin week of worship and fellowship and God is TRULY doing some amazing things in my life right now. Have a blessed week

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can you paint with all the colors of the Wind??

The title of this blog reflects the love I have in my heart for Disney's Pocahontas. (and that's all I have to say about that)

I quickly wanted to reflect on some things on my heart. (Quickly because it is 1am and the later it gets the sleepier I become, the sleepier I become the blurrier these thoughts are)

In chapter 4 of Crazy Love (still rocking my world). It is talking about Lukewarm Christians, and it is so true and so challenging to read because with each line I find myself wanting to stop reading and go out and immediately change. But I know alof of that change and transformation will come with equipping myself spiritually to handle it (arming myself with scripture for example). So I am going to finish chapter 4 before I offically blog about it, just letting you (you being the 2 people who may or may not be reading this) that I am still in the book, just trying to take it through each challenge.

I have had the amazing honor of introducing several new Christian women into my life whom I love so much already. They are rockin' girls, with an immense love for Christ, and really do live what they believe and are an example and light to me as I am new in my faith, and new in this journey. God ROCKS for bringing them into my life at this perfect moment Ive needed a group like that to plug into.

I went to a couple of worship and fellowship oppertunities this week and theyve also rocked my world. Last night we talked sort of about giving up everything to and for God, truly sacrificing what you know you should sacrifice in order to seek a truthful relationship with Him. Which is such a great lesson to learn because everyone has weight in their life and when that weight is let go you can totally fall into the arms of Christ and there truly is no safer place to land then in the arms of our Creator, right?!
Todays lesson on campus was about finding out how to choose your partner (the M word!! BOM BOM BOMMMMMMMMM) :) It was an AMAZING lesson (one i looked forward to all week mind you) because I feel it is something very practical we all need to know, and not just biblically but functionally as well.
Following worship there I had the oppertunity of meeting a great friend for coffee who has also been spirtually mentoring me the past couple of weeks and we TOO talked about relationships and marriage and functionally combined with biblically what are good traits of a husband in general and then specifically for me. Not that I am looking for a husband by any means, I am not even looking right now for someone to date. But having that sort of in the back of my mind will always be a good card to pull out when temptation arises I will have what I want this future person in my life to look like, if the guy isnt it then he wont make the cut.
I listened to an awesome lesson (sort of) by Bethany Dillon last night who is a Christian singer/songwriter and it just so happened to be about married life and how married life truly makes you divided in your time and energy to God. She wrote a song about it called "Say Your Name" if youre interested, BEAUTIFUL song. (see? God TRULY ties things in for us to get the bigger picture sometimes)
I say all of that to say this...This blog was not strictly about a challenge, or about the next chapter in crazy was about gathering my thoughts about the week. The time with my new group of girlfriends, and my trusty old friend, and time at worship wednesday and thursday, time in class even (watching a movie 21 grams), and just time alone in my car singing worship music, or talking to God at my grandmothers grave site...this week has been FULL of oppertunity to Love God and to SERVE Him and to Tell about the AMAZINGNESS His grace, love and mercy bring to my life...and what I have come to realize is that I can STILL do more...I am thirsty for an intimate relationship with God, and my life has GOT to make some drastic changes or in 5 years when the time has simply slipped away from me, Ill look back and be only a lukewarm christian.....

