Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Song for Baby Sister

Before You Came Along
Before you came along the world was not a perfect place. Gas prices were high and simplicity had been replaced.
Natural disasters destroyed what once was whole, and terroristic actions shook our nation to its core.
But God has always had a plan, and His plans are never wrong. Everything was waiting, before you came along.
Before you came along the house was full of blue. Boys, boys, boys-was all your parents knew.
Baseball gloves and Buzz Lightyear were sprinkled in the hall. Rocketships and comic strips and deflated basketballs.
But God knew what He was doing when He sent you from above. Cause every family needs a princess to show a Father's love.
Before you came along your mommy felt your body move. With every beating of your heart, her heart could feel it too.
Daddy liked to sing to you, his precious little girl. And ask God everynight for your safe entry to this world.
God answered every spoken prayer and unspoken ones too. You see, before you came along...our life was missing you.
Before you came along there once was nothing here, but God created Beauty to show us that He's near.
The stars reveal His glory and the whales all sing His praise. Rainbows show His promises and the wind whispers His name.
When He looked at His creation and heard the Heavens sing their song, there still was one thing left to do...Before you came along.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Parental Guidance Suggested

I commute back and forth from Paragould to Jonesboro almost everyday. Other then the increasing gas prices, this is a great thing for me because I find amazing solace driving in my car, singing at the top of my lungs, window down enjoying the new beautiful weather and having that extra hour a day where I can be alone, and think! Most often, when God presents a vision or idea to me, or when He just wants to chat, it is during one of these times for me.

A few nights ago I was listening to the Glee Volume 5 cd (yes, I am a Gleek, no the cd isn't actually mine...although, I DO have volumes 1-3! haha) and the song "Landslide" came on (per one of Gwyneth Paltrow's numerous cameos on the show. Originally, this song was done by Fleetwood Mac, a band my daddy joked about or referenced many times in the past, so immediately upon hearing the song, I thought of him.

I was not only reminded of my dad generically, but I was also reminded of the many things we shared...and sadly, the many things we never got to share. See, my dad was a coach-he LOVED coaching, any sport he could get his hands on he found a way to ref it or to coach it. My older sister and I started early in life being groomed for a sport's lifestyle. Deep down, it was never really my thing. So, after winning a talent show in 7th grade, we realized I had some vocal talent. So my dad shifted his focus from sports with me, to music-something we both passionately loved and did well.

Softball games turned into gigs at fairs, basketballs turned into guitars, and quality time meant teaching me chords on a guitar! I loved sharing this with my dad. I got the complete music-side of him to myself. My sister got the complete sport-side of him to herself. So we both won!

However, upon getting older, things changed some. I was interested in boys and dating. I was hardly ever home due to my social life. Dad's marriage to my stepmother began (or continued) falling apart so to keep busy and stay away from home he would spend hours and hours at work, til 10pm or later most nights. Our paths, simply never seemed to cross. We did not develop a bad relationship, but we had a distant one. When we were together, he would be drinking or partying with his own friends, and he would want to play and me to sing...but it was different somehow. It was fun quality time with my daddy, I was a monkey with a drum entertaining people on a crowded street. Other times, I simply denied singing with him because I was being stubborn and didn't want to, or because I was embarrassed (like most teenage excuses lead to).
We both missed out on several years of really being able to jam with one another!

A few months before my father died, I called him up and told him I missed playing with him and that if he found an excuse to play and for me to sing that we should do it! A week later he called back, having formed an idea to hold a fundraiser to raise money for the softball team at the school where he taught/coached. We went to work immediately on a song list and copying cd's for the other musicians. He came down to my house and had a couple of acoustic jam sessions with me, and was also working with some musically talented students at his school as well! It was all coming together and the fundraiser was to be scheduled for the end of January mid February.

On a Friday night I called my dad to make sure he was still coming down Saturday afternoon to rehearse with me. He told me he had some errands to run in the morning but would hollar at me when he got into town and we would meet up sometime around lunch. I told him I loved him, and we hung up. The next day, January 17th, 2009, I waited....and waited...and waited. All day I waited. I called. I drove around trying to find something to do. I was getting angry thinking he had forgotten all about me. I went to Hastings to find a dvd, but had no luck. I drove home and found my cousin Kevin, knocking on my front door. He was there to tell me, that my father had been killed in a car accident earlier that morning. It had happened more than 5 hours previous to anyone finding out because the police could not find or get a hold of anyone.

