Monday, April 30, 2012

You Love for me to sing to You...

I am sitting near a large window upstairs looking out at the moving clouds, the darkening sky, the wind blowing through the trees....I am listening to Kari Jobe and was reading in Psalms when it hit, God is so good and all creation sings His praise. The trees are pointed high toward the sky as the wind tosses them back and forth, back and forth-yet they keep reaching high toward their Creator. The wind sings a lullaby as it rushes past the window, and I know that song so well. It's the song of freedom and worship for the One who deserves all praise. The darkening clouds are dancing in the background and I am reminded of my friends Grace and Annie, two of the most pure-hearted godly women I have ever met and how watching them dance is like watching Jesus wrap them in His arms and twirl them around a grand ballroom. Nature worships our Creator in  song and in dance and in stature-with no hesitation. They were created for worship and that's what they do.

We were created for that too. Sometimes it is hard. Life gets busier and busier as we get older and soon our days are filled with shuttling kids, teaching, cooking, cleaning, work, work, work, and more work, caching up on our TV shows, visiting friends and family, fitting hobbies somewhere in the mix...and by the end of the day we realize we have forgotten to worship. We've forgotten to even communicate at all with our Father. If you have loving parents whom you talk to often, imagine how they might feel knowing you are too busy to fit them into your lives. Or if you are a parent yourself what if when your son or daughter moved off to college or to do missions, they never contacted you? That would hurt your heart. Just like I am sure it does God.

My big fat excuse lately has been: busy. Busy turned into tired. Tired turned into lazy. Lazy turned into...I don't know the word for it. But I am pretty sure lately I have been irritated at God for not allowing me to feel Him near. When most certainly He hasn't moved, but that I am putting in very little effort to feel Him. To know His voice. To walk with Him. I've been "busy"....Busy even, with A LOT that has to do with Him...however, it has killed my intimate time with God. Some days it comes so natural to wake up and talk with Him, to dive into the word, to worship and praise all day. Other days I have to force myself to do it and then I feel bad that I have such a bad attitude and then I feel guilty. Then I have no energy to play with all of those emotions so I end up making that conscious decision to just not do it at all. To not be near to Him. Then I wake up weeks later and am beyond frustrated and irritated that my relationship with Him as somehow gotten off balance and I "don't know why"....well, I know why.

Watching the world from a large window upstairs will make a girl think. I love God, so so much. More than I can put into words. I don't want anything to distract from my relationship with Him. I constantly want to be dancing with Him. I want to feel His arms around me everyday. I want to sing His praises from every nook and cranny on the whole planet. I want to lift my hands high in worship to Him. I want to fall on my face in worship because how can you NOT be on your face in the presence of the Lord Almighty? I want more of this relationship. I am going to seek until I find Him. Until I hear Him. Until I feel like I am back in His arms once more.

Thank you wind. Thank you trees. Thank you clouds. Thank you Kari Jobe. Thank you Jesus, for giving me these things and showing me this morning that you are never giving up on me and that you will forever pursue my heart!! :)

In Him,