Monday, April 12, 2010


In elementary school we used to have this little store on wheels that you could buy things off of, pencils, pens, paper, erasers, books, etc. Around each holiday they would have small magazines of things you could order for gifts for people (aprons and candles for mothers day, ornaments for christmas, cards for birthdays, and so on and so forth). I remember one upcoming Fathers Day I had saved up my pencil and scented eraser money and bought my dad a mug that said "Worlds Greatest Dad" My dad was so happy and so proud to get that mug, and I was so happy and so proud to be able to give it to him because in my eyes he was the worlds greatest dad. He held so many characteristics of what one small child would consider the "perfect father". When my mom left us I was about 8 years old, and up until that point I dont remember seeing my dad very much or having a close relationship with him. But when he was left as sole parent, everything changed. He learned how to cook for us (yes fish sticks and friend bologna but still). He learned how to do the laundry (yes i had pink and purple panties and socks that were once white but who cares). He owned his own business, kept up with the housework, coached my sister and I in all of our sports, never missed a game, never missed a play or choir concert, took time to do homework with us when we struggled, took us to church, and did all of the things that gives the impression of LOVE. And of COURSE it was LOVE, my dad adored us. Was he perfect? Not at all. Once we get older we realize our dads arent perfect, and sometimes it is a struggle because we have this superhero image of our dads and when they let us down, or screw up big time it can alter our perception of them forever. My dad was killed in a car accident a little over a year ago. Given ways he screwed up, times he scared me, mean words he'd say to me, times i may not have felt so loved, etc...given all of that I would give anything in the world to have him back still.

I say all of that to move on to chapter 3 in Crazy Love which talks about our relationship with God as our father. And not just a father to fear, but a father to recognize as the one and true worlds greatest dad. I know it's a hard concept, even for me, but the creator of this world LOVES me. Me? Little ole me? Yes!!! As a matter of fact he intimately knew me before I was even a thought in my mother's head.

Francis Chan depicts an image of how God wants us to love him and come to him, and it compares to that of a small child crawling up into the lap of God and hugging on him, laughing with him, crying on him, asking him questions, learning from him, and without fail LOVING HIM. If I could do that to my earthly father, despite all of his flaws, then why cant I do that to my Heavenly Father who is PERFECTION. He doesnt just love us he IS Love. One thing I loved about this chapter was how Chan put it that Jesus doesnt have to love us-he is utterly perfect and does not need us at all. But he WANTS us, He CHOOSES us! So how come it is that often times we dont choose Him?

As a continous challenge I want to extend: Getting intimate with God. I dont just want to SAY I love Him (which obviously I DO love him) but just as with any relationship I want that love to thrive and survive through the tests of time, worldy hardships, and growth. I want God to be my choice in Dad, best friend, lover, husband, mentor, teacher, etc. He should be everything to us because he IS...EVERYTHING! And it is time we started behaving that way. Not just so we can get the blessings that come from Loving God, but so we can genuinely show our father how much we love Him!

If God were our human, earthly fathers we would buy Him Worlds Greatest Dad mugs everyday. We would color Him pictures, make him surprise deserts for dinner, lay in bed at night and watch cartoons, wrestle on the living room floor, take walks with him, share events in our lives with him, take his advice to heart, kiss him on the foorhead when we get out of the car, play ball with him, listen to music with him, WE WOULD DO EVERYTHING WITH HIM and EVERYTHING FOR Him...we would want to make Him proud and show Him how much we Love why dont we REALLY do those things for God?

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I took the weekend off of reading Crazy Love. I am really trying to use this book and the information with it to challenge myself in order to plunge into a deeper relationship with God. If you have been keeping up with the Crazy Love blogs, you will note the last challenge I felt tugging at my heart was to Witness and Be an Example of Jesus to everyone I come in contact with, as well as using every breath to HONOR AND WORSHIP Him! It is late Sunday night, and I am reflecting back on the weekend and the challenges of this challenge. Being like Jesus.....until today, while I was talking with a friend about being a new Christian and wanting to be Christ-like, I thought that I had failed this challenge. I havent gone into the streets screaming scriptures to people passing by. I havent stood up in front of a church to confess my sins or give a testimony. I havent done alot of the blatent attempts some religious people would consider "witnessing"....but talking to this friend today, I noticed him staring at me like he'd never seen me before (weve known each other since I was in middle school mind you). I said "what are you looking at? You look like youve never seen me before." He said "I havent seen THIS you before...Its very nice to see" All he could do was smile. When I got to the source of his weirdness (ha!) it turns out that he had never heard me talk about God before. Never seen my face light up when I talked about loving Christ and Christ loving us. See, we were talking about his nicotine addiction and I was explaining to him how whatever we used substances, and people, and relationships, and all other worldly things for-whatever void we are using them to fill-that God wants to FILL it. He wants us to rely on Him to do those things. Since we had never talked about God and such like he said, I wasnt sure how he'd react and I almost witheld (but once Im on a roll Im pretty impossible to shut up :)) He wasnt mad at all. He was...speechless for lack of a beter word. When I left him I wondered if I word-vomitted Christ on people like that often so I started reflecting back over the weekend. I reflected not on times I beat people over the head with the Bible...but instead, just genuinely loved people as Christ would. To my surprise, I didnt miserably fail the challenge I had set before me. Sure we can ALWAYS do more. Our grandest gestures and greatest deeds are nothing but dirty rags before God so yes I can ALWAYS do more. But I learned a different lesson instead...You cant measure Christianity or your salvation or the depth of your relationship with God on how many times you read scripture to someone (check), how many mission trips youve been on (check), how much money you give in the offering (check)...instead we as Christians should be LOVING people. Loving to the ends of our fingertips, as Christ would have us love one another and non-believers too. So much more can be said with pure love than all other modes of message transportation.

