Saturday, August 13, 2011 for You

In many regards, you might call me impatient. In some regards, you might call me controlling. And sometimes, I appear OCD about things like time, organization, and...time. I am not a perfect person, please hear me say that first and foremost. The reason I am impatient, controlling at times, and almost always OCD about something is because I am an imperfect human being.

However, I feel that people are flawed for many reasons....and sometimes those reasons are not their own fault. I have very severe anxiety over very particular situations. In some situations, it is my own fault-because I let satan and his menions get the better of me, allowing my own self to remain in his stronghold. But in the other situations, there is a factor that is beyond my control.

I am the product of abandonment. It is no longer my identity, for I now know my identity which is given to me by Jesus Christ. However, the feelings associated with having been abandoned my entire life appear much too often. It is a vicious reoccuring theme in my life.

See, when I was younger, less than 8 or 9 to be semi-exact, my mother left our family for another man. A man who did not live in the same state as us. So not only was my family torn apart emotionally but physically as well. I was a kid...a kid who wondered every single night before bedtime when mommy was coming home. And although now, as an adult, I recognize that situations in my "family" home were nothing short of a hellish nightmare, I also can not heal the scars she left behind.

Pre-teen years are the worst aren't they? When you're a kid, you don't notice that you're just realize that you're sad. But when you start entering your teen years, you notice that you are...different. Not because you wear glasses, or have freckles, or smell bad (although, this definitely makes you FEEL different then all of the other glasses wearing-freckle faced-stinky middle schoolers) but different because you only have one parent. One parent who works all the time to maintain money and status. Being a full-time boss leaves not much room to be a full time parent. So the second stage of abandonment entered into my life...the kid who other kids didn't want to be friends with, because their parents were always giving me rides and having to shuttle me everywhere. What was even worse, then finding out my closest friends resented me for being parentless, was being left behind by THEIR parents too. All too often I waited in my kitchen, looking out the window leading out to my driveway, watching for my friends and their parents to arrive. Most of the time, when they showed up, I silently rejoiced in my head-because of the warm fuzzies I felt in my heart having been remembered and "loved enough" by someone. But the times they forgot me, the times I was left standing in my kitchen, looking out of that same window and crying because I had been forgotten, those times scarred me.

The theme of waiting causing anxiety due to abandonment issues has followed me everywhere I have ever gone. Sure, I pray for peace, and sure I know my identity in Christ as well as knowing that God will NEVER leave me. But there is this thing in our brains, where we can remember images of memories...and there is another one where when we regress back to a time in our past we actually feel those EXACT same emotions all over again as if they were really happening. I don't know how to turn that thing off, but if I ever could....I probably wouldn't cry so much haha.

This anxiety reared its ugly head on one of the darkest days of my life. On Saturday January 17, 2009 I wokeup excited because that day I was rehearsing music with my daddy, in preperation of a show were doing in late February. I waited, and waited, and waited and waited....all day I waited. And the clock seemed to only be getting slower. He lived in another town more than an hour away so I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt....but having been let down by him time upon time upon time I gave up. I figured he blew me off. So I went into town to kill time. It was more than 5 hours that I had waited on him at home so I thought doing something semi-productive would help kill the time. When I arrived home, I was met by my cousin who informed me that my dad had been killed in a car accident at 9am that morning on his way into see me.

Tonight, I babysat two wonderful kids for a good friend of mine. I was told they would be home at 10:30, and instead they came home at midnight. During that simple hour and a half wait, I experienced every single solitary emotion I had ever felt being abandoned my whole life. From the time my mom left and I waited everyday for her to come home, to my friends parents' forgetting to come pick me up, to dates who would be a few minutes late and I would be such a wreck I would have to cancel because I would make myself sick from waiting, to the OCD of having to be early everywhere I go, all leading up to waiting on my dad all day while he was dying......every single time I wait, I feel these emotions. And trust me, it is un-fun (I bet you're thinking, "man, she needs therapy!" haha--trust me I KNOW!!) Am I mad at this friend for making me wait? Absolutely not. Did I cry my eyes out all the way home? Absolutely! :)

There is no moral to this story. There is no "lesson" to be learned like some of my past blogs. Why do I write it you ask? I feel like when we learn each other's stories, instead of being strangers who walk amongst each other, we start becoming accountable to our brother's and sister's in Christ. Had my friend's parents, my dates, and even my friend tonight, known to the extent of how severe my "abandoned anxiety" is, I would like to think they would have all made an effort to ensure that I was ok...that I was taken care of....or assured me that, they were ok. Does that make sense? It's like, if I know your story and know you are an ex-alcoholic who struggles with addiction demons everyday I am not going to invite you out to the bar to have a drink. If I know that you were beaten as a child I am not going to show you youtube videos or news clips where children are getting beaten by crazy nannies. ((I hope this is all sinking in because I am running out of examples....the two I had weren'te great as it is!))

