Sunday, February 14, 2010

Prayer for Your Plan....

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for this beautiful day that you have blessed us with. Thank you for giving me 24 more hours to do Your work and shine for Jesus as best I can. Lord, I have been struggling with knowing Your plan for my life...and maybe that is ok, because YOU know it and I trust in You-so that is all that matters. So Lord I ask that you open my eyes, open my mind, and open my heart to Your will. I have prayed before that You reveal Your plan for me, well maybe you are...maybe Im just not listening yet. My heart burns for YOU dear God and I never want this feeling to go away. As this week gets busy for me Lord with the play, and tests, and everyday life I ask that you push me to still yearn to seek you. Push me to daily be in The Word, daily communicate with you through prayer, and then through all of that to HEAR what you need me to HEAR. I long so much to know Your plan for me God. My trust is in You that when the time is right You will reveal to me where my path is going. In the mean time, I just ask that you continue to stay on the path with me. Better yet, keep me on YOUR path. Lay your hands on my shoulders and guide me through the trials and tribulations that every new day holds.

God I ask that you protect my family and friends. Amelia and Keith with the welcoming of their new (very early) baby, My sister and her new broken heart, Chris who is straying on a path that doesnt lead to You, Katie and the strength to recommit her life to you and to doing what she knows is right in order to gain the peace that only You can bring versus the happyness the world can, Heather and that she will stop trying to find you at the end of a bottle, My mother for her mess of a life that she will continue to drag others in until she finds a way out Lord let her see the ONLY way out is YOU, My grandparents for their health, Ashley and her need for you dear God, and anyone I have missed Lord I just ask that you surround these people and open their hearts Lord so that YOU may come in.

I ask for strength for my voice and my health dear God this week as I am carrying an entire show for the first time. It is alot of pressure, and stress, and anxiety Lord and I am giving that up to you now. I trust that You will take it from me and with that continued prayer that you will bless the performance and bless the show.

Lord I am an unworthy sinner. Someone who tries to do right but will fall short in Your site everytime. But I do love you, with every ounce of my heart I love you and long to be with you dear Lord. Please forgive me of my shortcomings. I will never ever claim to be perfect, for you know that I never will be. But I will never claim to not try, because you know my heart God and you know that I am trying very hard to do what is right, to make you proud, to do your will, and to follow the straight and narrow path that leads to you. I love you dear Lord. Through Your sons HOLY name I pray. Amen