That day, changed my world forever. See, now, when I hear songs like "Landslide" I think, if I just would've sang with him when he wanted me to. If I just would've done the songs he wanted me to do. If it wouldn't have taken so long for me to grow up and realize how much I loved performing with him, then I would not feel that void within me when the music brings him to the forefront of my mind.

We don't always get the chance to tell people we love them, or show them how much we care. But not just that, we don't always get the chance to be selfless and just, indulge someone in something that means SO much to them. Had I not been a selfish brat, a child, so much of the time, I would have a million more memories of spending time with my daddy.

And writing this blog, God is showing me that that is so often what we do to him. See, when I was young I wanted boys and friends and adventures. I wanted to make my own mistakes, not listen to authority. I didn't take good care of my heart at all, and I was disgusted at anyone who tried to tell me what to do. And sometimes, I am still that selfish selfish child. I become impatient almost daily because God has not sent me my future husband-well, maybe He hasn't sent me anyone, because like my earthly father, is trying to just spend time with me. And He wants so badly for me to just be satisfied in that, and stop searching for anything else. Are the boys and friends and adventures that I search for now any different then the ones when I was a teenager? Sure, different scenario, but they are both taking away from time and energy and love that I could be showing my Father. God is telling me "Look Meg, I have let you make your mistakes, but now I want to show you what it's like when you do it MY way, and how infinitely blessed you will be when doing that."

Do we ever listen? Do we ever fully surrender that control? Do we ever relinquish the idea of "You know what Dad? YOU actually DO know better. So ever though it goes against all of my selfish and childish feelings and emotions, I am going to TRUST that You are protecting my heart-the heart You created."? Do we ever get there??

Maybe not. But not getting there, will lead to a life of sad what if's and regrets of great memories that could've been made....and weren't.

In Him,

Friday, March 18, 2011

This is How We OVERCOME

With today feeling like the first day of true spring (even though technically, the first day of spring is sometime next week), I decided some major spring cleaning was in order. One of my favorite parts of a good deep cleaning has always been discovering things I had forgotten about. I am the kind of deep-cleaner who likes to go through and read every piece of paper before I throw it away, stop to look at old pictures or flip through scrapbooks, and dance around to good songs I hear on the radio. Needless to say, cleaning today has been an all day job.
I have a spiderman backpack that I got over a year ago for fall semester (I also got a Spidey lunchbox but that is simply irrelevant). I haven't needed to use ole Spidey this year because the majority of my classes have all been online and I have not had to tote a ton of things around campus. However, Spidey saw me through some great times...and also through some rough times.
Upon opening him up today (him being Spidey, Spidey being my backpack...not the lunchbox-clearly) I discovered a ton of papers and a few books and a notebook and pens galore. I dumped it all out and began going through the papers piece by piece. What I discovered on those papers was not leftover homework and to-do lists and birthday cards and trash (which yes, I did find all of that in there) but it was so much more. It was my entire life-over the past year-hidden away in a backpack I had all but forgotten existed.
So, what did your life look like the past year? You may be asking. This time last year I was a very new Christian. I was in a foreign country, Berlin, Germany, on a school trip and struggling to find my new place in this world as someone who devoutly loved Jesus and was still holding onto the things of this world. I was just getting involved at Southwest Church (via their Easter musical I was in). I had just finished up a play, Snow White-which was my very first lead. I was entering what would be a few months of utter darkness, which would build strength and character for me and ultimately, bring me closer to my lover and creator Jesus Christ. Last summer I was a camp counselor at a Christian camp, for the very first time in my life, and I adored every second. I made lifelong friends and got to see what it was like minstering to youth and relating to them on a level that only God Himself could have His hand involved. I was recovering from heartbreak-heartbreak that had haunted and taunted me all the days of my life up until then. I was meeting new people, who would forever impact and change my entire life. In the fall I became extremely involved in ministry oppertunities at my church, and surrounded not by other members, but by my new FAMILY.
All that, and so much more, happened over the past year. And as I opened Spidey, and read the papers inside, I realized how much I have grown over that time. Notes which held thoughts and quotes and scriptures from someone so HUNGRY for the Word of God-were all inside the bag. Memories from the plays and the camp and the people I have met along the way-were all inside the bag. Books and devos and pens and highlighters which all lent a hand in my transformation, were all inside the bag. Most importantly, all of those things were together, inside the bag-my JOURNEY is what the bag held. My redemption, my transformation, what God was doing in my heart before the bag came along and what He will continue to do in me all the days of my life were ALL INSIDE THE BAG.
My mind was blown. To realize I did not recognize the person I was once. To see the change happening to me as if I was watching a television show. To read the words of this broken hearted person, this new Christian, this hungry for Jesus young girl, this...ME....was, awe-inspiring.
God is so good right? So so good. SO good, that even in the MIDST of a 'forever-transformation' He is allowing me to see how far I've come, where I've been, and both of those will help me to trust Him in where I am going.
What an incredible path I have been on. Thank you Spidey, for holding it all together for me and waiting for a great spring cleaning to reveal to me all you have been waiting to do. Thank you Jesus, for giving me Spidey and the inspiration to clean! haha I hope you all have a wonderful SPring Break-and in the middle of family vacation or road trips or parties or what have you, that you remember to stop and thank God for Rescuing you, and for guiding you along your journey!
In Him,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Trashy Teen Television

