There are times in my life, when I pray more genuinely than other times. So often I find myself writing a verbal letter out loud to God. "Dear God, Thank you for this, this and this. I need this, this and this. And would like for this. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for loving me. The end. Amen. That's a wrap." There is little room for the Lord to speak back or move in my heart during moments of prayer that are like this. But for those times, when my prayer is worship and is true genuine communication with the Lord--I find that immediately He is moving. Prayer in the Spirit makes things happen, of this I am certain. The last time I freely prayed in the Spirit I saw angels riding Harley's down the road. This time, some more awesome things happened!
After an intimate and genuine time with the Lord this morning, I felt something stir within me. I could feel instantly something change. The rest of the day, the weirdest most wonderful things happened. If today had a theme it would be called, "Encounters with People the Lord wants you to Meet, Day."
My day after time with the Lord started by getting to rock a sweet, very sick little baby to sleep while singing songs of praise over her to Jesus. There was such a peace in that moment it was as if the Lord was rocking us both. The house where I nanny has a house keeper who comes every Tuesday, and the past few Tuesdays we have chatted briefly about church and about her relationship with the Lord. She told me last week that she wants what I have--the Joy that was inside of me. I knew the Lord was doing something in her heart, but would have never imagined that today she would ask me "What makes you believe in God? What's your story?" It's not too often Christians take the opportunity to invite conversation about God--but after asking Him to move in my life and to use me where I am, He plops a fearless woman into my life who boldly asks Me about the God I serve. AMAZING.
The day went on in the same way--where the Lord was landing me in situations where I felt like people needed encouragement or loved on or just a presence with them. And in SO many of these situations I felt like Meg wasn't there at all but that it was the Lord talking through me. After nannying I went to visit my friend Kate who's been struggling with some extreme life changes she's had since moving to Jonesboro. After that I got to teach some amazing kiddos some really cool things about drama and characterization.
After teaching I had plans to meet one of my students/friends out to eat and on the way there I saw a blind man walking down the street!! YES! A Blind man. At night, On a busy street. With his little cane, walking along the side of the road like it was nothing. And he was probably a good 70 plus years old! I KNEW I was supposed to stop and help him or love on him---I am going to be honest with you, I was very scared to do that. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT I picked up my phone (which I had assumed died hours before that because it had for REAL 3% battery) and it had just enough battery for me to call Police and Fire dispatch to get an officer out that way to find and help the man then DING my phone dies as soon as I tell the operator bye.
At the restaurant Clay (the student/friend) and I had the most wonderful conversation about spiritual gifts and using those to advance the kingdom and love on the world. We also had the SWEETEST little waitress (who also commented on my joy haha) and I KNEW she needed a pick me up---I could just feel it in my spirit. I was so happy that Clay and I were there to love on her.
On the drive home, I replayed the events of the day and how amazingly faithful God is to put us in situations where we are used by Him. But more importantly I thought to myself "does this happen everyday and I just....miss it?" Yes. The answer is yes. We encounter people and situations every single day that require us to be the light of the world. But our busy-ness gets in the way! Today, God gave me the eyes to see and notice things that I would normally miss....and WOW, my cup runneth OVER with joy. It is so wonderful to feel so intimately connected to the Lord in the small ways of just knowing He is there guiding and using you in your everyday life. A life that may seem busy or chaotic or boring or what have you. He is still there, still using us. We just have to open our hearts and open our minds, and we will find him.
Seek me with your whole heart and you will find me says the Lord. I will be found by you.
I hope you feel the joy through this blog because it is pouring out of my face right now! Sleep well. Be encouraged Beloved.
In Him,