Monday, April 15, 2013

Come and find your rest in Me....

I have been asked before, "how do you know what God's will is for your life?" Typically, it is asked specifically to me in regards to a life decision I have made. But often times, people generally are seeking to know-not just what God's will is but also, how to find it. It has been my experience after years of searching, lots of meditation and prayer, and tons of wise council, that God has a purpose for all of us. Generally speaking, as Christians, it is 1) to share the story of Jesus with those who might not know the radical Love He has for us, 2) to go out into the world and make disciples of all men, 3) advancing the kingdom of Heaven and spreading His name throughout the land.

But what does that Christianese mean? What does that look like in a tangible way? Does it mean to tithe more money? To attend church twice instead of once a week? Does it mean to donate as much money or time as possible volunteering somewhere? I don't think it means any of those things, unless those things are done with the heart change that is required of God's children. It's funny to me, how walking in alignment with the Lord's plan looks to some people like doing more things, working really hard, and checking off super awesome things off a super awesome list that was given to you by a super awesome Lord. Maybe I am just lazy, but when I find myself walking in direct alignment with something the Lord has prepared for me in advance-I don't find work and to do lists and stress and anxiety and time limits...I find REST. The GREATEST rest I have ever known.

There is something supernatural that occurs when you walk directly in line with something the Lord has prepared. You find holy spirit rest for your soul. You find protection for your spirit that seems to have come out of nowhere. You find communication with God effortless, and the bond between the two of you unbreakable. There's no striving in the rest of God. No struggle to DO more or BE more, but freedom to rest in what He's already DONE and endless Grace to just BE.

There is one song on this planet that describes and offers the type of rest my soul gets when I am super enveloped in the Holy Spirit, and that is "My Beloved" by Kari Jobe.

                           "You're my beloved, you're my bride. To sing over you is my delight. Come away with me my love. Under my mercy come and wait, til we are standing face to face. I see no stain on you, My child. You're beautiful to Me. I sing over you My song of peace. Cast all your cares down at my feet, come and find your rest in Me. I'll breathe my life inside of you. I'll lift you up on eagle's wings. And hide you in the shadow of My strength. I'll take you to My quiet waters, I'll restore your soul. Come rest in me and be made whole."
My Beloved

Will following God's will always be easy? No, it won't. And nobody ever promised that it would be. But it is worth it. You will be criticized, judged, persecuted. People who appeared to love you will mock you. People you don't know will talk badly about you. People who never took the time to invest into your heart and your life will fade into the background. But the beautiful thing about all of the difficulty, is that you are STILL following God's will. He is still there, protecting you and loving you more than you will EVER know. And the dreams you once had for yourself start to be transformed into something you could never dream up or imagine for yourself. New relationships will be discovered and strengthened, starting with a pure foundation of love and grace. Friends will emerge from places you never realized they were hiding, and they will love you unconditionally--because they know you're heart. They will trust you when you tell them, "this is what the Lord has told me to do", then they will love you, support you, and see Jesus because of the way you have decided to follow Him.

There is nothing more beautiful in this world then being set apart for holy service--and that is what sanctification is all about. I encourage you to look at your life, your to-do lists, your check lists, your weekly planner and calendar of events, and reflect on if there is any rest happening while doing all of this work for the Lord. He wants us, His precious and treasured children, to always know His love, His grace, and always walk in the life He has created for us long before we ever appeared on this earth. And when you do that friends, I promise you, your world will be forever CHANGED.

In Him,