Since having made the move from Jonesboro to Paragould, I find myself still struggling find my, once memorized, favorite television networks. For example, after living in Paragould a few months now I can tell you that msnbc in on channel 40, and The Nanny comes on 54 and 55 (what those networks actually are, I'm not sure!). However, as far as Jonesboro channels go I can tell you that abc family is on 35, tlc on 37, lifetime on 30, lifetime movie network on 76, tbs on 17, and the list goes on and on. This knowledge comes from living in Jonesboro the past 23 years and nothing having changed really in those years, and having my staple shows on my staple networks that I watch at their staple times (i.e. LockUp, The Nanny, American Idol, etc).

In my teenage years, one of those staples was none other than (you guessed it!-those of you who read the title of this blog and already knew what it was going to be about) MTV! MTV (standing for music television) is a television network out of New York City who originated with the sole effort of bringing music to television. They played music videos which were "guided" by music hosts called VJ's. However, since mtv's debut in August 1981, much has changed. Now, when you glance at a day's lineup for the popular network you see shows like "True Life: I'm a bisexual". "Teen Mom", "Teen Mom 2", "16 and Pregnant", "Engaged and Underage", "Jersey Shore", "The Real World 300" (or whatever number they're on), "SKINS", and I could seriously go on all day just listing the trash alone.

What's wrong with these shows, is that the content within them is feeding the minds of our youth today. Media is the number one influencer now in a teen-young adult's life over family, over school, and over friends. What they are reading in magazines and books, seeing on television, and listening to in music is ultimately shaping the person they will become-because these things are taking the place of parents and friends and adults in their life, and essentially is the sole place they seek comfort, the seek advice, and they seek the "life lessons" that shape their entire character.

Today, while flipping channels to find some music to listen to while I got ready, I came across MTV and the newest episode of Teen Mom 2 was on. I am not going to lie, I have watched this show more than once. But the difference in me watching it, and a 15 year old kid watching it, is I don't look up to these girls or idolize the fact that they are 17 years old and mommy's. I look at these girls and my heart breaks for them, and for every teenage girl who watches them thinking "Wow, I want to be like that!" because they simply don't know any better! So today, as it was on in the background, God began tugging on my heart. I wasn't sure why, but I sat down and started watching more intently-this time, trying to figure out what the Lord wanted me to see within it.

Instantly it hit me-if teenagers/young adults had a safe alternative for MTV to go to then their number one source of TRASH I will boldly say will become obsolete and maybe we as a society will start to see a turn around in the youth of the world!

I have no idea if I will ever see this in my lifetime, but God showed me what He wants. A network, whose target is the same bracket as MTV, but is the complete opposite of what MTV provides. Think about if you were a parent and not only could stop worrying about what your child is finding to watch on television but could encourage them to watch specific shows!?

As I was brainstorming around the issue of this network all day various things kept coming to me. As far as show-wise, this would be completely different from the Christian television you find on the lower half of your channel guide :) These shows would not star an old man in a leather chair who verrrrryyyyy sllllooooowwwwwllllyyyy reads the Bible to viewers. These shows would be what teenagers and young adults can relate to and find entertaining without loading the show with cussing, sex, and inappropriate behavior.