The second part of my challenge (which i DID fail miserably) was to honor and glorify God with every breath I take, every thought I think, every action I commit to. My "excuses" were not feeling well, very busy, etc etc. We are not giving our everything to God if we only give him "everything" when it's most convenient for us. I failed miserably. But will try, and try again. Im not scared to admit my failures to my 3 followers and possible readers in cyberland. Learning from our mistakes and failures is how we GROW. I want to expand my faith beyond my wildest imagination. I want to fall so hard in Love with God it will be impossible for ANYONE to compete with my heart afterwards. I truly want to better myself and the lives of everyone who come into contact with me. I may read chapter 3 tomorrow of Crazy Love, either way my continuing challenge will be what I failed so horribly at this weekend "to truly Glorify God with every word I say, every thought I think, every breath I take"

I am human, and I will make mistakes. And I will fall and fail a billion times before I ever get it close to right. But knowing that God forgives me when I stumble and offers Grace to pull me back FAITH

Thursday, April 8, 2010

FEARLESS (And no not Taylor Swift)

Last night during my nightly blog writing time, I was struck with a new challenge (which throughout reading Crazy Love seems to be happening alot). I challenged myself to be FEARLESS today. What does that mean? Well...I dont know that I knew that either when I issued the challenge (when I called myself out). I just knew that God gives us a spirit of POWER and not one of FEAR so I wanted to be sure that I lived out of that, in order for things I want to do for Him not getting LOST. So the challenge was issued at the end of last night's blog...

I woke up today, normal day. Went to Anthropology class at 11 and afterwards had some errands to run. Steadily I talked to God today, just in normal conversation. I was really "too busy" or "too preoccupied" to think DEEPLY about what was going on in the day. My 2 o clock class was cancelled and thinking I may run into people I went to the Edge coffeehouse which subsiquently is located on the edge of campus. I never usually like to go to places on my own but I wanted some alone time with God, and throughout the busy day I hadnt had time to read much. I go in , order my French Vanilla cappuccino (or however you really spell that thing), and took my coffee and book (Crazy Love of course) outside to read in the absolute BEAUTIFUL day.

As I am sitting there I hear a badly out of tune guitar. Knowing there are usually people playing instruments frequently at the Edge I thought nothing of it (maybe they were...tuning? yikes). So I burry my face in my book, trying to read when I then hear badly out of key singing. Something felt weird. This was no random musician hanging out at a coffeehouse. I peer over the porch and sitting at a table located in the side yard of the coffeehouse was what looked like a man with no shirt on strumming a guitar, pack of cigarettes beside him, and wailing out song lyrics to about 4 different songs mixed together. Initially I was somewhat frightened. I was the only other person outside and being a young, small female Ive been raised to be cautious of situations like that. So, trying to ignore the ruckus I attempted to go back to my reading. Except that I couldnt. Not because his rendition of People Are Crazy blew my mind and distracted me :)....but because my Spirit would NOT let me rest. I heard my insides screaming at me THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!! BE FEARLESS!!!

