Saturday, January 7, 2012


If you read the title of this blog you might be thinking to yourself, "hmm,'re a little late on the Happy New Year blog." Actually, I had SUCH a busy December I did not get a chance to really have a holiday break. Things were busy, hectic, and crazy until New Years Day. So I decided to give myself an extra week in 2011 mode and wait to celebrate 2012 on January 9th (Monday). This means that I got to pig out all week, do some shopping, do some lots of nothing, hang out with friends, pig out some more, and not let myself stress about planning classes or booking private lessons or scheduling photo shoots or ANYTHING! I got to BREATHE. Resolutions took a backseat and I had space to truly meditate and pray about the things I wanted to truly accomplish over this next year. So this blog is dedicated to my New Year Resolutions. A new year that starts for me soon, and I am very excited for the chance to have deeply thought about them and the break to prepare how I might carry these out (some of which are being carried out without my effort but in large part to being a piece of God's plan for me). So if you they are :)

1. Run a 5k
2. Run a half marathon
3. Read 20 books over the course of the year (and actually finish them)
4. Create daily and weekly schedules for myself (to help with the even larger resolution of better time management)
5. Start following blogs of people I find inspirational. (I have read many blogs of people I find so motivational, but time slips away and I never read them again. People I will follow include singer/songwriter Bethany Dillon, my friend Lindsey Little, continue to follow my friend Katie's blog while she is in Spain, singer/songwriter Francesca Batistelli, and so many more)
6. Carve out a time each week to purposefully listen to more online sermons. (I am needing to be "fed" more in this way and am seeking out minsters like Matt Chandler, John Piper, etc)
7. Keeping a running prayer list and making a point each day to legitimately pray for those on the list, adding to the list each time someone asks for prayers. So often someone says "hey will you pray for me", "sure!" we say as we text them driving down the road or while shopping in the mall, and then we never do it. I will carve out a time to do this DAILY.
8. God has laid many a vision in my heart from things like teenage Christian drama, Christian monologues and short plays, to developing an entire children's ministry curriculum that taps into the creative and performing arts as well as developing an atmosphere where children are hungry to know God. This is something I will work on this year.
9. Create curriculum for the ministry of young girls (developing more my princess curriculum) as well as things like VBS curriculum for childrens ministry. I may not use these things for 10 years or more but God has put them on my heart as crucial things to be done and I will obey.
10. Play guitar more often (and get better!)
11. Save money (I bought a princess piggy bank from Target last night and fully intend on fillin her up!) I am saving to get out of debt, take a trip, and invest in better equipment for my photography business!
12. Grow even closer and more intimate with God by truly learning His character. Having more faith and trust in Him.
13. Save a life.
14. Learn to cook (Anna is teaching me this right now and it is WONDERFUL!) as well as eating better in general-to keep all toxins out of my body!
15. On midnight of New Years Eve I had the pleasure of toasting with 4 amazing women who are devoted followers of God, all who are passionately in love with Him too. We are all single, and laughingly toasted to "Finding a husband!"--but honestly, my calling is to be a wife and a mother. And I know how important the sanctification of marriage is, and although it will be the hardest job I will ever do, it will also be the most important one. And by impacting and affecting the lives of my family I can then in turn help to change the world-which has always been a little dream of mine. So I DO toast to finding a husband. Maybe not this year, maybe not next, I don't know...but I will continue "toasting" and hoping and wishing and praying for him until that moment....we meet :)

One year after New Years my sister, aunt, cousin and I made Vision Boards-cutting out pictures and words from magazines of things we wanted or wanted to accomplish and taping them on a board. After looking at the board everyday for a month we then put the boards away, to then come back to them say 6 months later and find SO much of the board had been accomplished. I will do this again this year with the resolutions above, but I wanted them in writing to encourage you guys as well as to be a constant reminder to myself!
If you have suggestions or encouragement I would LOVE to hear them! Wish me luck!
In Him,