Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mario and Jesus

As most of you know who faithfully read my blog, there is no small life-detail that goes unnoticed when it comes to the Lord teaching me a share-worthy lesson. Today's lesson: Mario.

I nanny 4 children, 2 of whom are boys ages 10 and 6. The 6 year old loves to play Mario, and more than that, he loves for me to watch him. One day, while I was upstairs staring at the giant tv screen and listening to the all too familiar Mario music, the Lord sent me a sweet vision relating Mario, and life.

In the game, there are courses, and each course represents different levels. Throughout each course there are things that try to eat you, freeze you, catch you on fire, shrink you, and kill you. (Sounds like life already, huh?) But in these obstacle courses, are also Mystery Boxes--you know the ones. You press the correct button combo for jumping, hit your head on a box, and something useful pops out.

When I was younger and would play this very same game, I remember speeding through the course to get to the end. I would never hit boxes, collect coins, or anything useful. I would also rarely die or encounter any problems either. Until, that is, when I would get to the end or a section in the course where something in those boxes would have proven useful. Like hitting a box and blowing up really BIG! Then you get to the end to face the giant and are killed instantly--because you didn't take the time to hit that mystery box.

Those who speed through life, often find that when they reach the end of a season they are not prepared or have not learned what they needed in order to get out of it and move on to the next "level" if you will. God gives us Mystery Boxes (or Blessing Boxes if you will), in order to prepare us for what is next. Sometimes these boxes are filled with tools, useful knowledge, a new group of people to support and love on you. Sometimes, these boxes are filled with things that are not that fun either. Things that hurt, and challenge us, and ultimately and painfully shape us so that we are ready for the next round with the giant. ((These boxes are my least favorite, because let's face it, who likes being repeatedly hurt or let down? Or always feeling like you are always the one forced to be the bigger person or be the one growing or learning something hard?))

Nevertheless, our Blessing Boxes give us power and strengthen our spirit to defeat what's at the end of the course. But if we don't stop, or slow down, and take the time to hit our head on the box....we will find we come to the end of a season, unable to defeat what lies ahead.

Even though learning is painful and growing is often times not fun, it is a BLESSING to become more and more like our Lord and closer and closer to Him with each level we pass.

My reminder to you, as well as myself daily, is to slow down. Hit your head on the box. Learn the lesson that pops out. And grab onto that tool, so that you can bring it with you to the end. Remember, the hard times are life shapers. Maybe you feel like your life is being beaten to a pulp but certainly not shaped...well, nobody said it would ever be easy. But we ARE promised, that it's WORTH it.

In Him,