For example, what if there was a semi-reality show (similar to the MTV show "My Life as Liz") about a young girl who daily is trying to make a difference in the lives of those she encounters. The show could follow her to the homeless shelter she volunteers at, to her church youth group where she helps minister to the young girls in the group, to school where she defeats the mean girls of the school by finding that soft spot in their heart and loving them no matter how mean they are to her, and many more exciting places. BEING A CHRISTIAN IS NOT UNCOOL! I am still the same old goofy random and spontaneous Meg that I was before having been Saved. This fictional girl I just spoke of...there are SOOOO many young girls in the world like this, whose efforts and spirit to help and to love are being crowded out by the role models that MTV is feeding us.

What if there was another show on this new network (similar to the MTV show "The Burried Life") where a group of Chrisitians go out and cross off things on their bucket lists as well, and loving on folks as they do it (which would be the EXACT same thing as Burried Life but....) then they spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!? What if the youth and young adults of the world got to see people going out and doing amazing things like that? But in the name of and to glorify God?

There are so many options for a network that takes the broken and abandoned and confused and angry and heartbroken and DESPERATE youth of this world to start feeding them HOPE, and LOVE, and PEACE, and EMPOWERMENT, and STRENGTH, and all of the necessary tools to get them off their feet and start being the change in the world they wish to see!

We can not expect children to make better choices if there are not better choices out there for them to make.

Being involved in children and youth ministry I am constantly surrounded by children like this. I strongly feel, if people had an alternative to filling their spirits with trash, then we as a world would start to see a change. There is no better way to influence an older adult too then to see a young person doing something kind or productive or amazing even! The time to do something about the state of the souls in this world is now-we can not save people, only God can do that. But we can SHOW the unsaved what it looks like for God's kingdom to be here on earth!

"The only time I'll ever watch a show called 16 and pregnant is if it stars a girl named Mary" :)

In Him,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God's Calling

Love is a hunger, but love won't leave you empty. See it's the language of the heart. Love can steal your pride, but love won't let you hide. It takes everything you've got. Love's not easy...but it's worth it.

A little over a year ago, I was introduced to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ever since that day, my life has looked radically different....because when He came into my life, my life radically changed. This past year of newfound freedom in Christ has been amazing yes, but also a struggle. Immediately I felt ready for God's plan, I could absolutely not wait for Him to reveal it to me. I prayed every single second, day and night, had other people praying for me for visions from Him...and where there were plans, where there were oppertunities, where there were amazing blessings, where there were great visions of what's to come...there was still, no "calling."

I was finding myself so defeated, wondering "why"? Am I not ready for what You have in store for me? Am I doing something so wrong with my life right now that You don't feel I'm worth having my calling revealed to me? Is Your plan for me staring me right in the face but I don't see it yet? Every single day I was questioning God and doubting myself, and found myself in many a challenging season. In the midst of these amazing things God was using me to do, I was more focused on what the "plan" was!

Isn't that funny how we do that in life, too? We sit down to eat a meal with our kids and we are worried about how to pay the bills due at the end of the week. The kids are too busy quickly shoveling their food in their mouths so they can play video games or talk on the phone. As humans it seems our minds are always on preparing for what's to come, and not taking enough time to look around and realize we are in the middle of our own life-and we are missing out on it.

I am an imperfect human. So of course, during these seasons of ups and downs and ease and challenge, and across the board varying life lessons, I attempted to have patience-but failed. I attempted to be proactive and move forward with my own plans-and failed. I was in a constant state of "striving"-never fully being able to rest in the peace that comes with knowing the Lord is in control of what happens in my life, and His plans for me are GOOD!

I don't know when the impatience subsided some, if it ever did. I don't know when I stopped trying to figure it all out so hard-if I ever did that. But over the past couple of weeks, God has really been laying some amazing things on my heart.

I basically grew up without a mother. I completely grew up in not only a disfunctional home, but a home designed more for a horror movie because it was that much of a nightmare. Family vacations, dinners, ballgames, basically my life memories have all been tainted with darkness that hangs over it. Since having become a "gypsy" (as I like to call myself) I have had the amazing blessing of being able to live with various groups of women, friends, families, etc who have all taught me SO much about what it means to be a wife, to be a mother, to be a partner, to be a family, to LOVE others. My whole life it seems like, I have been prepared (definitely with what NOT to do when I have my own family) but also with what TO do.

