Friday, May 4, 2012

My God Is Bigger

God has given me a very fun calling in combining the creative and performing arts with ministry opportunities with all Glory pointing back toward the ultimate Creator. I have posted some previous curriculum or lesson plan type things that I've done with young girls but I am going to start posting more of the drama things on here as well. After Overflow Sunday this past week, I got asked to send some of the material God has used me to create to different places around town. So I am going to post those things on here as well, feel free to use any and all of it! It's God's Word and needs to be shared! This one is the story of David and Goliath

My God Is Bigger

Intro to story-(background info leading up to this story)
Characters needed
David                             5 Stones
Goliath                          King
Philistine army             Crowd
Israelite army
**When the narrator says David, the crowd responds “DAVID!” When the narrator says Philistines, the crowd yells “BOO!” When the narrator says Israelites the crowd cheers “YAY!” The King, David, and Goliath repeat the lines fed by narrator. The 2 armies respond accordingly as action is stated. The 5 stones count, and the very smallest stone is the one to take down Goliath.
God’s people, the Israelites, (YAY!) had some scary enemies. But the Philistines (BOO!) were the scariest of them all, and they had come to fight the Israelite army. The Philistines (BOO!) even had a secret weapon, and his name was Goliath. Goliath was a terrifying soldier, and-worst of all-a GIANT! He stood over 9 feet tall! He was so strong, so tall, and so scary that no one had ever been able to fight him-and live to tell the tale.
So, there they were: the Philistines (BOO) standing on the top of one hill. And God’s people, standing on top of the other. For 40 days, Goliath came in front of the Israelites (YAY) and shouted, “Send your best soldier to fight me! If he wins, we will be your slaves. But if I win, you will be our slaves!” No one spoke. No one moved.
“Chickens!” Goliath yelled. “Your God can’t save you! I will eat you for breakfast.” His beady, greedy eyes glowered at them hungrily from under his helmet-as if any minute he really might just gobble them all up. And he laughed his terrible laugh. (HAHAHA!)
Well, Goliath might just as well have been a green slimy monster with three heads because God’s people froze with fear. They cried out-(Who will save us? Somebody do something.)
But God would do something. He would send someone to save them.
Some of the soldiers in God’s army were brothers, and they had a little brother named David. (David!) One day, David (David!), brought his brothers their lunches when he saw Goliath.
“Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I will fight the giant for you.”
When David (David!) told this to the king, the king responded “You’re only a little shepherd boy, and Goliath is so big! How will you fight him?”
“God saved me from the paws of lions, the paws of bears, and will save me from the hand of that Philistine (BOO)” said David. “My God is bigger than that giant!”
With the king’s blessing, our small shepherd was about to become a big hero! David (David!) picked out 5 smooth stones from the stream (1,2,3,4,5) and walked toward Goliath. Step. Step. Step.
Goliath walked towards David. THUD. THUD. THUD.
“YOU??” Goliath asked, peering at the small boy.
“I am little, but God is BIG!” said David.
Goliath laughed an even scarier laugh than usual (HAHAHAHA) for with just one swing of his sword, the giant could finish the boy off.
But David said, “it isn’t how strong you are or how many swords you have that will save you—it is God who saves. This is God’s battle. And God ALWAYS wins His battles!”
David put a stone in his sling, swung it around and around and around-and let it go. The little stone flew like a bullet through the air and struck Goliath right between the eyes.
The giant stumbled…staggered…then CRASH…fell dead. When the Philistines (BOO) saw Goliath was dead, they ran away! And when God’s people (YAY!) saw them running away, they cheered (Hooray!). God had saved His people. David (David!) was a hero!
Many years later, God would send his people another young Hero to fight for them. And to save them. But this Hero would fight the GREATEST battle the world has ever known. Do you know who that Hero is? (JESUS!)
The end!

During this particular day we also sang songs that talked about our strong and mighty God. "My God is Bigger" we also sang "There once was a boy named David" we did a fun version of Jesus Loves Me, too!

I hope you and your kiddos enjoy!
In Him,