I don't know much about how to be HEALED except that God is doing a work in me that is beyond amazing.....and my healing can only come from HIM. I don't know when it will be, if ever completely....but I do know that He promises me this

"When your father and mother abandon you, the Lord will hold you near" (Psalms)
And that is a promise I can hang my hat on.

In Him,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom." (Matthew 5:10, Message)

I never understood this verse, not really. I easily read it, and new what all the words meant, but I could never really fathom "persecution." I thought persecution (at least in America) was something that didn't happen anymore. A year ago when running across this same verse, I prayed for persecution thinking that it would really challenge me to grow in my faith and strengthen my relationship and dependency on God....but did I know what I was really looking for to happen? No. Until today.

Persecution doesn't always come in the form of beatings and abuse. It doesn't always come in the form of getting thrown into prison or having to hide underground and have secret meetings to escape death. Sometimes, persecution comes through criticism. Through judgement. Through abandonement. And through many other things, that people say and do, whether it be family, friends, or complete strangers, when they see you doing things most would consider "radical" in order to help be a factor in bringing the kingdom of Heaven on earth.

I had an encounter today, with a very close friend of mine, who had more than a few choice words about some decisions I have been praying about and contemplating for a while. Decisions that might cause me to be not only uprooted from my church, family, friends, and my job but maybe from the country itself. When you say to people "I want to be a missionary" or "I am called to move to Africa and help orphans" or "God spoke to me and told me do to this fill in the blank thing" people look at like you like you are crazy. They laugh you off as if you are joking. And almost all of them most certainly have some type of opinion about what you have just said.

The thing is, we as Christians do not answer to those people....even if those people are brothers and sisters in Christ. We don't answer to our church or our family or our job. We were created to serve ONE God and are called according to HIS will, not the will that others place upon us. Where friends and family who discourage us from doing the things that they consider "radical" or crazy even probably mean very well, and are not mean-spirited people, they are also not the ones who have to answer for the things in my life that I did or didn't do. I answer for those things. And in the end, when I get to see my Father and Creator and very best Friend, I don't want to waste a ton of time having to come up with excuses as to why I didn't do the things I know He so apparently called me to do. I would rather just run to Him and hug Him and worship Him and ask Him questions and let Him love on me. I don't want the added drama ;)

I imagine that the reason we see deeper into the kingdom when we as Christians are persecuted is because we are then truly walking in the footsteps of Jesus, becoming more like Him, and getting closer to feeling the weight of what we did to Him when others do it to us. I will continue to pray for persecution, just like I will pray for the ones who crucify me and that their hearts be changed. If you're not for the kingdom you are against it, and just like a parent who would do anything in the world for their child I feel that way about doing what God has called me to do. I have that kind of passion and drive to wrecklessly abandon everything in my life to serve Him.

In Him,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soul Surfer

Tonight, for the very first time, I watched the movie Soul Surfer--and man was it wonderful. Bethany Hamilton is such a living testament to God's love for us and how that love reveals itself when we align ourselves with His will and walk in complete surrender to His plan for our lives!

The past couple of days I have been pondering what I thought was a big decision. It involved my job and is a move I have been talking about all summer. I have thought about it and stated it in conversation with other people as if it were already a done deal. I went to an interview, where I was offered the job only...something was different. I felt...intimidated, scared, oppressed even. There was thick, heavy, and negative energy in the room and I couldn't get out of there quick enough. Was this typical "interview nerves"? Maybe. But if you know me at all you know that nothing happens in my life that I don't extremely overanalyze, wondering if it is a very vivid sign from God I am supposed to be listening to.

