Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Keeping Our Commitments

Remaining faithful to people and obligations is a wonderful character building tool. When I was a teenager, I had many jobs-but I worked those jobs for 1-2 years at a time (which is a long time for a kid). At times I even had up to 3 jobs at once (not much has changed--however, I actually LOVE my jobs now haha). Before I was a teenager I would work at my dad's car audio store, answering phone calls and greeting customers which then turned into QuickBooks, Excel, invoices, bills, shipments, filing, and other types of clerical work. My dad created a work ethic in my sister and I. Our bills did not pay themselves, and work was the way of life to earn a living. I was a kid who had chores and duties around the house as well.

Past the chores and part time jobs, this lesson of responsibility carried over into one of maintaining loyalty to commitments and obligations. My grandfather is a big fan of doing others right who have done right by you. And that presents itself in many ways in his life--taking care of friends in time of need, paying bills on time, loyalty to specific doctors or business providers, and the list goes on and on. I am not as traditional in this way of thinking, however I do not argue with his mentality at all. He is one of the most beloved human beings in all of Bono, Jonesboro, and Paragould, and that is due to his character!

Even in the midst of trials, I encourage you guys to uphold the commitments you've made to others. If you hate your job, quit...but at least give a 2 week notice. Or talk to your manager about what's going on to make you so unhappy-because saying things can't change is putting an awfully large God in a pretty small box. If you are asked to babysit and something better comes up like a party or something, then suck it up and do your job. And if you really can't do it (maybe an emergency comes up), then attempt to find someone else to fill in for you. Your employers will appreciate that extra step so much, and probably ask you to come back! If you audition for a show and are cast in a specific role, then take it! It's what you wanted when you auditioned and people are counting on you. The show expects you to follow through.

Tons of things can come up in life that ask us to make the choice of which commitments we are going to choose to keep. The ones you choose, chisel at your heart and define your character. The way you handle obligations, also tell the world what type of person you are. When you let people down because of 'you', you are simply being selfish and clearly only thinking about yourself. This individualistic mentality is what is ruining the American Church. It is CRITICAL for the kingdom to get this notion through our heads: IT IS NOT ABOUT US! Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, in your life has the potential to advance the kingdom and point glory back to God. But what is it saying to others about the LORD when we, who are made in His image, selfishly break our promises and commitments to others? It tells the world that that is probably what God will do too, so why believe Him in the first place?

See? It isn't individualistic. As a believer, you are part of a FAMILY. The body of Christ. And your outlook should be the kingdom-the BIGGER picture. It's time we reach past selfishness, and start letting the Lord chisel away some character into our lives.

Are you up for the challenge?
In Him,