Now, I am not usually considered a shy person. But I am also not the kind of person that in an intimidating situation faces fear or "newness" head on. But I could not concentrate on the page, the words became foreign, and had my spirit been a person it would have had its chin resting on my shoulder shouting into my ear to go talk to this man. So I swallowed the lump in my throat...and I did it. I closed up Crazy Love, closed up my Bible, swiped my keys and coffee in tow and walked over to the man.

His name was Bradley. He is 24 and seemed to have some kind of mental defect. He was not a drunk, or homeless. Dirty yes, and loud, sure but he was mentally challenged. None the less he was doing something he loved to do. His guitar was broken, holes all in it, with maybe 3 strings which were all rusted. He was so surprised that I came to talk to him. To the best of his ability we held down a quick conversation about school and who he was. But when it came to music, that was a language he liked. We sang together a couple of songs. Eventually I had to go to class. He was sad to see me go, asked when I would be back and I told him soon.

I left somewhat proud of myself but mostly SO thankful that God put that oppertunity into my life. To face my fear and look intimidation into the face. Overcoming situations like that are building blocks for being able to do something significant with your future I believe. The few minutes before class I wiped out chapter 2 in Crazy Love, which inevitably wiped out my pride of overcoming this new, scary situation. You are humbled really fast when you know that even at your best, with the best you can offer God it is still nothing. BUT it is SO important to KEEP ON OFFERING. In chapter 2 it talked some about giving your stress and worry to God, because by not doing that you are showing little faith in Him being big enough to take it from you. It also talked about life being so short, and can be taken away in an instant. With that said, every single solitary breath we take each day should Honor our Lord and Savior.

My challenge out of this chapter is to WITNESS-Everywhere, to everyone, and through every way. Sometimes just loving Jesus and then loving people shows your light to the world. Sometimes you have to preach the gospel and share the news verbally. Sometimes people will see Christ in you through your music and clothes and art or anything! With every breath I breathe, every hand I shake, every song I sing, every act I commit I challenge myself to USE IT TO GLORIFY GOD and bring HONOR to His NAME!!!

I am exicted to be on this ride. God is SO good.
In Him,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Todays challenge (Extended by myself) and visions of Heaven

If you read last night's blog then you are aware that i have started reading the Francis Chan book "Crazy Love". Wow...the winds of change they are a blowin'! Last night I issued a challenge to myself (how thoughtful I am) to take today to stop and notice God's creation and to just praise Him and thank Him and NOTICE HIM in ALL I see!! Leaving my subdivision this morning I noticed a large patch of wildflowers I have never seen before! I noticed landscaping in people's yards with full bloomed flowers Ive never seen before. Driving to town I noticed beautiful Dogwood trees on the sides of the road, the most brilliant shade of purple and never even knew there were trees in this particular spot at all. I praised God for each color I was seeing, each pattern I was seeing, each new and glorious intricate design that is all for Him and His glory, I THANKED Him! I basically had a never ending conversation with God that lasted all day. I gave thanks to the clouds rolling in, to the different shades in sky, for the gentle rain we got before we got the torrential downpour. I threw my hands up in worship to the CREATOR of this earth when the storms came in and it was thundering and lightening. I could hear God crying out NOTICE ME!! And boy was I. It was such a thrilling day, seeing with new eyes, and learning so much about my KING by shutting up and SEEING what God has done!

To end my amazing day I had the oppertunity to worship at an awesome place in town. I had never been there before so initially I was nervous and kind of shaky. I have never felt like I really "fit in" somewhere, but my Spirit is screaming at me to be plugged in somewhere-to find fellow believers to interact with and share life with. I feel that is one of the next steps in my spiritual progression. After the initial nerves I felt SO at home there. The songs sung were glorifying God and His creation and fit in SOOOOO well with what I had been doing ALL DAY! The minister there touched my heart with his words, and his passion, and his relatability (new word of the day? webster? eh)...all in all it was an incredible experience. You know how when you first meet someone you meet their first impression self, and usually it takes you a few or several encounters to truly get to KNOW them? Well the few girls I had the privilage of shaking hands with tonight did not give me a "first impression self" I met the spirit inside of them. When Christ dwells inside of you then that is what people see, and getting to meet them that way I felt immediately like that place is somewhere I could fit in....even if I stand out (which I tend to) I could still find a home there.