So after I left the interview I called upon several of my prayer warriors, to lift up to God what I should do about the situation. The job would be a HUGE commitment and chunk of my time, and because it is related to my current job I couldn't start and then back out, because then my other job would be affected. I was questionning myself-am I passionate about this enough to commit to it fully? Is this a situation that God wants me to be in? Is sacrificing other things in my life (photography, free time, dance class, other things I love) worth it to do this particular job? I was left very confused and sad that I was so confused, because the last thing I want to do is let anybody down.

The most unsettling times for me in my life are the "in between" moments. The times I have just finished a big show and am looking forward to the next one but in between not acting at all. The times I have been offered an awesome opportunity but it requires a specific time of waiting before it happens. Times between gigs, times between spiritual retreats and ministry opportunities. And most definitely times between missions. Those moments where you know something is on the horizon--no, you have NO idea what that might be, but you KNOW something is there and that God is working in a BIG way on something. Something you can't see, something you don't know, and something you don't want to screw up in the meantime by making wrong decisions. (Yes, I think WAY too much sometimes haha).

I have prayed for patience in every prayer of mine for the past year, because of being in one of those times of waiting. And it always seems that everytime I get a little busy or start working on a project and I stop thinking/worrying about it, is when God shows up the biggest in my life with a very vivid "Next Step" to the ultimate Plan. Does that make sense? No, the puzzle isn't solved and there is no grande resolution I have come to. But with each step forward I become more at peace with knowing I am on the right track and am getting there.

So during this time of waiting the past couple of days, while people were praying like crazy for me, I stumbled upon this movie--Soul Surfer. And God spoke to me through the movie and it is something He made very clear I was to share with you guys. There is a part in the movie, after Bethany has lost her arm and she is in a huge competition with some very tough competitors, that her dad pulls her aside to give her some advice. He tells her that if you fight to race the other girls to every wave it is just going to wear her out and kill her energy. So he tells her "YOU know those moments between sets when it's quiet, and the waves haven't even formed yet, it's just energy surging through the water? That's the time to be PATIENT...LISTEN...and TRUST. You'll know."

Wow! What powerful words that spoke directly to my heart and where I am at in my life right now. During the in between times, the lulls, the transitioning of seasons---there is a very distinct energy I feel. It feels like every molecule in my body moves a little bit quicker in anticipation of the next move of the One who created them. They (the molecules) always feel it before I do. And sometimes it takes me a few days to recognize the feeling and come to the understanding that something is about to happen. When Tim Hamilton told his daughter that about the waves, I could completely relate. But what's even more important than relating to it, is what happens in the second part of his advice. He didn't tell her to feel the energy and go for it. He said that is the time to be patient, to listen ,and to trust. And then you will know.

Many times in our lives we have to wait on God for something or another, for me it is always clarity about a life-decision which comes from anxiety of not knowing the bigger plan. Even during bad times, sometimes we have to sit in it and wait on Him to rescue us. We might feel that energy surging through us, knowing something is about to happen, but it doesn't necessarily mean ACT NOW. More often the not it means, "Wait on Me, My beloved. For I know the plans I have for you and they are plans of good and not of evil. Plans to give you a hope and a future. So rest assured that when you put your hope and faith in me, all will be revealed in My perfect timing." (of course I am paraphrasing here but at various moments in scripture God says ALL of this to us!)

What's even better about God speaking to me through this moment, is what happened while I was watching the movie. I got a call from someone who works with an organization I am very passionate about in Africa which rescues trafficked and enslaved children and offers them a better life. She asked me if I would be interested in going to Africa to tutor some of these kids. I couldn't believe that this was happening after the couple of days I have had pondering what to do in my life. It was horribly perfect timing, horrible because of the gabillion commitments I have this fall, and perfect because I know it was of God--and His perfect timing and will for my life will win above all earthly obligations I have.

So what now, I ask? I am in that moment where I feel I'm sitting on a surfboard in the middle of the ocean, feeling the molecules in the water speed up because of the energy of a huge wave that's on the horizon. A wave I can't even see yet, but that I have to trust I KNOW is there. And I wait. I pray...ALOT! And, I wait for God to send me that burning bush and say "this is it." I feel like when I am suppsed to see the wave, when I am supposed to know the next step in the plan, I will just....KNOW!

