Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Leap and the Net will Appear

As some of you may know I am leaving for Germany in two days (Friday) and will be there a week. I have been full of nerves and anxiety this week, which oddly enough I get everytime I am about to leave home. I have this yearning desire inside of me to travel, see the world, and see everything I could possibly see in a lifetime!! So having this fear arise when I have to leave my family and friends has been a real struggle...however, its a struggle I offered up to God this morning on my way to school. He has the power to take away all of our discomfort, our nerves, anxiety, fears, and any other emotions we feel. We forget that God is a God of love, and grace, and mercy, and MIRACLES most importantly. I have been busy busy busy getting ready for the trip and Ive forgotten to stop and thank HIM for sending us a beautiful day yesterday, for the oppertunity to go on this trip in the first place, and for BLESSING me me the kind of family and friends I am sad about leaving in the first place. Instantly upon asking God to surround me and protect me and take away the fear, I was a new person. Perusing some music I havent listened to in a while this song came up, its called Right Outta Nowhere by Christine Kane. This song is SO inspirational because it is written about DREAMERS!! Who of us doesnt dream? Doesnt have goals? Something to achieve? Its about soaking up life and taking risks and LOVING to the ends of your fingertips, JUMPING even if you dont know how to fly, finding strength you never knew you had to do ANYTHING....I thought it would be a nice reminder to us all that "All you need to know, is that youre free to go" I love you ALL so much and hope this impacts you! (if you want to hear it just youtube it)
A Midwest morning October snowfall
She packed her Chevrolet And she brushed the fear away
She’s got a great big dream And a history of playing small
And everybody seems to think She’ll be back before Christmas day
She hit that highway With every ounce of faith she could summon
When courage finally comes You never see it coming

Right outta nowhere You open your heart And that changes everything
You’re going somewhere And all you need to know Is that you’re free to go

A summer night
The soft smell of seashore
All the deadheads dancing
Out on the beach He’s got a ten-year tan
And his own little junk store
He says, some people got a lot to prove
And that’s the way I used to be
Now I’m just an old hippie With a half a dozen PhDs
Some choices hold you down
Some chances set you free

Right outta nowhere You open your heart And let go of everything
You’re going somewhere And all you need to know Is that you’re free to go

Dream and the way will be clear
Pray and the angels will hear
Leap and the net will appear Right outta nowhere

You open your heart And believe in everything You’re going somewhere And all you need to know Is that you’re free Right outta nowhere You open your heart And have faith in everything You’re going somewhere And all you need to know Is that you’re free to go