If you read last night's blog (again) you know I had not finished chapter 1. Well I have now. The rest of the chapter shows you WHO God is (to the best of man's ability) and what Heaven is like as described by Isaiah the profit and John's as in Revelation. The description of what it would be like (again as best put into man-made language) is nothing short of HUMBLING. FREAKING HUMBLING I should say. I was blown away at my arrogance, my stupidity, my SMALLNESS. We are all UNWORTHY but because God is SO Good He STILL Loves us!! Isnt that amazing!?

The past couple of days it has been layed upon my heart the issue of "fear" (for lack of a better word). The desire to fit in because of the fear of sticking out. I have the oppertunity to meet some new girls tomorrow and just visit with them and fellowship with them and to be THROWN in FULL FLEDGED with strangers. I feel like getting past this one stepping stone could rocket launch my spiritual growth and further deepen my relationship with Christ. So all fear aside, my challange tomorrow for myself is to be FEARLESS. (and to start chapter 2 which Im sure by the end of the day will give me new challenges).

I look at it like, if we are not going to challenge ourselves to do better for God and to BE better in Christ then who IS going to challenge us? We can choose great company to walk with but inevitably the choices and decisions lie within ourselves. Will you choose fear? Or will you choose LIFE?

In Him,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

God of all CREATION

So I am doing what I like to call the Crazy Love challange. (Reading the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan). Today I officially started chapter one and let me tell you, I can feel LIFE happening and GOD moving through my Spirit. Watching the videos that come with the chapter and reading the chapter (not even all of it yet) itself has made me come to what I like to call realization number one. Realization Number One: He is not only creative He IS the CreatOR....of everything. I have never been much of a science nut but whatever side of your brain logistics or skeptics is in I think out of that side quite a bit. With having recently been saved the past few months I have never questioned of course the existence of God. I have never doubted Him as the creator. I guess though I never put much thought into creation at all. I thought God created the foundation of life, science created the next level, and then man created materials to sustain in it. Tonight I found out just how WRONG I have been. LIterally I have been punched in the face with "HELLO!!!! MEAGAN!!!! I am the Creator. I took the time to count the legs on a caterpillar, make different species of birds, put lines in this flower and not this one, create animals who can only sustain life in this specific area, etc etc" (From God). youre telling me the God who took the time to intricately detail every part of HIS creation also LOVES me? Loves me so much that He sent His son in human form, watched him suffer, and did this so that I could have a relationship with Him? He did that...for me? *GULP* Uh, I feel like an idiot. It's a huge humbling wakeup call when you realize how freaking SMALL you are and how amazingly HUGE God is.
Having coffee with a friend today I not only realized how huge God is but that He also has HUGE plans for my life. He has a hand in EVERYTHING that is life. The good, the bad, the ugly, the BLESSED-it ALL comes from God.
Im creating my own challenge for tomorrow. 1. To stop, Look, and WORSHIP God by choosing to see His creation for the first time with new EYES. 2. To give THANKS not just for the Good that has happened in my life but also the BAD-because God's hand is in ALL of it, and if the creator has something happen in your life then there is a REASON for it. Sometimes finding that reason could take your entire life. Sometimes, just knowing that there was a reason for it happening to begin with, you immediately see the good of bad. The purpose. The intent. And eventually....His PLAN...for YOU.
I am excited to take tomorrow to meditate on CREATION and PLAN. I am excited to finish the second part of chapter 1. And Iam excited to know that I am in a season of my life right now where I am BLESSED with the oppertunity to grow, change, and gain perspective of "Why am I here?". It has taken a hard road, and some bumps to get here but again, through the bad times there is still a plan.
God Bless