If you feel the energy in your life right now, like there is a 'next move' on the horizon you just don't know what it is--then know for one, you are not alone. Not just because I am feeling it too but because God NEVER leaves us sitting on a surfboard in the middle of the ocean. And two, I encourage you to trust God...and wait, for His perfect timing. Easier said than done, trust me I know. But maybe if we are all doing it together we can support one another in another step and another way of bringing the kingdom of Heaven on earth as brothers and sisters in Christ.

In Him,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do You Trust Me??

Being a drama teacher as well as a student of communications one thing I teach (and continue learning about everyday) is the power of body language. Body language is a tool that helps us send a message even when we are not verbally speaking. Slanted eyebrows typically means we are mad or angry about something whereas eyebrows raised high usually means we are surprised or shocked about something. Pouting lips means we are sad, folded arms means we are gaurded, fidgets of any kind usually mean we are anxious or nervous about something...even the direction of our eyeballs when speaking can tell our audience (or the recievers of the message) whether we are fabricating our story (aka LYING!). I find it amusing too that not all gestures mean the same thing! Where waving means hello, high five means familiarity with another person, and fist pumping all mean something very specific in the US they may mean completely different things in other parts of the world.
The reason I am bringing this up is because of a movie I was watching tonight (and this blog may be a big ferris wheel of blabber but I promise, you will come back down to the bottom and hopefully have caught on to the point after you've had the chance to see the message from several different vantage points!) The movie I was watching was the huge box office tear jerker "TITANIC". During one of the first initial scenes the character of Rose is attempting to fling herself off of the huge ship. Here she has her first encounter with Jack Dawson. He rescues her so to speak by holding out his hand and asking her to TRUST HIM. She takes his hand and clearly does not fall off the ship (or that would have been one short movie and none of us would ever have known what happened on that big boat!) Anyway, after this scene I said so clearly in my own head that it could have possibly been verbal "I wish I had a guy who loved me this much that I could trust with my life." And do you know what I heard back? "YOU DO"---WHOA! What a slap on my forehead, Homer Simpson DOHH!, kind of moment. DUH! I DO have someone who loves me that much! But what about the second part? The part where I trust Him with my whole life?? (If you haven't caught on by now I am talking about God)
While letting that question sink in, I found myself semi-busy doing other things while the movie was going but EVERYTIME I came back in, it was at a part where Jack Dawson was holding his hand out to Rose asking her "DO YOU TRUST ME?" And everytime, with little or no hesitation she grabbed it and followed him, or grabbed it and held on, or grabbed it and truly just trusted that he knew what was best, and he was going to get them out of whatever situation they were in (be it running from the cops on the ship, or holding on for dear life when the ship sinks. Oh yes--SPOILER ALERT! :))
I dated a man once who in the beginning asked me to trust him this same way. To hold on with everything that I had, and to never let go. And that even if we went down with the ship, or found ourselves amidst a terrible stormy sea that is trying to suck us down under, that it would be "us against the world". What a wonderful offer huh? To not only on our own accord trust someone that much but for someone to love you so much they are willing to BE trusted that much by you because they will fight to the death for that love, is powerful. However, there was something wrong with that mentality. (And in any dynamic with anybody I think there will ALWAYS be something wrong with that type of situation).
