Sunday, February 7, 2010

Through Christ Jesus you will be SAVED

I havent written in a while and I believe last time I was writing I had mentioned some wacky experiences with my crazy Russian masseuse (if you havent read it you should, pretty funny). Anyway, since then some amazing and i repeat, AMAZING things have happened to me. I have accepted Jesus Christ as King of my Life, my Lord AND Savior. It is the most incredible journey I have ever had the chance to experience. This transformation that the Lord is making in my life amazes me everyday. When the Lord dictates your life and TRULY lives in your heart you are surrounded by him every second of everyday. He talks to you, tells you how to live, how to love, and how to forever JOURNEY with Christ!!!! Isn't this amazing news? I have reassurance that when I die I will get to see my creator. Falling in love with the Lord is unlike any other thing I have done in my life, this is a daily growth. My world is ROCKED everyday by God's LOVE, by His GRACE, by the MIRACLES He presents in the lives of people who have FAITH, BELIEVE, and PRAY! Since being saved I have an overwhelming JOY in my heart that I have never felt before. I was told that God didnt ever promise people "happyness", and I couldnt quite understand because I looked at God like I would look at any other person who loves me. I couldnt figure out why He wouldnt want me to be happy. Now I know that He wants me to have PEACE and JOY, which is FAR better then the "happyness" the world and worldly things provide, and He gives me that PEACE and JOY for simply believing that He sent his son to die on a cross for me. I recognize that sacrifice now, and forever am eternally gratefull. I want to spend my life showing God how grateful I am, how much I love HIM, and leading others to Christ too. My life is forever RUINED for Jesus Christ. As it should be. I can not stop smiling, I am so excited to see what God has in store for me. I will be sharing that experience here through blog as often as I can remember, so that others will know the miraculous things He is doing in the world, in lives of people I encounter daily, and also in my own life. IT IS MY JOY TO HONOR YOU! My King died for me and for Him I have also died to my old life, my old ways, my old body, and forever live in a new spirit for HIM. Forever now I walk the path with the Lord, and I couldnt ask for better company!