The last couple of weeks God has placed several staples of peace in my life (staple of peace meaning these things, like your old teddy bear or soft blanket, that brings you deep joy and comfort and peace and stability). On the way home from Zumba class a couple of weeks ago, I heard a talkshow on the radio about a book called "Life Ready Woman". The author of the book talked briefly about some key points that are in her book one being that in the beginning of Genesis, we are given the blueprint for how we are created and what we are created to do.
-One being "leave and cleave" to form a superbond called marriage.
-Two being "fruitful and multiplying" (bringing up a generation of people that look like God)
-Three, "rule and subdue", advancing God's kingdom here on earth.
She talked about how sometimes we are in a season where we are doing one or two more than the other and vice versa, and how easy it is to start making productive decisions when we have this bluprint as our basis. For example, for the stay at home mom who's entire life is dedicated to bringing up children who look like the Lord, if given the oppertunity to go on a week long trip with some friends somewhere it would be easy to make that decision by saying "you know what? I am in a season where I am being fruitful and multiplying, I need this week to minister to these young women so that I can rule and subdue and advance God's kingdom here on earth" When put this way, something inside my head clicked-and I "got it" (my first aha moment of this whole process). Shaunti, the author of Life Ready Woman says "when we try to do things we were not designed to do, we breakdown". She gave the example of trying to take her car through roads that were closed due to flooding-she says "my car does not have gills, it is not a fish, it was never made to do that-so it broke down!" And so often we as women try to do so many things because we are convinced that we can 'have it all, do it all' and then we BREAK DOWN. I definitely am investing in this book! That car ride sparked a new, amazing journey for me.

My very wise friend Emily told me once, that when I am having trouble making a decision about something or trying to figure something out that I may be asking from the Lord, to get confirmation in the Word and confirmation in the world-meaning, look it up, find in scripture a "blueprint" persay of how to handle this particular situation, pray for God to show you where he wants you to go. And secondly, look for things around you, things in your life that are pointing to this situation and decision you're making.

In my case, after hearing the radio show, everything in my life started pointing towards wives, and mother's, and families. Several months ago, God planted this idea in my brain to write a parenting book (which may sound outrageous to you guys because I am not a parent). He showed me which women to use, what questions to ask, and everything I needed to do. I never did anything with it, but every now and then I think about that idea. Well, in the period of the last couple of weeks, I thought about the book again-and this time, from a different perspective. A perspective of it actually being written, and there being a season that I would work on it and to start getting ready for that. Well, needless to say God is amazing, and has beeng putting me in the places I need to be to get ready for that. Several months ago when I had this idea I was living with some girlfriends and leading a random life. Since then, I have formed amazing friendships with several of the women to be interviewed in the book. I have lived with a few of them and had the chance to observe their family and their love and their kiddos and just, the lives of Christian wives and mother's. I attend church with several and through life group and other various events, through babysitting and things like that, have gotten to know them and their parenting style as well too. God as set up this amazing oppertunity, CREATING this amazing chance for me to live out the calling he has prepared me for.

Beyond reading a book, and writing a book, something much deeper and much bigger was happening-and it took the new Francesca Battistelli cd to show me. On her cd is a song called "A Hundred More Years", it starts off talking about this young girl's dream coming true by finding this person to love her and she wants to stay wrapped up in this moment with him for a hundred more years. Then, it talks about that same young man, a dad now, watching their 3 year old daughter twirling around for him to gain his attention and how he wants to stay right in that moment for a hundred more years. **While listening to this cd, God showed me my future husband and myself, dancing at our wedding. He showed me my future husband and myself, laying on a blanket under the stars with our daughter in the middle and us holding her hands as we tell her about God's love. He whispered into my soul that I am to be a wife and a mother. I smiled all night, at the peace and the joy that came with knowing this little secret. I never thought I wouldn't be a wife and a mother, but now I not only know I am to be one, I know I am CALLED to be one. The peace, and the feeling of being able to rest in what you know the Lord is calling you to do, is unlike any other feeling in the world.

The fear, the doubt, the anxiety, the impatience....all of that has subsided. Because my soul and my heart have been touched by the Creator of those things, and He has assured me that I am to be a wife and a mother. Simple as that. Sure, I will do other things too! I will write a book. I will minister to youth. I will teach kiddos. I will love on those around me. But I know now, what I am designed for.

