Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas is Coming and We are Getting Fat

There is no topic for this blog except, My Life.

Today was such a relaxing day. I got to eat lunch with my best friend, and have amazing conversation. We talked for hours about the future, our dreams, our goals, and it was nice to be able to say them out loud to someone who will understand them. Saying them outloud is enough to get that weight off of your chest, the weight that comes with trying to make it all happen. Then I drove around town wondering what to do, I just knew it was going to be one of those dull days where the whole day seems to last forever and you have absolutely nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nothing to look forward to. So I found a movie I wanted to see, had an hour to kill, and went to Books A Million to do some Christmas shopping (yes I know, it's a bit early, but my aunt and cousin got our tree up this morning and it was nakey on bottom). They were having an amazing sale, 1dollar books, 5dollar games, and some things were 10-30% off. I wiped out one side of my family in that one hour visit. My favorite thing in the world to do (other then shopping for myself) is picking our the perfect presents for people. It gives me a high that I cant even begin to explain. It feels like the whole world falls into place, I dont have a care in the world, and my insides are at complete 100% peace....(hey....Ill take it). I decided against the movie after all the shopping so headed home. My aunt, uncle, and cousin had been decorating for Christmas all morning while I was gone (so coming home with Christmas presents, to a festive house sent my holiday spirits soaring). I grabbed up my cousin and took off to walmart to get bags, wrapping paper, Christmas butter cookies, the works!! (yes, we were there for gift wrapping items...yes, the buttercookies jumped into our cart without our knowledge and totally ended up coming home with us...whoops). By the time we got home from Wal-Mart, it was dark, and our Christmas lights were shining from a mile away. It was beautiful, and instantly put us both in the mood for Christmas to get here. My aunt and uncle had some people over so we cooked tons of good food, drank some wine, and watched Christmas movies. At the end of the night I layed in bed with my cousin and made out our lists of presents to buy everyone. We are chompin at the bit for this weekends extravaganza to make its way into our schedules (and wallets). For it's official....Christmas Time is Here.



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