When we trust in other people that way, or a singular other person, our need for God to be our Rescuer starts to diminish. And when that need diminishes, we start feeling like we don't need Him at all in any area of our lives. I took a philosophy of love class in college where we talked about the origins of love. (Roughly I am going to try and remember that now.) Basically there were these things walking around called "kegpeople" which were 2 people (or beings rather) attached as one. Their insides and outsides fit together, they wrapped around each other, and this was "LOVE". Well, since the kegpeople had all that they needed within their singular unit, it made the gods mad, because they were no longer being worshipped by the kegpeople. So one of the gods (with the lightning bolts) took a pair of lightning bolt scissors and cut the keg people in half. Then the god of storm or wind or something (clearly it's been a while since I have had this class haha) blew all of the keg people to the four corners of the earth. What happened after that is that these keg people would spend the rest of their lives LOOKING for their other half. Some would search forever and never find the other person and end up alone. Others would link together with another keg person whom they never originally "fit" with and because they were mismatched and wouldn't fit together, all they could do is wrap their arms around the other person, and wilt and die! (Isn't this so sad!?). This is also referred to sometimes as the "soulmate" theory. So back to my point--I feel like when we look at other people as our other half, our missing piece, our soulmate, our "you complete me" jerry maguire boyfriend--we miss out on feeling that way towards GOD.
If anyone in your life is going to be your "Jack Dawson" it needs to be God. He is always there, extending His hand to us, asking us to trust Him, and waiting for us to truly surrender to His plan. And when we do, trust and surrender, He takes us on an AMAZING journey that we never would have been on otherwise. Rose found herself ready to jump off of a boat in freezing degree water in the middle of nowhere rather than go back to her predictably controlled boring safe and dissatisfying life. But when she found Jack Dawson, and made the choice to take his hand every single time he extended it to her, to trust him and follow him, letting him lead and make choices, letting him protect her and love her and therefore in return, showing him her love for him as well, she found herself on a wild, and exciting ride-where only her wildest dreams were coming true!
So often we find ourselves faced with the dilemma of taking God's hand and fully trusting, or taking God's hand and maybe not really trusting at all. Sometimes we even look at God's extended hand and say "Um, God, could you like, hold on a sec? Let me try it MY way and if it doesn't work I'll come right back." Imagine if you were Rose and God was Jack Dawson. Picture that love, that passion, that desire to be with us always and protect us and love us and lead us in our lives. Would you as Rose EVER say no to dreamy eyed, handsome, and romantic Jack Dawson (aka Leo DiCapprio) when he extends his hand to you? So why do we say no when God steps in the picture and extends his hand to us? Remember, God is the CREATOR of the heart-therefore He is the ULTIMATE Romancer of it, because He knows the ends and outs! It would be like trying to play World of Warcraft with it's creator, expecting him not to be any good at it so attempting to play like the top ranked in the world instead, make sense? Hello!? He CREATED the game! (sorry, that was a very random analogy that popped into my head JUST IN CASE I had any male audience on this blog!)
I started the blog talking about body language, and facial expressions, and finally gestures. The single most important gesture in capturing a woman's heart is going to be the extension of the hand which always makes the statement "you taking my hand means you trust me-- trust in where I will lead you, trust me in how I'll love you, trust that I will protect you." Sure, it is a WONDERFUL idea to also trust your husband in this same way. But ladies, God created marriage to be glorified and for it to mirror the relationship He has with us. So don't you think you should trust and surrender to God in this intense way by taking His extended hand before you try and add a man in the picture? With no model, you won't know how to do it. That simple.
So I guess specifically I am talking to ladies again here. We ask for chocolates, we ask for diamonds, we ask for kids, we ask for love, we ask for time, we ask for attention, we ask for .....someone to extend their hand to us, so that we are ABLE then to surrender, being free from all control, to fall into the arms of true LOVE that surrounds us so much that we feel our heart might explode. Well, God is waiting and wanting to do that for us right now. His hand is always extended. What will we choose to do with it?
In Him,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eve Wasn't the Only One to Bite an Apple....