Maybe it sounds silly to some of you, especially the wives and mothers out there who maybe didnt think about this being their "calling"-but for someone like me, who grew up the way I grew up and who has walked the path I have walked, getting this calling is a blessing. All of the things I have wanted to "accomplish" or "strive for"-the goals I have set for myself, they just...don't seem to matter anymore, as long as I get this one thing right. I know God has a specific person planned for me, and that person will be loved like they have never been loved before-because I was created to love them, and I will wait until I know God has given me this person as a gift. I won't settle, because I don't want to cheat myself or anyone else out of what God intends for us both. When I become a mother, I will struggle sure because I am imperfect-but there will never in the world be more loved kids than mine, because I am designed to love those kids.

If you know me, you know this is a huge deal. Not only discovering my calling, but surrendering to it as well. Yea, I want to travel the world, I would love to be recording artist, I would love to sky dive in random parts of the world-but when I have a family, that will be first and foremost what is important. God is so so good, and so so faithful. And He has GOOD things planned for all of you.

I know this blog was sort of all over the place, but it is insight to my deepest heart of hearts-and for those of you who find the time or patience to read it in its' entirety, I hope that you are encouraged and motivated to praise God for His faithfullness and His plan for your life!

In Him,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Get By with a Little Help from my FRIENDS!

This morning I was watching Cold Case files (for no particular reason except that Lifetime all but stopped showing sappy movies and now plays crappy sitcoms all day) and as I was watching, I started thinking about the few days that followed my dad's death. It is such a traumatic experience to lose someone you care about, especially a parent you are so close to, and especially in such an unexpected way. When I think back to losing him, which was just 2 years ago, I am reminded of how amazing God is. He placed me in the middle of the busiest season of my life-friendwise-that I had ever been in. I was living with 2 great friends of mine, and we always had people over at the house. Some of them girls I had known since I was a baby because our parents grew up together. Others were new friends who were just as amazing as our old ones. And then we had a faithful group of guys we hung around, who are like brothers to me!

When I got the news that my dad had died, my friend and roomate Lindsey Coker immediately left work and came home to comfort me. My lifelong friend Lindsey Hawkins also came over, and both girls went to my grandparent's house with me, where the family was gathering. Coker and I were growing closer by the day having been roomates at the time and all, but Hawkins and I were not as close as we were when we were younger due to just, what happens when you grow up! But on this occasion, it was like I was 10 years old again and reaching out to my best friend, and she was there. They both were.

That night, another lifelong friend of ours Katie Spencer came to the house to love on me. Ashlynn and Carissa and so many others, including their mothers, came to the house to visit and to show their sympathies. They made food and brought me a sleepaid, and were really just, angels. I can't remember who passed through those days and nights, but everyone who was there, helped keep me afloat-and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I don't know if it was the night he died, or after, or maybe the funeral...but at some point in the chaos and sadness, I was laying in bed, surrounded by my angels. Dillan and Katie and the Lindseys and Stimpy and so many others. They were there to ensure I got a good night's sleep. I would dose off and wake up minutes or hours later, and they were all still there, talking or dozing off too, or watching me to make sure I was ok. I guess at some point in the night, people trickeled out of the room, and when I awoke I was wrapped in the arms of Katie and Dillan. And as I started crying, remembering I was now fatherless, both still half-asleep, they hugged me so tight and lulled me back to sleep.

I will never forget the many nights I couldn't sleep, I didn't want to sleep, I was scared if I fell asleep then I would wakeup and the hurt would start all over again. And it did. But Coker was there for me. She stayed up with me til all hours of the early morning and late night, even with a small son, a job, and school to worry about for herself. Me and my dog slept were welcomed into her bed with her and her dog many a sleepless night. She was there for me, like good angels should be.

I had many visitors, Matt and Brandon and Kelsey and so so many others. I had many phone calls, Cindy and Becky and Amber and so so many others. I had LOVE. I was so surrounded by LOVE from family and friends that I felt surrounded by GOD'S love, even though I was not a "Christian" then. I knew I was not alone in this awful period of my life.

I can never thank these angels enough, for being there for me when I needed them the most. I hope those of them who are reading this know I will ALWAYS be there for them too, if EVER they need a shoulder to cry on, a friend to listen to them, or someone to pray over them. I am indebted to these amazing people, some of you I have lost touch with, and some of you I am still best friends with. Whoever you are, I LOVE YOU, and you and your acts of love for me will forever be in my heart and in my mind and in my memory. You will never be forgotten.

In Him,