Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Life After 2012

So I just got back from watching the movie 2012 (and if you havent seen it then continue reading no further). This movie blew my mind...and now, 2 hours after its over, at 2am, I am STILL thinking about it. But I am not thinking about the actual movie persay, I am more thinking about what life would be like after the world ends.

In the movie they build these indestructable ark/submarine deals to protect people from the end of the world, which it inevitably does. On the ship they brought precious artifacts and one of a kind works of art (i.e. Mona Lisa), they brought 2 by 2 of animals (you know how that one goes), and then there were tons of people-people of all ages, all origins, all walks of life. Some of the worlds richest billionaires were on the ark, as well as royalty (i.e. the Queen of England). There were nobodys on there like the chinese workers who helped construct the arks. Some of the worlds smartes scientists and the worlds greatest leaders were aboard the ship. Apparently, at the end of the movie the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Africa was not under water, and thats where the captain was sailing the ark.

The end....Um...ok? So where does that leave my imagination? Running wild (as usual). So picture me this:

It is clearly a whole new world, no business, no homes, no society, nothing. Except these people have something the first pioneers of the world didnt...wisdom. They know the ins and outs of technology, as well as society, economy, government, EVERYTHING! They get a second chance to do it right this time. I would like to see the world leaders come together and decide mutually how a government should be set up. No corruption, no secrets, nothing to be scared of, simply a set of people governing rules for a new world. I would like to see the Queen of England still have power as honorary chair of this new cabinet of leadership. They would all pull together the best parts of their working government to create an unstoppable system.

The new people of this society would be wiped clean of the past, for they literally did survive the ending of the world. They are whats left, and it would be nice for them to see collectively that they should make the most of this second chance. They could come together and as a unit create a new society. Where those who are good at mechanics do mechanics, those who are teachers open a school, those who are doctors open hospitals, those who are artists create forums to do art. They can do anything and be anything they want to be because everyone is alike in that they are starting from the ground up. There are no institutions to follow, no set religions, no rules on how to behave in a classroom, no way to fail because there is no such thing as "wrong"...everyone has the chance to do right.

I would like to see everyone get the chance to build their dream home, and it might not be much at first but it would be theirs and it would be free, everything would be because there would be no money (assuming it was all destroyed). So no one is better then another because of money because there IS no money. Those who brought diamonds or jewels on the ark wont even be able to trade them in because there is nothing to get out of them. Instead, the will donate them to the new government to set up a money system or currency for this new society. Everyone will bring their own culture and heritage into this new mixing pot of people. If a chinese boy wants to learn Arabic he can because his new best friend will teach him. If a German doctor wants to learn Russian she can because her new scrub nurse is from Russia. The sky is the limit...

Things that failed the first time have the chance of succeeding this time. Inventions that can be improved get the chance to be. History gets to be re-written and not only that, but gets to start with day 1 of month 1 of year 0001. It isnt often people get to see history in the making but this group of people gets to be the ones making the history theyve only read about in past history books.

For the animals, new breeding, new population, new species of all kinds is possible because they will be set free into this new land and will never be held captive again. They survive with us side by side and are no longer here to amuse and entertain humans but here to remind us of the beauty that once was and can be again.

I think life after the end of the world can be a beautiful, wonderful place.

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