Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Humble Elf

So this week has been interestingly stressful. I have been sick with the crud for what seems like forever (but really has only been a week of course) all while trying to prepare for several Christmas performances all happening the same week. Oh yes, and someone tried to break into my house....while I was in there. Needless to say, I was bitten by the stress bug for a while. Well I woke up today after many home remedies, antibiotics, and a new thing of mace, a new woman! I feel like a million bucks compared to last week!

Of course in our moments of "light at the end of the tunnel" the Lord loves to show us our behavior while in that dark tunnel and heal us from the mechanisms that have trained us to respond and react the way that we do in life situations. So in the Elf on the Shelf Spirit, the Lord has sent me Humble. Humble is magical creature with the ability to show you error in a situation. Especially a situation where you behaved the same way you might have judged someone else in that situation for.

Over the weekend I performed at a Christmas production my church was having to celebrate the season with one another. It's a time of joyous celebration, eating, entertainment--the works. Well, during the festivities a great friend of mine seemed to be having a miserable time. Everything about her demeanor, her attitude, remarks even, showed she was ready to go home before it ever started. Now, I almost said something to her even. About her hateful comments and unnecessary attitude because those around her were a little intimidated as well as pretty shocked. However, I did not say anything in hopes to diffuse a potential blow up.

So with Humble the elf around there are not many situations like that, that go unnoticed and untaught (in terms of a lesson I clearly need to learn as well). Tonight was one of my rehearsals for the Christmas show I am in and be it 3 days before opening night everyone was on edge. It's hard to remember to be kind and joyous and energetic and compassionate when crammed on stage with 50 other people all awaiting cues and moving props and lugging set pieces and a million other things going on. I have been counting my blessings that I am only singing and in a small enough role I never dreamt I would stress about it. Well I get out there and what do I do? Complain! The music wasn't loud enough so I couldn't hear my cues; nobody knew who was to carry mics and who was to get which one; choreography had to change on the fly to accommodate the mic situation. And I just lost all manners, acting like it was a huge deal when it's not at all. We are literally the tiniest part of this show and I complained about a mic stand!! Haha it's so ridiculous when I think about it now. And immediately I thought of my friend on Sunday. And how she reacted in a very similar way under stress to what was supposed to have been a fun stress free joyous situation.

So what I think Humble is trying to teach me more than just humility is also that we are filled with the Holy Spirit and representatives of Christ. And when we act entitled and complain or raise heck about things that don't matter who are we really showing the world Christ is? Being filled with goodness means you are not filled with junk and what comes out of you is a true account for what's in side of you. So I'm aware too of the need and desire to spend more time in the Word and in prayer communicating with God. And also one more thing--being stressed out should never EVER give you a reason to treat another human being like they are less than valued! Ever! So thank you Humble for entering into my life this holiday season and teaching me so many sweet lessons about being more like my precious Savior.

Until next time
In him