I am a musical theater and drama teacher at a non-profit organization called the Foundation of Arts. I absolutely love my job! Love it so much in fact that I started doing private drama lessons for kids who are interested. The way I set up my private lessons is getting kids to display a variety of emotion and explore the behavior patterns of different types of characters.
One of my kids, miss Caroline, decided to pick a Princess song and a Villain song, in order to best learn about the characterization that goes into each part! The first song we learned was from the movie Enchanted, and it was a breeze! The song is fun and light and cheery! And princess characterization came very simple to her. We talked about princess hands, and princess voice, and different types of princess emotion (and showing them on our face in a princess-like way of course!). We learned how to float around the room like a cartoon princess, and dance with our invisible prince! We did exercises in our minds to explore what it feels like to be somewhere fun and exciting and familiar and then be lost and lonely and somewhere you didn't recognize (to truly deepen the understanding of this particular character!) All of which was a success!
Next it was time to move on to the VILLAN song. We learned about villain faces, villain mannerisms, down to villain-like gestures. We worked on an evil laugh and evil walking and evil dancing! Lastly, I had Caroline come up with her villain. What the villain would look like and sound like. It's magic powers and menions. Down to an even deeper level of WHY is this villain so evil, what happened to him/her in their past to make them so angry and evil and all other sorts of villain emotions. When it was time to deliver her villain, I noticed some very interesting things mentioned. Caroline talked alot and used alot of the allotted time to talk about the things SURROUNDING her villain. Crystal ball, evil menions, magic door, evil sounds, magic mirror, evil cloak--things like that! And it hit me, villains are surrounded by evil--but without their magic gadgets and sidekicks and spellbooks and cauldrons and fill in the blank--they would have no power....and in fact, might not even be evil at all.
I have wanted to write a blog about this for the past several weeks, since it happened. But wasn't sure where it was going until now. It has been heavy on my mind tonight and went off like a lightbulb DING! SPIRITUAL WARFARE!
If you have never read Frank Peretti's books This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness, then oh should! He writes these books from the perspectives of his human characters, his demon characters, and his angel characters. The way he portrays spiritual warfare is by naming these demons sinful chains we as humans cannot let go of. For example, one demon might be called Jealousy and the Jealousy demon might link herself around the ankle of some woman. Of course, we as humans don't see them but often times we know they are there, because we enter into contracts with them which is why they are allowed to stay. Does that make sense? Of course there are things we can do to break these contracts, one being prayer and crying out to God to give us strength to release us from bondage-only then do the angel characters get to come in and rid us of all these little demons hanging around! This book reminds me of Caroline's villain lessons!
What if we were to compare and contrast cartoon villains to real life spiritual warfare. It might look something like this. In the Little Mermaid, Ursula had two menions )which enabled her to carry out her dirty work): Flotsom and Jetsom. In real life, those menions might look something like Materialism and Greed. In Tangled, the witch's only true power lie in Rapunzel's glowing hair. Without it, she was nothing. In real life, the magic hair that gives power might look something like Addiction, which leaves those it attaches to feeling very powerful. In Snow White, the witch had to rely on a mirror to gain all of her wisdom and insight. Just like in real life how we might have, Dependency or Approval Seeking demons hanging around us so that we might seek what we think is truth, but is really just other people's opinions about us.
If you recall in Genesis, Eve was decieved by a serpent and ate the apple, and sin entered the world. But she wasn't the only one to eat an apple was she? Literally speaking Snow White also ate of an apple, because she was decieved by a witch who was evil because of the things that she had which made her that way (mirror, cauldron, menions). Figuratively speaking, Ariel "ate an apple" when she believed in Ursula's power and went to the sea witch to become a human. Little Red Ridinghood "ate an apple" so to speak, when she let the wolf persuade her into breaking her mother's rules, rules that very clearly stated not to stop and talk to strangers.
When we break rules or stray off the marked path, we are so much easier decieved by the evil in this world. And sometimes, when we get decieved so many times, we enter into these spiritual contracts with "villain things" in another world we can not see. And after entering into those contracts then WE become the villains, who are manipulated and controlled by evil. Then we start decieving others and throwing out apples at people around us and the horrible cycle never ends! This is what happens in, divorces, abortions, premarital sex, drug addiction, stealing, murder, adultry, and the list goes on and on and on and on. Someone takes an apple, bites an apple, then becomes the apple giver.
So what do we do to stop the cycle? I feel like we pray for God to give us strength so we stop waking up everyday and accepting the apple. We instead wakeup and seek His face. We immerse ourselves in His holy Word so that we learn the character of Him and His holy angels, so we recognize when something is of Him and when it is not. We study those who have gone before us and screwed up, and when we find out what apples they took and ate we commit to making better choices. And finally, we stop giving others our apples too--meaning, we stop pressuring our girlfriend to have sex with us, we stop blaming all of our marital problems on our husbands/wives, we stop using guilt as a motivator in our relationships, we stop selling drugs to people we see floundering in drug addiction, we stop asking our alcoholic friends to go out for drinks on the weekends, we stop and think for a minute before every action we take--"what would I feel like if someone was treating me this way? or doing THIS to me? Or what if I were in their shoes?"
It is so easy to get bogged down in the Jealousy, Hatred, Anger, Lust, Seduction, Complacency, Greedy, (and so many more) demons that satan uses to attack us. But we belong to a Heavenly father who has already won the battler of good and evil for us. So, you just have to wakeup and make the choice. Are you going to be a villain? Are you going to give an apple? Are you going to be a victim and make the choice to take an apple? Or are you going to break free from the cycle, and decide to walk in the light as the true prince or princess that God has created you to be?
In Him,