Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Full Moon Brings out the Craziness!


I come to you humbly seeking truth. I feel persecuted for my faith and for the decision I have made to not only "follow" You in theory but to genuinely and actively follow You. I make the decision everyday to seek Your face and everyday You show it to me, guiding me and teaching me in new ways constantly. Where some may say I am "immature in faith" I know the Truth, and that Truth is that I have intimately grown closer to You and more in love with You than most "Christians" ever will-and for that I pray. I pray thanks, for revealing Yourself to me when I ask and for rescuing me when I call. And I pray for them, pray that You break their heart dear Lord to what is TRUE and what is of YOU. Guard them from the lies and the drama of the enemy, God-for we know that he will go to all necessary measures to ensure the breaking of a family and the breaking of relationships. I pray for protection over them God as they willingly choose to listen to and believe the lies of the enemy. I pray for strength for us all as we combat the evil one and his deceit. May we all as Christians recognize the difference in following our feelings versus following our faith and see that often times when we think we are following faith it is in turn our emotions, emotions which are unguarded to the devil who uses our fleshly nature to trick us and manipulate us into turning against what we KNOW is right. God this gossip and drama and back stabbing and manipulation is not only ruining our families but ruining our churches and I pray for those groups of people as well. I lift them up to You my God and ask for Peace, for any and all who might be involved in the splitting up of a church or who has ever been a part of the splitting up of a church. I have seen the product of this in an ugly and unholy way God and I beg for protection over those who are victims in any wrong-doing and I beg for the eyes and hearts and minds of those in charge of the wrong-doing to be opened. Let them see that when we attack other Christians we are ultimately attacking You. I heard a statistic tonight that 80 percent of Americans call themselves "Christians" and Lord, for the oh 50 plus percent of those claiming that right as truth I beg that you break their hearts. Break their hearts Papa so they see that being a Christian goes above and beyond owning a Bible or attending church. It should reach far beyond the boarder of our churches and far beyond the boarder of our homes. Being a Christian is constantly seeking Truth and looking for ways to bring the kingdom of Heaven on earth. It isn't getting baptized as a transaction so you won't go to hell-it is knowing that you are saved by the blood of the most precious Lamb and recognizing what that truly means. And God I want that so bad for those who don't know it or don't see it. I want that so badly for those who claim it but aren't living it. This world is hard enough as it is, but to turn around and be crucified by those who are supposed to love you is not fun. Tonight I was called a liar, over something I did not lie about. And it hurt very, very badly. All we have and leave in this world is our name, and when our name is tainted by lies and false sucks. God I cry out to You now, like I have all night, and ask you to reveal the TRUTH in not only my situation but in situations like mine that are happening all over the world right now. You have already won this battle, the battle of good and evil, for us, so I ask You tonight as my Prince and as the Rescuer of my soul, please show up for me and fight tonight. Send Your heavenly armies to protect those being manipulated by evil and FIGHT. I love you so much God, and am beyond thankful for Your mercy which is new every single morning I wake up. I am so thankful for Your love, which is unlike any other Love I have EVER known. And I am thankful for your FAITHFULNESS. I know that You hear my prayer and will respond. Please forgive me for where I have failed You, and thank you for revealing to me constantly where I fall short in Your sight. It's hard sometimes to get reprimanded but without discipline there is no learning, and without learning there is nothing but a world full of broken angry sinners repeating the same mistakes over and over again. I love you so much Papa and it's in Your Precious Son's name that I pray